I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 296: No one can run away! Catch the thief first, catch the king!!

"It's still that flavor! Hahaha, it's still that flavor! The flavor of the anchor!"

"The anchor is the anchor, and as soon as the words come out, I know it! It's like this! Hehe!"

"Sigh, there were only more than 4 million fans in the last conquest of the East! This time those people united and actually targeted the anchor! I feel bad!"

"Yes! Although I know that behind this incident, there are pushing hands working in the dark! Even, there are figures of various countries, but seeing these netizens' insensible appearance, I feel an inexplicable heartache!

"Don't say it! Don't say it, everyone! Anyway, things have developed to this point, and the anchor has also appeared! The next thing, we can guess with our eyes closed! I don't know, the first one was killed who is it!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! And those who are behind the scenes, Damn it!"

Just as everyone was filled with indignation, Su Ming spoke.

"Old rules.

His voice was cold, but everyone didn't care, he was used to it.

"You have five minutes to think that you can do bad tricks, and use them all! Otherwise, you will have no chance!"

550 "Five minutes later, let's start with the remaining fans!"

"Get rid of the leftover fans, and then go against the bones! Finally, a group of ghosts hiding in the dark!"

As soon as these words came out, those brain-dead fans jumped out and shouted.

"Fuck! This is it? This is it? I thought it was a great person!"

"Cannonball? How old is this? Can you scare people with just a few words?"

"Ah, even a real person dare not show it, it can be seen that he must be ugly! It is totally incomparable with my brother Zhan Ge! Such a person, there are so many fans? There is such a big background? It is ridiculous!"

"I thought it was a person with three heads and six arms! Compared to my family making Jun smile", it's too far! It's not comparable! It's not comparable!

"My society's'Brother Shiyin' gave you a basketball dance, expressing to clean up you!"

Air-cold "! This person must have an official background, otherwise, let him end up and compare with my idol, it will definitely crush him to death."

Seeing these crazy remarks, those supporters sneered in their hearts.

This time, their mentality was surprisingly good.

"Keep on jumping! There are more than four points, I don't know, which idol was the first to clean!!"

"It's less than four minutes! Keep going, fan the flames, and work harder! Your idols are only one step away from being blocked!

"Sent to the road to be blocked by your own fans, your idols will cry and say quack when they know about it."

Su Ming didn't care about the barrage in the live broadcast room. After a casual glance, he went to work on his affairs.

At this time, the number of fans in his live broadcast room has rushed to 13 million!

There is a lot of data, and Su Ming needs to integrate it.

Many fresh meats always think that fresh meat itself is fresh meat itself, and the fan group is the fan group!

When you can profit for yourself, the fan club is your family!

When I cause trouble to myself, I decouple from the fan club! It has nothing to do with myself!

Anyway, it's just one thing, I want the good things, and you fight the bad things!

Those fans love it, and treat their parents better. I was sold (dacd), and I helped count the money!

But in Su Ming's view, since these fans are seeking justice for their idols, they intend to compromise their live broadcast rooms. Then you must be ready to roll over with the fresh meat!

This is called joint liability!

Let Su Ming personally deal with a silly fan?

how is this possible!

How big is her face?

Millions of leftover fans dealt with each other one by one, and they were too busy for days and nights.

And like to deal with female boxing big V, close their accounts. Although it looks simple and fast, it's over a hundred! In fact, for those brain-dead fans, it is not very lethal!

Do they care about their account?


The female boxing big V relies on selling poison chicken soup and pulling hatred to raise the account, it needs to make money!

They don't need it!

It takes seven inches to strike a snake!

The seven inches of brain residue fans are their idols!

For the brain-dead fans, what is truly lethal is to plate their idols!

Can those glamorous fresh meats stand up to the plate?

Of course can't stand it!

Change to a better voice, and then catch the thief first!

So, Su Ming is collecting data from those netizens!

Aggregate them and sort them according to the number of people

After sorting, the harvest begins.

Su Ming checked the time, there were almost three minutes left.

"It's too late.

With a secret word in his heart, Su Ming hurriedly continued to take action.

Those brain-dead fans don't know, the more happily they jump, the worse their idol will cry.

Their idols don't know, they are about to be sent to the execution ground for trial!

For the fan's madness, they don't like it!

No matter what the trouble is, as long as it ends up! It will be them who benefited!

So, one by one, they are eager for these fans, the more fun they are, the better.

The so-called fresh meat is just some older children with unsound minds."

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