I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 295: Toyo's tears! Su Ming starts broadcasting! The whole network is boiling! (seeking

Faced with nearly double their opponents, Su Ming's supporters felt a lot of pressure.

In the beginning, their opponents were only those keyboard man, troll, and anti-bone boy.

These people, they have already played against each other, they have experience!

Originally you came and I went down, each has its own victory and defeat.

Coupled with the superiority of these supporters, this wave of battles is not lost.

But they didn't calculate it, and the brain-stained fan actually came!

Brain residue fan!

The number of this group of fans is extremely large, and as soon as they came in, it brought great pressure to them.

There are nearly four million supporters, and more than eight million people are fighting.

You know, most of Su Ming's fans are more Buddhist, watching the live broadcast room silently, not participating in a scolding battle.

As a result, the pressure on supporters has increased sharply!

And this is just the beginning. As time goes by, more and more brain fans will join in.

The original battlefield between them and Tanzi suddenly evolved into a situation swept away by brains.

Seeing this scene, those sprayers simply stood by and watched the play, and made a mocking sentence at the end from time to time.

"Damn it! How come those celebrity fans are here! What annoying!"

"I scolded a lot of sprayers, but attracted a lot of brain-dead fans! The number is so huge, it's really scary!"

"Can't scold it! Tired! I really don't know where these people come from! Big heads!

"I see! These remnants of the brains are the black hands behind those sprays, and they have used some means to trick them!"

"Huh? Then can we use the same method? Otherwise, the pressure will be too great!"

"That's not great! Because of the news that the anchor is about to appear, most of the entertainment programs of David TV on the entire network have been temporarily suspended! Those fans blamed the anchor for their idol program not being able to broadcast! They not only came to stir up Swearing war, I also complained to Yin Dou and Beijing Broadcasting and Television Bureau!"

"! There is nothing wrong with the crime! But if these people complain, they are simply hitting the stone with an egg! As long as the complaint is effective, the anchor's live broadcast room will not be hanging on the sound shake! Hahaha!"

"Although I can't scold those brain-dead fans, but I know they love beans and can't sleep at night, I'm very happy! Come on turtle sons, come and scold daddy!"

"Hold on for a while, the anchor will appear soon, and there will be one minute!

Soon, someone noticed that Su Ming had posted a new news.

After reading it, those supporters seemed to have endless power in their bodies.

"Hahaha! It turns out that the anchor has been paying attention from behind! Good sentence-it turns out that in my live broadcast room, the number of people is really useless! Anchor, we top you!"

"Look at me in a hurry! At first, I was worried for the anchor. I didn't know that whether it was a female boxing or a Dongyang, the anchor proved with strength! In his live broadcast room, the war of words depending on the number of people is really useful at all. no!"

"Brain fans! And those who are jumping around behind, wanting to conspiracy and tricks! Wash your neck, there are less than tens of seconds! Enjoy your death carnival!

With Su Ming's new dynamic, the supporters who could not be caught, turned around in a disadvantaged situation! Instead, they have the upper hand!

In the Yindou headquarters, in front of Mr. Wang, the head of the customer service department and several heads of the technical department were all reporting their work in a hurry.

After listening, Mr. Wang said indifferently.

"If you complain or not, put it aside!"

"The most important thing right now is to wait for the anchor to appear!"

"At that time, our background network will inevitably have a wave of fluctuations! It must be steady! Understand?"

"Yes!" Several people in front of them nodded.

"Okay! Go ahead!"

At the same time, the newly appointed General An Pei in the office of the Toyo Shogunate was busy dealing with affairs.

It has been a while since Su Ming fought in the East.

The reconstruction of the East has been on the right track, and the economies of many less damaged places have begun to recover.

Seeing the good news from his subordinates, General An Pei breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, "I recognized it quickly at the beginning! Otherwise, the current reconstruction work will be difficult to achieve!"

At this moment, his secretary walked in.

"General An Pei, great joy.

"Huh? Could it be that which big city has completely restored to its pre-war level?"

General An Pei asked expectantly.

It is impossible for all the cities in the East to return to their pre-war level, no two or three years!

Can restore one, is one!

"No, General An Pei!"

"For me, other than that, there is no good news!"

"This is General An Pei." The secretary explained.

"Just now, I received some tips! It is said that there is chaos inside the celestial dynasty!"

General An Pei put aside the things in his hands, and said: "There is chaos in the heavens? When is the matter?"

"Just... not too long ago! According to some unverified secret reports, the free country was behind this event!

"Women's free country?"

Hearing these three words, General An Pei could no longer sit still.

Really "is a free country?

"It's very possible!"

After the secretary reported the general situation, General An Pei's eyes were red with excitement.

"Big brother, you finally made it!"

"Little brother, my heart is bitter!"

"Big Brother is the Big Brother after all! This shot, the light momentum is stronger than the elite plan subsidiary plan!"

The secretary made a gesture on the side and hinted: "General An Pei, what shall we do? Do you want to...

General An Pei did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Has the free country showdown?"


"Then we can just wait and see! Keep warning, don't intervene! Don't! After all the dust settles, let's consider the action plan!"


Finally, the second hand points to seven o'clock!

Those supporters (of Li Li's), including Mr. Yin Dou Wang, Mr. Zhao Bibi and others, all know that Su Ming is about to appear.

Everyone focused their eyes on Su Ming's live broadcast room.

Under the attention of the public, Su Ming's live broadcast room was lit up, and a person wearing a V-Vendetta mask appeared in the screen.

Su Ming didn't say anything, the word "anchor" on the full screen was already frantically swiping the screen!

"Anchor, we love you!"

"Anchor, I miss you!"

Anchor", we all miss you!

Su Ming waved his hand and said calmly.

"The time is just right, 7 o'clock, I'm here!"

"I already know the situation!"

"Those sprayers, keyboard guys, anti-bones, and those brain-dead fans, are you ready? Since you have provoked me, you must have the consciousness of being judged!"

As soon as this statement came out, those netizens in the live broadcast room who supported Su Ming screamed with excitement.

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