I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 293: The anchor is carrying the knife, here comes! (please complete the order)

Netizens don't know that the seemingly peaceful Internet has long been undercurrents in the corners they can't see.

This time, not only the military aircraft department, but also many large platforms are also secretly helping.

Those who, like Noah, wanted to find a relationship to make money and change the hot search, all were rejected by those platforms!

They righteously stated that this is a violation of the Internet Security Law of the Celestial Dynasty!

In particular, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Yinwang, etc. of the bib, they specially convened a middle-level management meeting.

Its main purpose is to borrow the east wind!

No matter how Su Ming's tuba will appear this time, and how it will end, they will follow up in real time!

And the unspoken rules of the past were all put on the table by them and warned the middle-level management underneath.

What happened before, opened one eye and closed one eye and passed away. Who wants to engage in "five-five-five-zero", make small moves that are contrary to the development of the company, and will never tolerate it! Will report to the police as soon as possible and be held accountable!

It is precisely because of the high-level "thousands of warnings" that those middle-level managers will be killed and not help with affairs! Even if they offend people, they will not hesitate.

Of course, the Ruo Noah and his like started earlier and spent a lot of money. Those middle managers are really willing to take a risk.

In fact, this kind of thing is very risky! Any data fluctuations, there will be data feedback from Mr. Zhao!

So, who changed the hot search, when, and where.

He can know it!

The same is true for President Wang!

They all chose to follow them personally to avoid accidents and become the second wx!

It seems that I feel that the Internet is not peaceful. Those celebrities who are busy searching for hot searches and popularity on weekdays are all afraid to speak up.

I don't know whether they dare not speak up, or the brokerage company behind them does not allow them to mess around.

In short, for those netizens who follow stars, this night is destined to be tormented.

"It's so sad, I'm'Brother Shiyin' has a show to participate in on a certain TV station today! Why doesn't the show team even hit an advertisement?"

"Yeah! So irritating! My favorite brother Shi Yin! For the first time, there is no card face!

"Brother Broken Dead Silver! I asked Jun Yixiao to participate in a live broadcast of a variety show, and all kinds of advertisements have been typed out, and the whole Internet is known! The result? Damn, the program team said that there was something temporary and it was cancelled!! !"

"Ah? Revoked! When did it happen! Why don't I know? Didn't it start at seven? It's less than ten minutes!"

"Don't wait, the official bib of the program group has posted an announcement! If there is something to do today, the live broadcast will be cancelled! It will be rescheduled to replay after the event, if it is not working, it will be recorded!"

"Ah... so sad!

"Sorry, my performance by Brother Zhan Ge has also been cancelled!"

"What is this!" a netizen with magical powers broke the news.

"I'm telling you that a certain station is going to record "Big Sister" today! As a result, those big sisters have all arrived, but they told you to stop recording today! The time is to be determined!"

"There is an elder sister who has a very arrogant temper and became popular because of this show. She was not convinced on the spot and angered the director!"

"As a result, she was revoked by the thunder tactics directly above! Moreover, it is said that she was going to be banned! It is sad and ridiculous that she can't recognize herself when she gets angry!

"Finally, let me tell you a major news. Tonight, most of the entertainment variety shows have been stopped! The ones that were recorded and ready to be played were also temporarily suspended!"

"As for what is the reason, I don't know! (I really don't know, dog head saves life. jpg)!

"But I can remind you that perhaps the great purge is about to begin!

"I don't want your idols to have an accident, so be more docile today! Don't take out the violent tempers of the past, be careful of your idols and be blocked!"

"Well, good luck!"

Seeing this mysterious whistleblower's revelation, those fans were dumbfounded.

"Well, what's the matter with this!"

"Damn! Most of the variety shows are shut down? Fooling people! Several shows on Nanhu Station are not damaged!"

"Although I don't want to believe it, I want to say! Zhejiang TV's variety show was temporarily suspended, and Jiangsheng TV's also

"Ma, it's incredible!"

"Nothing incredible! Today was originally the day when my "crazy brother" sang, but I was robbed of the hot search, and then sent a scarf and sighed! I swear to God, he really just sighed, and the result...seconds delete!"

"It turns out to be true! Let me just say it. Crazy brother is going to sing today, and he also refutes himself! Hehe!"

"Scared! You liar, I'll take care of you to clean it up! My brother Zhan Ge" finally chose to come back today after experiencing the last incident! We have so many fans, waiting for him! I am his iron Fan, if he can't recover today, I will set off a bloody storm! My central idea is these, I hope you will pay attention to it! Don't force me!"

"Upstairs...15 years old? Female? Bloody wind? Mom! Without the keyboard, would you be able to write these four words?"

"Upstairs upstairs, your brother Zhan Ge" "There are fans like you, I'm afraid they will be blocked when they come back! Hahaha!"

Compared to those fans of celebrities, Su Ming's iron fan is much more sensible...

Hundreds of millions of netizens who support Su Ming continue to shuttle between platforms.

On the one hand, they need to collect information on various platforms. And spread the news of Su Ming in time to let more people know about the earth-shattering things Su Ming has done!

On the one hand, it's because after those sprays finished cursing on this platform, they ran to the next platform to continue cursing. In this case, those supporters will naturally scold along with the past.

"How long has this been? It hasn't appeared yet? One shot and one shot, frightening anyone!"

"Yes, it is clearly to deceive the public, and I have to put on a very high and unpredictable look! I don't know, I think he is a world-class expert!"

"Haha 2.3ha, only fools can believe it! Pressing Dongyang on the ground and rubbing it? Blackmailing the nations? Hahaha, I don't dare to think like that if you borrow a hundred of you!

Those who supported the unceremonious counterattack.

"If you can't do it, others can't do it! Well, well, everything you say is right!

"The anchor said, let the bullets fly for a while! So, you guys fly! We are waiting to eat melons!"

"To tell you, I ordered more than a hundred barbecues, a case of beer, and a pound of peanuts! Hahaha!"

"Don't fight! The anchor has just updated the news."

"What? Let me see!"

"Don't go, I bring the latest news: auspicious time is coming! Keyboard guys, there is not much time left for you! Keyboard guys, has your neck cleaned! The anchor is coming with a knife!

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