I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 281: Wx You! Freedom makes the country unable to sleep!

Soon, Mr. Li contacted Mr. Sun, who is in charge of related business in Tieba.

"Mr. Sun, I'm really sorry to disturb you at this point."

President Li was quite polite in front of everyone.

He turned on the amplifier so everyone in the room could hear it.

They held their breath and listened intently, hoping for good news.

"Haha, it turned out to be President Li.

Mr. Sun said with a smile, as if he didn't know the intention of the other party.

"That's Mr. Sun. In the morning, I troubled you with something.

Mr. Li responded with a smile.

"So I want to ask if there is any news on your side."

Hearing these words, Mr. Sun's tone suddenly fell a lot.

"The news."

"The other party didn't reply to me!"

"We are also waiting!"

Mr. Sun is very embarrassed.

Tieba is of the penguin family, and it is also of the penguin family.

Now, they are talking openly on a topic that is very sensitive to Penguins.

In case the penguin knows afterwards, will the ghost know whether it will settle the account after autumn?

Now that the top management is tight, Penguin may not be so brave.

But what about the gust of wind?

Therefore, when they contacted Su Ming, they were very nervous.

I want to grab the traffic of wx, and I am worried about being settled by the penguin! I feel like I have to set up a torii!

Mr. Sun is very complicated.

Because he also wants to open up Su Ming's channel, so that at least after submitting the advertisement, he does not need to worry about being unilaterally closed by Su Ming!

Penguins, but often do this.

There is no meaning to them as partners.

"No contact."

President Li was very disappointed, and the high-level people around him were also very disappointed.

"Mr. Sun, thank you anyway."

"If there is news, let me know! My promise remains unchanged!"

The two chatted with each other and hung up the phone.

Suddenly, the huge office was silent.

The faces of everyone are very ugly.

Slow step by step.

Seeing the unscrupulous harvesting flow of the snood, they became anxious.

After hesitating for a while, Mr. Li said, "I plan to contact the bib again!"

"Sure! We support you!"

"Hurry up!"

Go", be sure to bring us good news back!

Mr. Li looked serious and called Mr. Zhao.

On the other side, Yin Dou headquarters.

Those high-levels also gathered together.

The bib became the consumer (dacd) information of a partner of the "Poor Die You 2.0 plug-in", and they also knew it.

Right now, they are also discussing countermeasures.

The volume of voice shaking is huge! It should be considered quite large!

But compared with wx, it is still a step behind!

Moreover, the various forwarding restrictions of wx are very detrimental to the spread of sound!

Therefore, they are eyeing this piece of fat too, and want to give it a try, can they contact Su Ming and become the next partner.

"Bib, walked in front of us.

Mr. Yin Shaking said with a gloomy expression.

We "tried to send a private message to the other party's bib account, but it was rejected!"

"Obviously, the bib has gone internal channels!"

President Wang is very heartbroken, Su Ming's tuba opened an account on Yin Dou, but they can't get in touch!

At the moment, they can't get in touch with this trumpet either.

This makes his face very dull.

At any rate, it is the Internet super giant, how can it walk behind the scarf.

After some discussion, they felt that they put down their face and sent someone to contact the bib.

See if you can take the internal channels of the bib!

In the end, President Wang took the initiative to ask Ying, and said that he would deal with it personally, and he would definitely succeed!

Of course, regardless of whether this event is finalized or not, the favor is owed.

Just when everyone contacted the bib frantically, hoping that the bib would help.

In the deep city, in the conference room of the wx headquarters building, Zhang Ying sat there with a gloomy face, and a crowd of high-levels sat below, not daring to take a breath.

"The bib has been successfully docked with the'Poor Death You 2.0 plug-in!"

"It can be seen that everyone wants to bite a piece of meat on us!"

"Everyone, is there any good way?"

Everyone was silent.

No one wants to deal with this matter.

The last high director who handled this matter has been arrested.

The ghost knows, is there an official background behind this making you sleepless?

Whoever feels bad at this point just doesn't want to live anymore.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhang Dong sighed helplessly.

He also knows that this matter is not easy to handle.

If you deal with Director Gao like that, the consequences will be disastrous!

wx can't stand another toss! Even the penguin has such a deep background, if you toss like this once, it will definitely hurt your muscles and bones.

"Forget it!"

Zhang Ying waved her hand helplessly and said, "This matter should be treated as ignorance.

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of the high-level people remained unchanged, but they breathed a long sigh of relief in their hearts.

They excitedly said in their hearts: This is the right way! Corresponding to the official call to build a harmonious Internet ecology!

Of course, they only dared to say this in their hearts, but did not dare to say it.

"The meeting is over!

With Zhang Ge's approval, the crowd left quickly, leaving Zhang Dongren sitting in the conference room like a pardon.

Looking at the empty conference room, for a long time, Zhang Dong sighed heavily, and said with pity: "The times have changed!"

Soon, more and more platforms contacted Su Ming through the official channel of the bib.

Yindou invested 40 million yuan, and several other platforms invested about 35 million yuan.

After all, Su Ming has made nearly 200 million!

And this is just the beginning.

There are also various video apps, certain hands, novels and other platforms, which are still watching wx and Penguin.

Su Ming signed one electronic contract after another, and one after another money was credited to his overseas account.

"It’s close to the upper limit of your 2.0 plug-in."

"Su Yanbao, do you want to do it too?"

After thinking about it, Su Ming still gave up the idea of ​​developing Su Yan Bao's investment channel.

The upper limit of Su Yan Bao is too early.

Make money slowly.

It has only been more than a month since he crossed over, and he is worth nearly 2.9 billion U.S. dollars.

Su Ming is already quite satisfied with this.

Having been busy until around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Ming finally signed the last electronic contract.


"Finally done!

Stretching out, Su Ming just planned to go to the bathroom.

At this moment, there was a mechanical sound in his head.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the temporary mission-making the free country sleepless!)

[Task description: The free country is preparing a conspiracy against the host! The free country radicals have adopted various radical methods! Please be prepared for the host to meet this challenge and defeat the conspiracy of the free country!)

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