I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 278: Cooperation to make money! Earn 40 million in a small amount! [Happy New Year in the Ye

In the end, Su Ming refused.

Right now he does have a lot of things. In addition to normal class, he also needs to spend time with Xu Tingxue and stare at home decoration.

In addition, he also needs to be a judge of the campus Internet safety competition.

He didn't want to keep himself too busy.

After being rejected by Su Ming, Teacher Zhou seemed rather regretful.

If it hadn't been for Su Ming's inadvertent reminder before, he wouldn't be able to get it done so quickly.

Really "no longer think about it?"

Teacher Zhou persuaded again.

"Ms. Zhou, I have a lot of things right now, and I really can't get out of it!"

"Well, that would be a shame."

Later, Teacher Zhou let Su Ming return to the classroom.

After smoking a cigarette outside the door, he also returned to the classroom.

A few hours later, the bell rang after class.

The students rushed out of the classroom and went to eat in the dining hall.

Su Ming glanced outside and found that Xu Tingxue was already waiting for him at the door. "Five Five Zero"

Walking out, Su Ming looked at Xu Tingxue and said with a smile, "Wait a long time.

Xu Tingxue blushed and whispered, "No! I just arrived.

"Let's go, take you to eat your favorite beef with sour soup at noon!"

With that said, Su Ming naturally took Xu Tingxue's hand.

Sun Xiangxiang and Liu Gui walked behind, Xiang Xiangsun said triumphantly.

"How about it, once I go out, I promise to let your brother come home beautifully!"

"A Gui, how do you plan to thank me." She said, she looked at Liu Gui with a smile.

With that look, I wish I could eat Liu Gui.

Liu Guihu's body was shocked.

He was so familiar with this look.

There is a feeling of soft legs.

"Uh... that huh."

"I remember there is a Forest Music Festival in Pukou tonight. It's open until 10 o'clock. I'll take you there in the evening."

After watching "Music Festival, let's have a barbecue!"

Sun Xiangxiang asked, "What about then?"

"I remember the dormitory closes at 11 o'clock."

"After the barbecue, it may be too late."

Liu Gui sighed in his heart and said: "If you don't come back, you won't come back.

When he finished speaking, he clearly saw a trace of excitement flashing through Sun Xiangxiang's eyes.

Too familiar!

This look is too familiar!

As fierce as a tiger!

Liu Gui said that his legs are very soft now.

In the dining hall, Su Ming walked over with the steaming fat beef in sour soup, Xu Tingxue had already prepared the dishes and chopsticks.

"dinner's ready!

The two of them ate and chatted, seemingly they could not finish talking.

After eating enough, Su Ming sent Xu Tingxue back to the dormitory, and then went back by himself.

Back in the dormitory, Su Ming turned on the hidden system and took a look.

In the background of the bib, there is a dazzling red message reminding.


"I remember turning off the private message to receive reminders."

He said slightly different in his heart, but he opened it quickly and took a look.

Click to open it, and it turned out to be the official email of the administrator from the official bib.

"It turned out to be official news, no wonder."

Previously, Su Ming considered that there must be countless private messages in the bib account, so he turned off the reminder.

Because he simply closed it, the official bib can still display the private message reminder.

Opening the private message and seeing the sincere words in it, Su Ming smiled.

This is a private message from Mr. Zhao.

Mr. Zhao eagerly hopes to have a wave of cooperation with him. In the Poor Die You 2.0 plug-in, the advertisement of the bib will be implanted! And the link of the bib will be connected to it.

In this way, wx users can easily open the bib in wx!

There is no need to copy and paste to send, then copy and paste and then go to the bib to open.

Now is a fast-paced society, and most people are afraid of trouble.

This kind of cumbersome procedures has caused the flow of the bib to drop drastically.

The number of daily activities is falling day by day!

A high-level person came to him in person, which shows that the scarf is still very fancy to him! At least, it can be put down! Instead of just sending a supervisor or manager-level figure.

It can be seen that the bib also attaches great importance to this matter.

"It just so happens that I need to make some money. Since you are the first one to come here, then you will be fulfilled.

With a secret laugh, Su Ming sent a text message to the other party through the virtual account of the network through the contact information left by the other party.

On the other side, Mr. Zhao, who was eating, looked in a trance.

After waiting all morning, I didn't wait for any useful news!

In addition to calling from a friend, it is also a phone number from a friend.

Although their purpose is not clearly stated, it is very clear, and it is the same as Zhao's purpose!

Mr. Zhao is very worried whether those friends and businessmen will contact Su Ming in advance through the backstage of Tieba.

This kind of anxiety has filled his heart for a long time.

Therefore, even though the lunch ordered at noon is very delicious, he has no appetite at all.

After seeing those in charge of the technical department, they asked one after another.

"Mr. Zhao, why don't you eat?"

"Mr. Zhao, have you encountered any problems?"

"Mr. Zhao, is the food wrong with your appetite? How about I help you order another one?"

They thought that Zhao always had the wrong appetite, and they didn't know what Zhao was thinking about.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Mr. Zhao waved his hand, his face was not very good. 0

At this moment, his mobile phone vibrated suddenly.

Mr. Zhao, like a knee-jerk reaction, took out his phone and quickly unlocked it.

He had repeated this action dozens of times in the morning, and it was almost forming a reflex arc.

The text message has only one simple word.


It was this word that made Mr. Zhao's mood suddenly beautiful.


The text messages are anonymous text messages and cannot be tracked.

Therefore, he can almost confirm that this is the message sent by Su Ming.

Depressing his excitement, he returned a message.

Even if he is very sure in his heart, he still needs to confirm and be 100%!

"You just keep you awake?"

[It's me! I saw the private message you sent! I think it's pretty good.


Mr. Zhao let out a long sigh of relief and drew several mouthfuls of dishes.

The directors looked at Mr. Zhao with strange expressions.

After suppressing the excitement in his heart, Mr. Zhao replied.

"That's it, we are willing to invest 30 million yuan as advertising expenses! And sign a contract with you, the contract period is one year! What do you think?"

Seeing the news from the other party, Su Ming was also taken aback.

In his opinion, under normal circumstances, it is only one year's advertising fee, 20 million, which is almost the same.

I don't know, Mr. Zhao gave 30 million as soon as he came up.

This surprised Su Ming a little.

He replied: "30 million?"

Seeing this news, Mr. Zhao's heart was tight.

"Could it be that he is too little?"

30 million is indeed a good 2.3 price.

They directly cooperated with wx at that time, and they gave only 34 million.

Looking at the news, he thought Su Ming was suspicious.

Suddenly, he patted the back of his head.

"It's silly! I'm going to cooperate, express my attitude, and show my sincerity!"

"The chairman said that if I let me bid at will, how can I deduct search results like this?"

Immediately, he replied to Su Ming.

"Sorry, I remembered wrong! The chairman said it was 40 million! My fault."


Su Ming looked dumbfounded.

I'll make sure if it is 30 million. Why did you directly add 10 million to me.

Forget it, since you are sincere and sincere to send the money, then I can hardly agree to it.

"make a deal!

The author is here to give everyone a New Year greeting~ hee hee

I wish you all a happy new year, a happy New Year of the Ox, so arrogant, and your wishes come true!

Ollie give it!,

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