I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 282: Annoyed the anchor, the consequences are serious! Seeking full order]


It's actually a system task!

A hint of joy flashed under Su Ming's eyes.

I haven't received any system task for several days.

After thinking about it, Su Ming suddenly had a guess.

Perhaps, the previous actions against the penguins can only be regarded as trivialities, so no system tasks were triggered.

This time, if there is a free country behind the scenes, it will not be a trivial matter.

This is going to be true!

Su Ming smiled and said: "This task is really timely. Otherwise, I will almost forget my large password."


Immediately, he seemed to think of something.

"I found out a few days ago that people from the Freedom State were investigating me. Judging from the system tasks, they didn't find me, so they started to do some tricks?"

"Interesting, very interesting!"

"I want to see what the free country can do!"

"If the situation is serious, my tuba will be out of the mountain!"

With a secret smile, Su Ming opened the website and searched the Internet.

On the surface, the Internet is still very calm.

Those small storms have not yet completely spread, the big storms everyone knows!

But soon, Su Ming discovered it.

On the other hand, as the electronic contracts were signed and the money was settled, those platforms finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yin Dou Wang: "Huh, it's finally done! Now, our new development opportunity is here!

Something President Li: "Not bad, not bad, no matter how you look at it, it's pleasing to the eye! Hahaha!

Post Bar President Sun: "Unexpectedly, I did not expect that one day, we post Bar actually did not need to look at the face of the goose factory! Great happy event!"

When everyone was happy, they sighed secretly.

The contract has been signed for one year, I don't know how long it can last!

I'm afraid that the goose factory will find them to settle the ledger after the storm!

But then I thought about it.

Special! Let's talk about the traffic first.

As long as the user group stabilizes and gets used to this seamless forwarding and entry, the Goose Factory has to think clearly about breaking their cake!

What's more, there is one who keeps you awake and stares at you!

There is only one way for the goose factory to break the barriers.

That is to simply let go of the restrictions, so that all platforms can connect seamlessly! But in this case, the price is too great!

What kind of moths will come out?

Therefore, at the moment they can only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

Many platform bosses think very well, and in fact, it is also true.

In the meeting room of Shenzhen Goose Factory Headquarters Building.

The company, several high-level executives, and the top executives of wx are gathering together.

The appearance of a bib made Zhang Ying helpless and made the head of the enterprise very big.

They realized that the problem would become more and more serious, but they didn't expect that the speed would be so fast!

The head of the enterprise looked at the data display on the big screen with a helpless expression.

"This is just one afternoon! The number of platforms that have access to the Poor Death 2.0 plug-in has reached 6! The diversion situation is very serious!

"If this continues, our traffic is very worrying!"

"Shooting birds all day long, and finally being pecked by birds!"

Everyone was silent, and Zhang Dong also sat there with a solemn expression.

This matter started because of the wx that he was in charge of operating, and he has a great responsibility!

He can accept a bib. Now that there are so many platforms, he can't sit still, so he can only come to the Goose Factory headquarters for help.

"Does anyone have a good way?"

Knowing that Dong Zhang didn't have a good idea, the head of the company skipped him directly, and his eyes swept across the faces of the people underneath.

The result was very heartbreaking, and everyone couldn't think of a good way.

At this time, a senior said.

"Chief executives, I think this matter should be forgotten."

"Just treat us as a loss!"

The head of the company showed dissatisfaction, and just as he was about to speak, the other party continued.

"Chief executives, I know our corporate culture! But if we get ahead, we may lead to war!"

"Last time there was wx to share the pressure for us! Asking the other party to make all-out efforts towards our penguins, I'm afraid it will hurt our muscles and bones!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent.

The company's president stopped talking.

The threat of Su Ming cannot be underestimated.

Even if he hasn't done anything now, what he has done has become a clear warning.

Don't annoy me, annoy me, the consequences are serious!

Finally, Zhang Ying stood up and said, "The head of the enterprise, or I find a way to contact the other party to see if there is still room for maneuver?"

To be honest, he is really a platform with more than one billion users and has become a traffic harvesting ground for many platforms!

You know, this was never possible before!

Why hacking.com has risen so fast is related to the fact that wx did not restrict the other party to share links madly!

Imagine that if wx didn't provide special full-line channels for chopping nets.

It is still very difficult for ClashNet to rise!

This is the strength and confidence to hold the flow!

...For flowers,

And now, this kind of confidence has been steadily disappearing.

The senior asked rhetorically.


"Are you talking well?"

"What if you can't agree?

Then he threw a blockbuster.

"Don't forget, he asked for 300 million before, and I didn't see your agreement!"

"Now the "Poor Die You 2.0" plug-in has obviously become a force that cannot be ignored in the industry. When you want to acquire it, the price is sky-high!"

At least "2 billion start! The other party may not agree yet, we will lose all our faces when it is passed out!"

After a slight pause in his tone, he explained one more sentence: "I first declare that I have not been bought by "to make you sleepless. I am only considering this issue from an objective perspective that benefits us." "

This question is very real, and everyone has nothing to say.


Don't use it when it was cheap before, now that it affects your status, you have to buy it at a high price!

Doesn't this make the whole network joke?

Everyone looked at the head of the enterprise, waiting for his results.

After pondering for a while, the head of the enterprise said in a deep voice, "I'm here to make a statement. This is the end of this matter!"

After speaking, his whole person suddenly seemed to be ten years old, and he looked very tired.

The dignified Nanshan Pizza Hut was undefeated in a hundred battles, and the first defeat was so miserable.

With the statement of the head of the enterprise, the senior leaders are completely relieved.

From now on, just open one eye and close one eye!

Those platforms don’t know about the emergency meetings at the goose factory.

Mr. Zhao, the bib at the moment, was leaning on the chair happily.

This time, those big platforms successfully signed a contract with Su Ming through the official channels of the bib. Those big platforms naturally owe the favor of the scarf!

Zhao always felt that he could laugh out loud in his dreams!

After thinking about it, he decided to discuss with Su Ming and give some compensation!

"Internet arena is not about fighting and killing, but about being so worldly!"

With a triumphant smile, he was about to contact Su Ming trumpet. Suddenly, a person rushed in.

At a glance, it is the money director of the technical department.


Director Qian said in a flustered expression: "Mr. Zhao, something has happened!

"What's the matter?

"Someone slandered the anchor online!"

When he heard the word "anchor" and "slander", Mr. Zhao almost bounced off his chair.

"Feng! Whoever eats the bear heart and leopard is guilty! Don't die!"

I would rather "offend you to sleep, than offend the anchor!" Again,

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