I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 297: Fighting for the brains first! Then do it!

With the help of crawler software, the data is almost sorted out quickly.

Looking at the sorted data, Su Ming smiled a little.

Good guys.

In such a short time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared to 1~6 million!

Among them, the fans who support Su Ming and Heizi are excluded. There are also nearly 10 million people who are fans of all kinds of stars.

Among them, the "Brother Zhan Ge" who wants to come back has nearly two million fans!

There are also a lot of things that make you smile, corpses, and the like.

Moreover, this kind of fans are basically girls around 14, 15, and 16 years old!

These "fresh meat fans are too exaggerated."

Su Ming sighed softly in his heart.

These fresh meat noodles are so mindless. When someone instigates a few words from behind, one by one is like crazy.

However, he had already experienced this kind of female boxing before, so he didn't take it too seriously.

Seeing the ranking of the fresh meat that was discharged, Su Ming sneered coldly.

Suddenly, he stopped what was in his hands, turned his gaze to the live broadcast room, and said.

According to "The latest pet law of the Heavenly Dynasty shows: domestic dogs are divided into leashing and non-leashing!"

"However, whether it is leash or not, once they actively bite someone, the dog owner is responsible!"

Listening to Su Ming's words, those supporters were dumbfounded.

"What does the anchor mean? I don't quite understand it. Isn't it a silly fan and a gangster? How is it related to a dog that is on a leash and a dog that does not leash?"

"Uh, I don't really understand it! But I think the anchor may want to say that those brain-dead fans are dogs who don't leash, and those who come with alternative purposes are dogs who leash! No matter that The breeder, the owner behind, can't escape the relationship!"

"The masters behind the Anti-Bone Boys are the so-called anti-counterfeiting masters and insider entertainment! And behind those people, there may be figures from various countries. What about those brain-dead fans? Isn't they also instigated by the same group of people behind them?"

"Since it is the same group of people, why did the anchor say separately? Obviously, the anchor meant something! So, I think it is very likely that the anchor actually refers to the fresh meat behind the brain residue fans!"

"Fuck! Daigo empowers me! This reminds me that behind certain entertainment events, they are inseparable from the interests of certain fresh meat! Either, the fresh meat is instigated! Or, it is the fresh meat. Meat acquiesced! Could it be that this time, some fresh meat also intends to fish in troubled waters?"

"Fishing in troubled waters? Good guys, are they crazy! In order to step on the heat, they are really desperate!"

Compared with the hindsight of those supporters, those gangsters listened to Su Ming's words and suddenly became so angry that smoke came from their nostrils.

They heard it, Su Ming scolded them both in and out of words.

This makes them feel very angry.

But they don't have many people, and the total number is not as many as Su Ming's supporters.

No one is strong in the situation, and they don't dare to spray directly in the comment area, so they all shifted their firepower to those brain-dead fans.

These stupid fans are really good.

"What are you doing in a daze! This anchor is laughing at you! He said that you are dogs, and he also said that he wants to beat the meat behind you!"

"Oh my God! "Brother Zhan Ge" is about to recover, is he going to be hammered again? His fans are really bad! They can't even guard their idols!"

Cold "! Are you still a "double fan? Shuang Jie, the pure goddess in your mind, is almost scolded by someone by name! Please, be a good fan!"

…0 Seeking flowers…

Seeing "Let Jun Yixiao be so humiliated! My heart is cool and cool! You make Jun Yixiao" fans say that they are going to beat the dog owner behind you! Are you still watching the show here? Sadly Sigh! It deserves to make you smile "The show has been cancelled!"

Originally, those brain-dead fans didn't know what Su Ming was talking about, but now they were agitated by those gangsters, all eyes were red.

To humiliate their idols is more painful to them than to humiliate their parents.


This is something that absolutely cannot be tolerated.

"Sisters, go! For Brother Zhan Ge!"

"Sisters, let us step into this live broadcast room together! For my dear "Sister Sister!"

"Sister, I cried! I just received a message from "Brother Zhan Ge" to a big fan! He said, thank you for what we did for him! He loves us! Sisters, what are you waiting for! Go ahead!

Those brain-dead fans once again showed the power that shocked countless people.

Anything they could think of, what kind of report, complaint, or even the police! They did it all.

Su Ming's live broadcast room still stands there well.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

There is still almost one minute left before the five-minute time limit given by Su Ming.

At this moment, Su Ming set his sights on the top three star Fresh Meat.

``Brother Zhan Ge!

"Sister Sister!

‘Let you smile!

The list of the current three was released by Su Ming, he said with a smile.

"It's a pity that other stars and fresh meat are not worthy of being on the list!

"Then, in one minute, it will start with Brother Zhan Ge!" Again.

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