I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 280: Rumors are everywhere! No one can get away! [please order]

If you change to another person, then this matter will definitely be over.

However, the object is Su Ming!

It's the man named by the free country MacPey.

Naturally, this matter will not fall into the water easily.

Originally, this incident was only spread on some unknown websites.

Soon, a large number of netizens came forward and said.

"Let me just say, this guy is sneaky every day, and he is not a good person at first sight! Still fighting the East? It's just a trick to fool children! Anyway, I didn't see it, it's all fake!"

"I also think that this so-called "come to hit me with the ability" is nothing more than speculation on the Internet! I remember that a while ago I could still see someone on the Internet saying that 20 years ago--"

"--Someone inserted the red flag of the Heavenly Dynasty on the official website of the Black Palace of the Free State and was hailed as the number one hacker in the Heavenly Dynasty! Later, countless great gods refuted the rumors and said that this was an unscrupulous gimmick made by the media!"

"That is, letting the whole of the East Ocean fall, and planting a red flag on the Black Palace of the Free Country, these are all tales! It's just those Little Red Riding Hoods who directed and acted themselves! Hahaha! A group of sad netizens were cut off If it's not a dish, I'm cheering for joy!"

"Anyway, I don't believe anything! I suspect that even World War II is fake! What a good country the East is, why do you black them? Jealous of their quality? Remember their achievements? Sad!"

Obviously, these are all known and paid naval forces bought by free nations.

They are washing the ground frantically, wanting to turn the original battle in the East into a self-directed and self-acted farce!

It's as if some public knows are pretending to be confused to wash the ground for the Eastern Invasion of the Celestial War, these people either took the money to do things!

Or, it's just some unsatisfactory life, not good for others. For them, there is no nationality, no sense of honor or disgrace! With the keyboard in hand, the Blue Star belongs to them!

Soon, those righteous netizens appeared.

"This, this is the legendary keyboard man" Qi?"

"Good guy, I call good guys, these people don't even have a brain! Still compare World War II? Why don't you say that you were born to the old man next door? Go back and have a look, maybe you are the old man next door The baby!

"Special! I want me to meet you in reality, and I will dunk you one by one!

"Play and play, don't make jokes about World War II and the anchor! Be careful to burn yourself!"

"Look at it, if this incident disturbs the anchor, you will be pretty! When the time comes, don't cry and beg for mercy!"

"I still remember that female boxing was so arrogant at the time! Dare to slander the anchor, hehe, you guys are delicious!"

"At first glance, I know that this is very similar to the backup plan of the Oriental Elite Plan that the anchor said at the beginning! Although I don't know what forces behind those people are, I know that they are over! The anchor has no room for sand!"

Upstairs, "Awesome! I heard you say that, and I realized it! As I said, those dogs do not jump out early and late, come out this time! Obviously they have ulterior motives!"

"At the beginning, the anchor swindled the money of so many countries, and they will definitely take action after they vacate their hands! It seems that their action has begun! Well, it is a big deal how many times we went on the expedition! Back then, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, I still remember it. !"

"Some people think that online rumors are not responsible! It's a pity, it's a pity that the anchor will let you know that you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense!"

"I don't have anything, I just have more time! I have all those who criticized the anchor and beautified World War II and the East, I have all written down! You guys keep jumping!"

Those righteous netizens angered those two fools one after another.

However, it was useless.

It is unreasonable to talk to them!

What's more, some people still take money to do things!

As long as the money is in place, even their parents can spray!

How many words can I expect to wake them up?

Obviously unrealistic!

Under the impetus of those navy forces with ulterior motives, this matter is constantly expanding its influence.

The storm is spreading towards the entire network.

On the other hand, under the operation of Su Ming, Bib officially launched the "Poor Die You 2.0" plug-in.

Soon, those wx users noticed.

Fortunately, the ads on Su Ming do not affect the user experience. It just gives users who need it, a link that automatically jumps to the scarf!

Moreover, after you upgrade to the 2.0 plug-in, it comes with its own security identification. Those accounts that want to take the opportunity to forward the Trojan horse link will be directly blacklisted.

Improve the user experience from many aspects and avoid the user's property loss.

‘Once you are a poor dead you 2.0 plug-in, after the bib link was put on the shelves, the whole network has received a lot of praise.

I made you sleepless and did a great thing I wanted to do but couldn't do! I love you, God!"

"This is all right, I will forward the bib to my friends in the future, and I will forward it directly without copying and pasting anymore! It greatly improves the practicality!"

"Not bad! I hope the great god will open up a few more channels! I have been a member for a year! As long as I don't open all kinds of VIPs like some unscrupulous apps, I will open VIPs, I will continue to use them!"

"This is an open Internet environment! We use it if we want to use it, and don't use it if we don't want to use it! There is no need to worry about viruses or anything! Great God!"

Su Ming smiled at those beautiful words.

The user gets the experience, the bib gets the traffic, and Su Ming gets the advertising fee!

This is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone!

The pattern of Internet monopoly has begun to disintegrate, and win-win cooperation is the kingly way!!

The news that the bib became the first person to eat crabs was soon known by those Internet giants.

Some general manager (Li Li's), general manager Li looked at the plug-in on the phone, his teeth tickled with anger.

"Mr. Zhao of Damn it! I said why he always declined!"

"Also let me find their chairman!"

"It turns out that they want to get on the ground first! It really succeeded for them! I am so angry!"

Listening to President Li's anger, the faces of other senior officials were ugly.

They strongly suspect that it was President Li's call that prompted the bib to make such a decision to copy!

As a result, they think more and more angry!

"Bibs steal chickens! They are shameless!"

"I still want to go through the channel of the bib, but I didn't expect to be overcast by them! President Li, is there any news on the post?"

"Mr. Li?"

What the audience said, President Li recovered from his anger.

They also have a channel for posting it!

Can continue to contact Su Ming!

"I'm going to find out now!"

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