I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 270: Officially awesome! A fine of 60 billion yuan! The whole network is boiling! (seeking f

Su Ming didn't care about this.

The tuba has been searched for once, and it doesn't matter if I look for the trumpet again.

Anyway, Su Ming didn't intend to reveal his real body, so he didn't care at all.

Just as Su Ming was thinking about it, Liu Gui suddenly said with emotion.

"Brother Su, you said that this makes you sleepless, not a good pen? It forced the penguin to this point!"

"Even the officials have come forward, and the official media are also criticizing. It is the great god, so far there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Brother Su." Looking at Su Ming, Liu Gui envied.

"If we have half the strength of a great god, that would be so fragrant!"

"The Internet world, don't you let me travel?"

While talking, Liu Gui smirked happily.

It seems that some ulterior secrets have been thought of.

Su Ming said casually: "Don't think about it so much, but think about the campus friendly match of the Internet Security Competition in a few days' time!"

If "you can't even make it through the friendly match, don't mention other things."

Hearing this, the excitement on Liu Gui's face suddenly flared up, and the whole person was a little bit frustrated.

Ideals are beautiful, and reality is the backbone.

After recognizing the reality, Liu Gui was no longer so vigilant.

Brother Su "You are right. If you can't even get a decent ranking in the campus friendly game in a few days' time, everything you say is a delusion."

"Of course, let alone the top ten, the top one hundred is probably difficult."

Su Ming smiled and did not speak.

For Liu Gui, this is a trial, and there is no need to intervene, just watch the changes.

Besides, the Military Aircraft Department has to let it be a judge on its own! Can't it be an athlete and a judge again, right?

Of course, because he and Sun Xiangxiang helped him and Xu Tingxue in assists, it was not difficult for Liu Gui to get a low ranking.

After making a decision in his heart, Su Ming patted Liu Gui on the shoulder, comforting.

"Work hard, the problem is not big!"

While the two were chatting, the crowd of students gathered together kept uttering exclamations.

"Oh my God! This time, the official is too strong!

"Hahaha! Exciting, exciting! Punish me severely! Punish to death!"

"The worst defeat in penguin history!

Listening to these voices, Su Ming and Liu Gui looked at each other, and they could see the difference in the eyes of each other.

Penguin, something happened again?

This is too unlucky!

One crop after another, you can't stop at all.

So the two leaned over, squeezed into the crowd, and looked inward.

After reading it, Liu Gui froze.

It turned out that the four major bureaus faced the entire network and jointly issued an announcement!

"The Internet industry has never been an extra-legal place for anti-monopoly--Announcement of Nanshan Pizza Hut's investigation results!"

"Recently, after receiving a report from a mysterious netizen," we conducted a comprehensive investigation of Nanshan Pizza Hut. The results confirmed that many apps under Nanshan Pizza Hut had many violations and illegal behaviors during their operation!"

"The four major bureaus of Tianshang Anti-Monopoly Administration, Internet Bureau, Anti-Unfair Competition Enforcement Administration, and Beijing Price Supervision Administration jointly formed a special investigation team and stationed in the Nanshan Pizza Hut headquarters in Shenzhen. Investigate the relevant persons in charge. , Extract relevant evidence materials!"

"After several days in a row, the commissioners of the four major bureaus interviewed the relevant responsible persons twice. We found that Nanshan Pizza Hut had many internal problems, which were not much different from the evidence provided by "mysterious netizens."

For example, ": The corporate governance mechanism is not sound... Use the dominant position in the market to exclude inter-industry operators; damage the legitimate rights and interests of users and cause user complaints...

"According to the latest regulations of the Tianchao Anti-Monopoly Law, we have ordered Penguin to stop illegal activities and confiscated related income!"


"Make a corresponding fine!

"According to the Anti-Monopoly Law of the Celestial Dynasty: Violation of relevant regulations, the fine is 1% to 10% of the total annual sales of Nanshan Pizza Hut in the previous year as a fine! According to our investigation results, we will impose a fine of 10% on Penguins! "

"Finally, we are here to inform all the Internet giants of Tianchao. The attitude of Tianchao to encourage and support Internet companies has not changed! The investigation of Nanshan Pizza Hut is to better regulate and develop the Internet! To guide and promote its healthy development, for Make greater contributions to high-quality economic development.

"The new "Anti-Monopoly Law of the Heavenly Dynasty" was promulgated. Nanshan Pizza Hut was the first Internet giant to be severely punished! We sincerely hope that it is the first and last one!"

"Hope, this incident can sound the alarm for all Internet giants.

"Four big situations, joint signature!"

From the beginning to the end, Su Ming's expression remained the same, but his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

This passage did not mention myself from beginning to end.

However, the "report based on relevant netizens" and the excluded peers are not talking about themselves?

Good guy, obviously he accidentally contributed to this incident.

As a result, he was secretly shown favor and asylum by the official.

Thinking of this, Su Ming chuckled and said secretly: Everyone is full of surprises.

With the appearance of this announcement, the whole network is boiling.

Waiting for a long time, "For so long, I finally waited for the official punishment result! It's so happy! Hahaha!"

"Look at it, the official is the official. This hand knocks the mountain and shakes the tiger, and the Internet giant is trembling!"

"Actually, what I am curious about is whether this so-called "netizen report" refers to us or the great god who makes you sleepless?"

"On the third floor, don't look at yourself too high! Think about it with your toes, and you can know who it is! Just ask, do you deserve it? (狗头保命.jpg)

"Just saw the penguin because of the poor you're plug-in incident. In just a few days, the total market value has evaporated at around 700 billion! Now I have received an official fine. I see that I am hooked! How many years, God's It made you sleepless and fulfilled the long-cherished wish of thousands of netizens!"

In contrast, "What I care about is, (Li Li's) how much does the big guy know about Penguin’s total sales last year? A fine of 10% shouldn’t be low, right? More than two billion, right?

This issue quickly caused a lot of heated discussions among netizens.

It didn't take long for a veteran in the industry to break out a piece of news.

"According to the Nasque Index, Penguin's financial report income last year was around 60-650 billion! I don't know if there is any income that has been exposed. So, this 10%, everyone knows what it is.

At the point of this news, netizens have straightened their eyes.

"600-650 billion! Just calculate the minimum 600 billion, 10%, that's 60 billion! Mom, a fine of 60 billion at a time! Thinking about it is exciting!!

"I just thought that 10% is only a dozen or two billion. Sure enough, poverty limits my imagination! I was wrong!"

"The president of the company said: I'm already crying in the toilet!"

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