I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 286: The keyboard man, come quickly and die!

The anchor, has appeared!

This news is too shocking.

Mr. Wang checked it over and over again, and he was 100% sure that this was Su Ming's account, not similar avatars.

"President Wang, this...

Director Zhang leaned over and took a few glances, then swallowed a big mouthful of water, and said cautiously.

"Let's, do we still need to remove hot spots?"

"Retreat? Retreat you!"

President Wang didn't get angry and said, "Don't spread it early, don't withdraw late. The anchors have all appeared, now withdraw, what do you mean? It makes us seem to be deliberately punishing him!"

"Can't withdraw, absolutely can't withdraw!"

He frowned and said: "Now it's all right, this evil star is coming out again, I'm afraid it will be another bloody storm!"


"Those idiots provoke who is not good, what are they doing to provoke the anchor!"

"Weyin has become a battlefield again! The eventful autumn, the eventful autumn!"

As soon as his voice fell, the phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was Mr. Zhao's call.

Thinking of the trouble with Mr. Zhao before, I contacted Su Ming's trumpet, thinking of owing him a favor, even if he was in a bad mood, he picked it up.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao? Calling in such a hurry, does it make you sleepless, something happened over there?"


He was very worried that something happened here and there too.

That is simply, it's blood mold!

"No, no, no action over there!" Manager Zhao explained anxiously: "Anchor, something happened to him!"

Mr. Wang pretended not to know: "Anchor? Which anchor? I have a lot of anchors under the banner of Voice Dou, which one is your favorite?"

"President Wang, Mr. Wang, this is burning eyebrows, how can I talk about it!!

Mr. Zhao was anxious and simply had a showdown.

"That's the anchor-he has the ability to hit me! He has an accident!"

"Other anchors who care about it, no matter how big things happen, it's my turn to contact you personally!

"Someone has violently attacked him on the Internet, and now he has rushed to the third most searched one."

As soon as he spoke, someone reminded him.

"Mr. Zhao, it's not the third one! Now it's ranked first in the hot search!"

Mr. Zhao hurriedly added: "Yes, yes, now it's ranked first in the hot search!"

"What a shame! Gao Xin is only three seconds away, there are always people who want to jump out and find death!"

"Mr. Wang, what do you say about this! If my scarf becomes a battlefield, although I will get a large wave of traffic, I dare not step on this heat!

"What did you say?"


President Wang hesitated for a while, still planning to tell the truth.

"Actually, I have already rushed to the top spot in the news!"

As soon as he said this, there was a slight pause on the other end of the phone, and then Mr. Zhao exploded with a foul language.


"Those people, what are they going to do!"

"Mr. Wang, you can tell the truth, whether you want to withdraw or not! Let's discuss it, and act together! We won't get into trouble at the time."

President Wang was a little helpless: "Oh, I can't do it here. If you can withdraw, you should hurry up. It will be troublesome if you are too late.

Now, Mr. Zhao is unhappy.

"President Wang, you are boring now! Whoring me! If you don't withdraw, let me withdraw? What should I do if something goes wrong? You are not authentic!"

President Wang feels bitter.

"Brother", let me tell you the truth! I just want to withdraw now and I have no chance.

This sentence immediately hooked Mr. Zhao's curiosity.

Listen, the other party doesn't seem to be telling lies.

"What do you mean?"

"The anchor, he has already appeared! Just leave a comment under the video comment that has tens of millions of likes!"

"Ha! He...he appeared?"

Even through the phone, Mr. Wang could hear Mr. Zhao swallowing.

Obviously, this news shocked him.


Mr. Wang explained helplessly.

"It's all like this, I withdrew yesterday!"

"Wait, the anchor, did he say anything? I can also grasp the direction of the wind!"

"The anchor said: I'm here, are you ready (dacd)!

Immediately, people on both sides stopped talking.

A simple sentence expresses Su Ming's attitude.

He is about to shoot!

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Mr. Zhao roared three times in succession, and then said: "Well, Mr. Wang, thank you very much! I'm going to run a hot search!"

"I dare not touch this wave of heat! I'm afraid of overturning!"

After speaking, Mr. Zhao hung up the phone anxiously.

Afterwards, he hurried to his seat and logged in to his administrator account.

Taking down the hot search, for him, is just a matter of typing on the keyboard in front of the computer.



After clicking delete, he clicked OK again!

Logically, at this time, the top search has been deleted.

However, it only flickered, and it was still strong there!


Is it "I deleted it wrong?"

So, Mr. Zhao deleted it again.

Now, a dialog box will pop up directly.

Looking at the content above, Mr. Zhao looked sentimental.

[Sorry, you do not have permission! Please try after logging in!]

He checked his account and confirmed that he was logged in.

Immediately, he tried to delete other hot searches.

Good guy, just one point! He quickly recovered.

"no problem!"

"Is the system malfunctioning?"

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Zhao tried to delete the first hot search again.

However, the result is still the same.

The system informs him that he does not have administrator rights! Cannot delete!

Now, he knew it, something went wrong!

Sure enough, Director Qian on the side explained.

"Mr. Zhao, a similar situation has happened before. It is the anchor who made a ghost in the back, it was the anchor who hung there deliberately!"

Recalling the female boxing incident before, Mr. Zhao's back was cold.

This scene is too similar!

Click on the first hot search and take a look. The first comment below it is on the top, and it says: [I am coming, are you ready?]

The netizens who were still arguing were stunned when they saw the news from Su Ming.

"I'm going, this... won't it be the anchor?"

"Looking at the style, it looks very similar to the time when I hit the female boxing and spinning sister before!"

"Don't guess, I just came over from the sound! The anchor left a message under the hottest video, which is exactly the same as this one!"

"Hahaha, the anchor finally appeared! But it broke me! Unscrupulous counterfeiters, and keyboard guys, come and die!"

"Unscrupulous hitting fakes, as well as keyboard men, come quickly and die!

"Unscrupulous hitting fakes, and...

After a while, thousands of the same comments swept the screen instantly.

Those netizens who support Su Ming vent their inner excitement in this way!

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