I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 287: The wind direction has changed greatly! The giants stand in the team! Alarm the officia

After so long, Su Ming's tuba finally appeared on the Internet again.

For those netizens who support Su Ming and believe in Su Ming, this is a carnival!

However, for those who spray Su Ming, they finally found a place to spread the fire.

I was scolded by those supporters before.

Now that the master has appeared, I can't hold back one by one and squirt wildly.

"I thought I kept hiding and didn't show up anymore, but I was quite courageous, and I dared to leave a message!"

"Let's get ready? What do you prepare? Saliva? I'm ready a long time ago. There are several pots! It's up to you whether you can bear it!"

Come and come", harp, come to me with the ability! Ha's not it!"

"Excuse me, is it fun to deceive the majority of netizens? Joining a free country, is it sweet? Is the air of freedom really so sweet? Oh, by the way, is Hei Dongyang interesting? Look at how good the Dongyang people are. ? It's darker than it is?"

"That's right! Make a movie and make a movie! What's this? I remember that in the past there was a person in China Overseas City who had a thunder robbery at high altitude, and I was excited for a while! The rumors were later rejected, and it turned out to be produced by a game company. Real-life special effects movie! It's sad and sigh, but if you are a little emboldened, it won't be so dark!"

"Where is the rat generation? The one who hides the head and reveals the tail! Hurry up! Don't even want to show the front, you are a liar at first sight!"

"If you want fire, we will put you on the top of the hot search for the scarf, and the hottest sound! I want to see if it is so big, will the official step in and tidy you up!"

Originally, those netizens didn't plan to spray each other with Keyboard Man.

They are not stupid.

Under the reminder of smart-minded netizens, they already know that behind this incident, it is possible that various countries are behind the scenes!

In this case, those who have lost their minds are not just a keyboard man to describe! To put it ugly, they are the guns and cannons in the hands of the nations!

The target is still his own.

Just like Dongyang's ``Elite Project'', there are similarities and similarities!

However, with the strength of netizens, it is still impossible to know which countries are behind this.

When they felt sorry for each other, they felt deep anger!

These people are really too human!

Others randomly move out one or two people, and they can turn these people into stupid people who charge into battle.

Sad, sigh!

But now, seeing these people getting more and more excessive, many people can't help but ridicule.

Smile to death, "I am! Did you make a mistake? You think it's a so-and-so celebrity who wants to become popular, so you still need to rely on sonic hot spots and a scarf to search? Pour out the water in your mind a little! Compare those stars with the anchor , Is the biggest insult to the anchor!"

"Don't talk about it! The ‘Elite Project’ warning! Anyway, Toyo should not dare to jump behind! I don’t know, this time it will be who will come to the anchor!"

"Hahaha, good! I miss the live broadcasts that shocked the entire network! Although Laozi could not go to the battlefield in person, I was very happy to see the keyboard man going to female boxing!"

"I remember the anchor said before: Let the bullets fly for a while! So, let them continue to make trouble! Only after the low tide did you know who was swimming in luo!

"Let the bullet fly for a while! Don't fight with them, it's boring! Those who spray my heroes are just a bunch of pugs who take money to do things. Let's go to other platforms to spread the news of the anchor's appearance! "

Ever since, they kept running around on various platforms and spread the good news.

At the beginning, all major platforms were watching and daring not to take any action.

Now that they get the exact news, Su Ming has left traces, and they know that it is time to stand in line!

As a result, the wind direction of the major platforms has undergone a 180-degree change in an instant.

Post hot spot: Netizens have been bitter keyboard man! Finally, a hot man is here! A hot man who makes women cry!

Something hot: on the keyboard fast brain? There should be no! One instigation, even parents don't recognize it!

CU Shock Department: Shocked! Is the keyboard man's home still 2G?

Looking at the sudden change of wind direction, those netizens realized that something big was about to happen.

As more and more people are familiar with this matter, the hottest "Anytime You Can Hit Me", which was originally on the top of the hot search, turned out to be a hype! He has successfully won I got a special green card in a free country! Sad netizen!".

Soon he was squeezed to second place.

The first one shot was "I'm coming, are you ready?"

The title is very short, but the content that I want to express has inspired millions of netizens.

Click to take a look.

Everyone was in the circle for a moment.

It turned out that there were no extra words in it.

Still the same sentence: I am coming, are you ready?

When some netizens who came to chase stars saw it, they immediately fell into the circle.

"What's the situation? What is the moth in the collar?"

"The hottest search is number one, this is it? The bib and I are in the whole metaphysics? Who is here? What should I prepare? Could it be that my corpse silver brother is here?"

"What corpse sleeps without a corpse! Obviously I made Jun a smile! Look at the current top class, and only I make Jun smile! It must be him, and only him, can rush to the hot search as soon as there is news First! He is a hot search for physique!"

…0 Seeking flowers…

"Then let me cut in, I feel like my social crazy brother! I heard that he is going to release a new song a while ago! It is estimated that it was a hot search! My bold guess, the new song of "Crazy Brother" is: I'm here , Are you ready?"

"Late, it turned out to be "Crazy Brother", then it's okay! His last hot search is not easy, I forgive him! Although there are few words in the text, but the blood and tears, we can feel it across the screen!"

Support ""Brother Crazy!"

Looking at the comments, Crazy Brother almost cried out in the toilet.

He quickly stood up to refute the rumors: "Everyone, you have misunderstood! I didn't mean to sing! You made a mistake!"

Everyone saw that even the victim had refuted the rumors, so who else could be?

Soon, under the impact of a large wave of netizens, those passersby and star chasers suddenly reacted.


"Do you have the ability to hit me? The net name is very arrogant!"

"Who is he? Why can you be number one in the hot search by sending a message?"

Ever since, they were prompted to watch the hot search second first, and then the hot search first, and they would understand.

The netizens were busy for a while and finally figured out what happened.

For those who chased the stars, it had nothing to do with them. One by one, he backed off his scarf and went to other forums to chase the stars.

And those passers-by stopped, intending to watch the show and eat melons.

As more and more netizens exploded what Su Ming had done, all those passers-by were dumbfounded, and they all expressed emotion: There is still such a god in the world? I don't know? I am a 2G network?

At the same time, the headquarters of the Beijing Military Aircraft Department.

Captain Fan is reporting the progress of the interrogation at the headquarters.

The Oriental spy team taken down by him has all been interrogated and obtained a lot of valuable information!

After listening to his report, the General Administration nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, work efficiency is not bad!"

Captain Fan said very modestly: "The General Administration, thanks to the help of the anchor, trampled on the East and defeated the psychological defenses of the spies! Otherwise, those people will not speak, it will take some effort!"

Anchor "Ah....

Hearing the word anchor, a trace of worry flashed through the eyes of the General Administration.

He tried to contact Su Ming, but did not contact.

At this moment, Ding Mu ran over in a hurry, ignoring that Captain Fan was here, directly facing the General Administration.

"General Administration, something went wrong."


"Anchor, show up!"

Hearing these five words, the General Administration stepped up all of a sudden. again,

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