I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 292: Meeting with the Military Aircraft Department! Su Ming is here!

Sun Hai?

Several old men raised their brows.

Sun Hai can also be regarded as a relatively important backbone figure in the Sun family.

After all, he is also 49. Sun Hai at this age supports many of the Sun family's industries.

Now the Military Aircraft Department suddenly came to the door, calling for Sun Hai by name and surname.

Could it be that Sun Hai committed a crime?

And it's not an ordinary thing! Ordinarily, it is the police officers who come to the door, not the military personnel.

Of course, under normal circumstances, ordinary things have long been settled secretly.

Things that can be found by the military plane must be serious!

Several old men looked at each other, a trace of doubt flashed through their eyes, and one of the old men-asked.

"This comrade, can you tell me what you are asking Sun Hai for?"

"Sorry! No comment!"

Captain Fan was cold, unmoved.

I don't care what person you are in the Sun family, and whoever belongs to Sun Hai, you can only talk to Sun Hai alone on confidential matters!

After being refuted by Captain Fan, the old man looked a little ugly.

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he never dared to fight a military plane.

"Please wait, I will send someone to contact Sun Hai."

A middle-aged man walked out quickly, planning to call Sun Hai.

But at this moment, Captain Fan said: "Hold on!"

The middle-aged man paused and looked back a few times with embarrassment.

"Everyone, the Military Aircraft Department has never needed outsiders to help."

Captain Fan said calmly.

"Four eyes, is Sun Hai at Sun's house?"

"Back to the captain, he is here! Judging from the position, he is right..."

With that, four eyes handed the computer over and pointed at the location map above.

After Captain Fan glanced a few times, he suddenly knew.

"Everyone, it is better for us to do things ourselves! Sorry, this is the rule!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of the stern look of the few people, Captain Fan directly led the people along the path on one side, following the positioning route.

At this moment, Captain Fan felt that he was awe-inspiring.

As long as Su Ming is not there, he can find the confidence that he is still the military plane!

When Su Ming was there, I felt that way. Looking back on it now, Captain Fan has a very aggrieved impulse!

How embarrassing and embarrassing to be kicked out of the live broadcast room over and over again!

Fortunately, the last thing was done.

If you don't, you can be ashamed.

Several old men stood up with gloomy expressions and walked over.

The middle-aged man caught up and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, do I need to inform Brother Hai?"

"Huh! Tell me a fart! This bastard is so old, I don't know what happened to him outside!"

"The military aircraft department has come to the door personally, it seems that this is not a small matter!"

Several people sighed secretly while following behind.

They don't know what happened!

After a while, Captain Fan and others stopped at the gate of a courtyard.

"Captain, Sun Hai is inside.

After looking at the open courtyard door, Captain Fan said directly.

"Go, go in and take a look.

"Tiger, you are guarding at the door. You can't let anyone in without my permission! Nor can the grandson family!"


The burly tiger stood at the door, and its fierce appearance could definitely scare the child into crying at night.

This "comrade, your captain is not here, can you speak up?"

This "little comrade

No matter how the family members persuade them, the tiger stood there with a cold face and no one let it in.


Captain Fan knocked on the door.

The voice of a middle-aged man resounded in the room: Who is "?"

Captain Fan remained silent and continued to knock on the door.

"Boom boom."

"I'm coming!"

As soon as the door opened, Sun Hai looked at the two strangers in front of him with a dazed expression.

"who are you?"

Captain Fan took out his credentials and squeezed in and said, "I am Captain Fan of the Military Aircraft Department."

"Military Aircraft Department?"

Sun Hai's eyes almost didn't fall off.

"Why are you here?

While welcoming the two in, he cursed in his heart: Damn it! What happened to such a big deal, those guys didn't even know to notify me! It was nothing for them to make money!

The two "come here, I don't know what is expensive?"

"Although I am a rough person, I also know how to obey the law!"

"I'm asking myself that I haven't done anything against the law or discipline in Kazakhstan."

Sun Hai said politely, he was still in awe of the Military Aircraft Department.

Captain Fan looked at each other and said with a smile.

"Sun Hai, right?

"Don't be nervous! We came to you not because of violation of law or discipline."

"Then...Sun Hai shook his head quickly: "Then it's even more impossible for me to endanger national security!"

…0 Seeking flowers…

Waved his hand, Captain Fan said directly.

"Talk about your old friend, Noah!"

The moment he heard the words "Noah Zi", Sun Hai suddenly realized.

It turned out to be because of this!

Fortunately, Laozi reacted quickly and pulled away in time, otherwise he would overturn the car!

Immediately, he told the story all over.

Even the person behind him who pointed him, he said a few more words.

In order to prove his innocence.

Just kidding, nothing happened yet, the Military Aircraft Department came to the door for something related to Su Ming!

If there is any influence, then instead of sitting here and chatting, it will be taken directly back for interrogation.

Captain Fan's eyes twitched slightly, and he didn't smile and said, "Hehe, it seems that Uncle Hui behind you knows a lot."


Sun Hai looked embarrassed.

After a while, the conversation finally ended.

At this moment, Sun Hai's back was already wet with cold sweat.

Finally, Sun Hai asked cautiously: "Captain Fan, am I safe?"

"Fortunately, you reined in time! The news you have, we already know almost! In a while, there will be dedicated comrades coming over to meet you!"

"Well, I will definitely cooperate with your investigation work!"

Sending the two to the door, Sun Hai blurted out a question subconsciously.

"Captain Fan, can you ask if this incident really involves some unspeakable areas? Is the anchor called "Have the ability to hit me", is it the core of this storm?"

Captain Fan gave him a cold look, and said indifferently: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

After the talk, Captain Fan took the people away directly.

Leaving Sun's house, he took people straight to Yang Cuo's house.

While Captain Fan was busy investigating, after Su Ming took Xu Tingxue around the campus, he arranged to have breakfast together tomorrow morning, and then sent her back to the dormitory.

Back in his dormitory, Su Ming glanced at the time.

It's a while before seven o'clock.

Today, Liu Gui and Sun Xiangxiang went to the Pukou Forest Music Festival. They should not be able to come back tonight. The dormitory is alone again.

So I turned on the computer and logged in to my Yin Dou account.

Subsequently, Su Ming changed the dynamics a bit.

[Auspicious time is coming! Keyboard guys, there is not much time left for you!'' Again.

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