I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 277: Teacher Zhou's gratitude! Accept Su Ming as a closed disciple? (please complete th

After all, he is an associate professor. Under Su Ming's intentional hint, he quickly reacted.

At this moment, Teacher Zhou Mosai suddenly started, and countless thoughts emerged in his mind.

The problem that originally bothered him was solved instantly. The details that were ignored by him are also noticed again.

It can be seen that a smile gradually appeared on Teacher Zhou's face.

Seeing this scene, the students below were all excited.

"Ms. Zhou laughed! There is definitely a situation!"

"Hey, Zhang An, the questions you set for Teacher Zhou seem to be average! They haven't stopped Teacher Zhou for too long."

"Zhang An is a student after all, and Teacher Zhou is an associate professor after all! Apart from anything else, here is his age and experience!

"That's not it! Teacher Zhou walks, he eats more rice than Zhang An!"

Listening to the discussion of those students, Zhang An felt a little nervous in his heart.

If Mr. Zhou can spend nearly half an hour dealing with this matter, it can be seen that he has really learned something.

"Good fellow! According to you, is it possible that the anchor is a horrible old man?"

"Uh... isn't this possible!"

The students responded with some embarrassment.

"Now that the technology is so advanced, voice changers are everywhere! What if!"

"It's really possible!"

Su Ming on the side was speechless as he listened to their own comments.

Why am I becoming seven old eighty?

I am young!

At this moment, Teacher Zhou let out a hearty laugh and said, "It's done!"

Everyone quickly looked at Zhang An's computer.

Sure enough, Zhang An's computer has lost control.

Through the projector, we can see that Teacher Zhou is controlling his computer remotely.

Open folder, close folder, open software, close software...

And Zhang An in front of the computer can only watch, and there is no way.

The mouse can't control the computer at all.

Unless, he forcibly shuts down.

As soon as this idea came out, Teacher Zhou said with a smile.

"Everyone has seen that I can remotely control Zhang An's computer from the podium."

"This is just an ordinary method!"

While talking, Teacher Zhou looked at Zhang An and said.

"Zhang An, you can see that you have some research on this aspect.

"I guess you want to disconnect from me now by turning off the phone?"

Everyone quickly looked at Zhang An, waiting for his answer.

Zhang An nodded stiffly.

"You have a good idea."

Teacher Zhou nodded, approvingly.

"If what you encounter is a normal hacker, it is commonly known as the code kid!"

"These people have average skills and average skills. They can indeed recover their losses to a certain extent by disconnecting the gateway machine.


As soon as the conversation turned, Teacher Zhou mysteriously said, "You can turn it off now and have a try.

Zhang An hesitated and said, "Ms. Zhou, this...

The students on the side quickly persuaded.

"Turn off Zhang An! Teacher Zhou, this is teaching, let's study more!"

"Yes, Zhang An, shut it down! Let's see the strength of Teacher Zhou!"

"Shut down, hurry, hurry!"

"Okay!" Zhang An said helplessly, and then forcibly shut down.

Soon, the computer went blank.

In the classroom, quietly, the students looked at Zhang An's computer while watching the screen on the projector, waiting for the results to appear.

At this time, Teacher Zhou explained.

"It doesn't matter whether it is turned on or turned off!"

"After all, the program is in control!

"Since it is a program, it can be tampered with!"

"In other words, it looks like you are off! You think it is safe, but in fact, danger is everywhere!

"You will never know whether it was a simple Trojan horse virus or a powerful hacker that hacked your computer!"

While talking, Teacher Zhou opened a program in front of everyone.

Everyone looked directly at the screen of the projector.

After a while, Teacher Zhou was done.

"When I controlled your computer before, I installed a control program on your computer!

After the conversation, Teacher Zhou tapped on the keyboard.

Soon, a dialog box popped up on the projector.

【Starting up, please wait...

In the next second, everyone saw it, and Zhang An's computer automatically turned on!

In this scene, everyone's scalp numb!

Shutting down is useless!

Zhang An looked incredible, opened his mouth, and didn't say a word for a long time.


Teacher Zhou explained: "I also went to study it specially after watching the live broadcast of the anchor!

…0 Seeking flowers…

"It's done.

Those students reacted immediately.

That's it.

Since I learned it from the host during the live broadcast, I can understand it.

Fortunately, not all hackers can do this.

"After confirming that the computer is controlled by a hacker, it is best to disconnect the network directly and unplug the computer battery! This is the safest way! For desktop computers, just unplug the power supply."

"Don't worry, this is just a reminder! Really powerful hackers will not attack you.

"But in the school friendly game in a few days, what kind of people you will meet! So, let you have a preparation in your heart!"

After speaking, Teacher Zhou clapped his hands to make everyone come back to their senses.


"Okay, okay! Next, everyone will be divided into 8 groups according to what I said before, each with 4 people."


"I will personally check it for you!

"Start now!

With the order, the students who had long been unable to restrain themselves began to take action.

Liu Guigang was about to call Su Ming to form a team. At this time, Teacher Zhou came over and said, "Su Ming, come out."

"Brother Su, this...

"It's okay, I'll come as soon as I go."

Su Ming strode out.

Outside the door, Teacher Zhou looked at Su Ming with a sincere tone.

"Su Ming, have you studied the live broadcast of the anchor?"

Su Ming explained with a smile: "Yes! The students in the class have all studied."

"That's it."

Teacher Zhou nodded with satisfaction, and said, "But I feel that you have studied more deeply than them."

"Hey, Teacher Zhou, this is purely a hobby.

"It's great to have this hobby! Thanks to your reminder just now, otherwise I would be really anxious."

Teacher Zhou made no secret of his previous mentality.

"Well, are you interested in coming to me to study?"


"I mean, if you can see the problems that ordinary people can't see, it shows that you have the talent in this area!"

Teacher Zhou explained.

"You are only a freshman, and your vision is much higher than that of other students! If you train well, if you continue to hold 156 colleges and universities Internet security competition next year, you can definitely shine!"

Su Ming suddenly, Teacher Zhou is trying to cultivate himself.

This really makes him big,

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