I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 288: The military department is furious! Take him back from the test, and see if his mouth i

Captain Fan on the side was also dumbfounded.

I just mentioned the anchor, why did the anchor show up?

Could it be that I opened my mouth before?

But the General Administration was here, he didn't dare to ask more, he could only look at Ding Muhao intentionally or unintentionally, waiting for her to follow.

For anything else, he dare not do it in front of the General Administration.

In fact, this matter is too much to his appetite.

Just after the interrogation of the Toyo spy team, the anchor showed up again! In case of luck, isn't this a big credit?

Some people like to chase stars, and some like to watch theaters, but for him as a member of the Military Aircraft Department, these messes are secondary.

Serving the country and making contributions, the most important thing is the glory of the ancestors. This is something that is carved into his bones.

And more inquiries about the news of the anchor, obviously can speed up the process!

Suddenly stood up to the "Five Five Zero" General Administration, and did not care about his gaffe, but asked.

"Anchor, did he really show up?"

Ding Muhao nodded solemnly.

The General Administration took a breath.

He remembered that not long ago, the Military Aircraft Department discovered that the Freedom State was making small movements behind the scenes.

Special personnel were sent to follow up and investigate, and a series of counterattack plans were formulated.

I don't know, the arrangements have just been made here, and the anchor has appeared before the action has officially started!

what does this mean?

"Could it be..."

There is a very bad sign inside the General Administration.

He suspected that the free country might have found something that angered Su Ming, which made Su Ming appear on the Internet again!

At the same time, he was also worried. Su Ming's sudden appearance, will he be in the arms of a free country? Or even fall into the trap of a free country?

If this is the case, the consequences would be disastrous!

That's not the East, it's a free country!

All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind one after another.

He took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

"Pick the point, what happened!"

"Yes!" Ding Muhao put down the file and said a succinct and clear sentence.

"Someone exposed the anchor online and slandered all achievements, and the anchor was forced to show up!"

At the end, she added another sentence.

"In terms of counterfeiting, we are all acting in groups,

After listening to Ding Mu's good words, the General Administration felt suspicious.

This is a little different from what I imagined.

Afterwards, he picked up the file and flipped through it quickly.

In the file, the cause of the whole incident is recorded

Captain Fan looked at Ding Muhao and asked in disbelief.

"Team Ding, what did you just say? I became a group performer?"

Ding Mu nodded.

"Yes! To be precise, the other party believes that everything is a foolish performance controlled by the capital forces behind the anchor!"

"We, including the General Administration, including Guo Shangshu, including those from Toyo... are all actors!"

Captain Fan only twitched his eyes and opened his mouth, but he didn't jump out a word.

After a long while, he said angrily.

"That Wang Ba Laozi, saying that Laozi is a group performer? I brought him back to see if his mouth is still stubborn!

As soon as the voice fell, he felt a sharp gaze fall on him.

He knew that that was the gaze of the General Administration.

Immediately, he shrank his head and dared not talk too much.

Soon, the General Administration read all the information.

He didn't say anything, but his sullen expression showed everything.

His mood is very bad!

"What a bunch of bastards!"

"The saint's own words; whoever breaks the situation for the country must not be left alone to fight! Well, it is the anchor!"

"In order to support the anchor, even the test of nuclear weapons is so important that it has been advanced!"

"Enough to see, the strength and ability of the anchor!"


A trace of helplessness flashed through the eyes of the General Administration.

"these people

"I really want to catch them all!"

In the face of those professional sunspots, anti-bones, and keyboard guys, even the General Administration was very angry.

They are really too much.

What Su Ming has done is already a national hero. Although the official did not say it clearly, it is the default.

Those who slander, spread rumors, and slander the heroes of the celestial dynasty will be detained! Seriously, they will be sentenced!

And the executors, not them, are police officers!

The distinction is strictly based on functions, and this matter is really not under the control of the military aircraft.

But with a little workaround, and the free state is pushing this factor behind, then this matter has evolved into an attempt to endanger national security!

This nature has changed!

Su Ming has made such a great achievement. Although the General Administration is the head of the military aircraft department, Yu Qing and Li cannot stand by.

"Those who have made great achievements, don't let them chill!"

The two heard it, and the General Administration seemed to want to intervene in this matter.

With the intervention of the military plane, this kind of thing will soon be subdued.

Make sure that the spray won't turn up at all.

But Ding Mu hesitated.

"General Administration, the anchor personally showed up and warned those behind the scenes!"

"Let's, why don't we just wait and see? At a critical time, do our best?

"In this way, the anchors will be able to read our good news. Secondly, it can also close the relationship! After all, in a while, the Hundred Schools Internet Security Competition will begin. At this time, it is very important to have a good relationship.

When the General Administration thought about it, this was indeed the reason.

The anchor declared that he was coming and let those people be ready. The General Administration intervened again, and there was indeed a taste of being overwhelmed by it.

After thinking about it in his mind, the General Administration quickly ordered.

"Hello Ding Mu, you immediately send someone to investigate this matter! Investigate secretly, don't startle the snake! Look at the back, what forces are there!"

Seeing that the General Administration had issued task instructions to Ding Mu jealous, but did not give himself a task, Captain Fan said shamelessly.

"The General Administration, the Oriental spy team on my side, the interrogation is over! Our team is all available!"

"Don't want to take a vacation?"

"Hey, how can I take a vacation! The previous anchors were handled by me, and I have experience! 2.3 Our cooperation is a run-in!"

As the news of Su Ming's upcoming appearance appeared on the Internet, the whole network was surging!

All forces are acting.

Standing in line, intelligence gathering, supporters and opponents

For a while, more and more people knew that Su Ming was about to show up.

Similarly, more and more people know what earth-shattering things Su Ming has done before.

However, the focus of the storm - Su Ming.

At this moment, I am leisurely packing my things and preparing to go to the dining hall to finish the meal.

Regardless of the Internet turmoil, he thinks that eating with his girlfriend is the most important thing.

Later, he posted a sentence on his Yin Dou account.

"Let the bullet fly for a while."

After sending it out, regardless of the flood, I went out to eat in a swaggering manner.

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