I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 276: Su Ming's shot, pointing teacher Zhou!

This pit, in severe cases, can ruin McPeggy!

Even if he is lucky, he will be deep in the mud and trouble constantly!

With the suspicious character of the leader, once this incident is exposed, McPee will no longer be reused by the leader.

In the end, he will be excluded from the right center of a free country!

This is the price he paid for provoking and slandering the celestial dynasty in the international community every day.

Of course, he didn't know all this.

At this moment, he was still anxiously waiting for the results to come out.

On the other side, Maser is also quickly preparing the details of the separation plan, striving to make Su Ming stink in one fell swoop.

If this does not work, they have also prepared a follow-up backup plan.

The purpose is clear, and there are many plans!

For a time, the undercurrent of the international situation was raging. Countless information was sent from the secret base to many places in the sky.

Those who received the information were not afraid, but rather excited.

Because this is their free country calling them! Let them show their loyalty to the free country!

Moreover, the other party said clearly.

Once this is done, give the free country a special green card directly!

Let them have the identity of a free country!

For these people who are rebellious, it is a supreme honor to have the status of 550 free countries.

They are eager!

The sweet air, the lines of "beautiful scenery, attract them all the time!"

Therefore, they secretly vowed that they must do this well!

The conspiracy of the free country is not known to the nations, nor to the Military Aircraft Department, nor to Su Ming.

At this moment, Su Ming is still in the classroom to visit Teacher Zhou's actual combat drill.

I don't know that the intelligence agencies of the two major powers in the world have been secretly rushing forward for his affairs.

Teacher Zhou selected a student and used his computer as the experimental object. In fact, the other party took the initiative to ask for it.

For a while, all the students watched quietly, waiting for the result.

Teacher Zhou clashed on the keyboard on the bank, and the heart of the student who applied for it had been hanging in the air, both excited and nervous.

Liu Gui, who was on the side, leaned over, looked at with a smirk, and asked in a low voice: "Zhang An, you can honestly explain, are there any action movies on the computer?

"Am I this kind of person! I'm a schoolmaster!"

Zhang An was very dissatisfied and said: "I am determined to become a character like the anchor!"

"Why would you watch that kind of action movie?"


Liu Gui looked ashamed.

"Are you still a man? I was worried about you at first! It's boring!"

Turning his head, he looked at Su Ming and said, "This kid Zhang An is boring. I still think that after Teacher Zhou breaks his computer, let's watch a good show!"

Su Ming opened his mouth and said nothing.

Time passed quietly.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

In the originally silent classroom, there was more discussion.

"You said, will Teacher Zhou succeed?"

"It will definitely succeed! If it doesn't succeed, Teacher Zhou will not praise this Haikou!

"That's right! Teacher Zhou is, after all, a relatively young associate professor in our school. He has cultivated many outstanding graduate students, and his strength must be no problem!"

"Ms. Zhou, we don't need to worry, let's worry about the action movies on Zhang An's computer. Hehe.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Zhang An explained very dissatisfied.

"I am determined to become a character like the anchor. The computer is absolutely clean!"

"Moreover, I specially researched the knowledge of network security and read the books of many industry leaders! So I think it is not easy for Teacher Zhou to invade my computer!"

Listening to Zhang An's explanation, many students put their thumbs up one after another.

"Good guy, I said why Zhang An took the initiative to apply to participate in the experiment! Turns out to be a ruthless character!"

"Niubi, Zhang An! You can't tell, you have a lot of routines.

"If Teacher Zhou can't crack it, then (dacd) will be embarrassed."

Su Ming listened in the sidelines and didn't pay much attention.

His eyes were always fixed on the projector in the classroom.

This time, Teacher Zhou showed it to the whole class in real time through a projector. Let the students see each step of his operation clearly, which is the purpose of his experiment.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zhang An, such a chicken thief, would have been prepared for a long time, which brought some obstacles to his plan.

Su Ming quietly watched Teacher Zhou operate over there, and the dazzling operation in the eyes of outsiders was a little simple and easy in Su Ming's eyes.

If you change it to him, it will be done soon.

Hand speed, vision, and technology determine everything.

Time passed quietly, and finally, twenty-five minutes passed.

Teacher Zhou's expression remained the same, but his heart was secretly anxious.

Before Zhang An took the initiative to invite Ying, he still thought it was a good thing! Now it seems that this is deliberately causing him a problem!

It's not that he can't break it, but it takes some time!

It is teaching time right now, and if too much time is wasted, it will be disadvantageous to the subsequent teaching.

"Zhang An, Zhang An, you have a problem for me.

Teacher Zhou sighed inwardly.

He cracked it as always, and did not reveal the slightest abnormality, nor did the students see the abnormality.

But Su Ming saw it through his technique.

Teacher Zhou, a little anxious!

If Teacher Zhou can calm down, there will be several opportunities ahead and he won't be missed.

"Do you want to help him?"

Su Ming thought secretly in his heart.

After hesitating, he still felt to remind Teacher Zhou a little bit.

Of course, he did not intend to remind directly.

Ever since, he joined those student discussions and said.

"Have you watched the anchor's live broadcast before?"

Those students said with helpless emotion.

"Just kidding! I've watched it several times! It's amazing!

"Don't mention it, I can't learn it after reading it! And there are many key operations of the anchor, we can't see it!"

"Don't say you can't see it, you can't learn it if you see it!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Su Ming said with a reminiscence.

"I remember the anchor showed us a little hand when he invaded the backstage of the bib!"

"I remember how he got here? It doesn't seem to attack the firewall directly, but through a virtual link, grafted bbs, and then penetrated, and then it became!"

"It's incredible!

Those students also said with emotion.

"Yes! It's incredible!

"Uh, I didn't pay attention at the time! It seems like this."

After hearing Su Ming's words, Teacher Zhou's brain suddenly flashed!

There is a feeling of divine enlightenment.

"Why didn't I expect it!"

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