I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 298: Collective dumbfounded! Exposure of black material! [please order]

Originally, for countless people, this was an exciting time.

After a lapse of many days, the anchor is going to fight brain fans and gangsters after hitting boxers and spies online.

However, the rhetorical questions of those stupid fans also left everyone speechless.

Why is "Brother Zhan Ge" ranked first? This man is very hypocritical! He has a lot of black material! Just this, can also be the first row! This is how the row is! Annoying!"

Cold "! "What's wrong with Sister Shuang? Why can she only be ranked second? What a pure, kind and unpretentious goddess, I think she only deserves to be in the first place! Ranking second is an insult to her !"

"Damn! Is there any king's law? Who can tell me, "Five-Five-Zero" in my family's "Let Jun Yi Laugh" is the third? Won! What! Why! This anchor, on what grounds! I am so angry! !"

"Everyone, you are too much! My'Brother Shiyin is not ranked in the top three! You are too Versailles! Besides, let me say, why is my Brother Shifly" not even the top three? Why! Damn! All special inside story! Inside story!"

Seeing those fans who are standing there for their idols, they are vying to come and go.

Many netizens were dumbfounded.

They want to say, stinky sisters, please be serious!

This is not the haha ​​awards ceremony, this is a live broadcast of the idols behind you!

You...you are like this, it's hard not to laugh out loud.

Finally, someone couldn't help but say.

"Brain fans, there is less than a minute left, can't you bear it? You will hit your idol right away, can you be more serious?"

"With such a stupid fan, it's hard for me not to laugh out loud! Hahaha!"

"Come on! A bunch of poor children!"

The anti-bones were shocked and secretly applauded; the messier the better! That's how it should be!

However, those brain-dead fans don't care about this.

In their view, as long as it involves their idols, they must be the first!

The second won't work!

So, some brainstorm fans suggested.

"Sisters, let's spend some money, please people! Spread the news here, so that more sisters who like to make you smile", can participate!"

"Dear friends, call for "Double Sister"! Make the list for "Double Sister"! "Brother Zhan Ge is afraid of ranking first? We are the first to be dissatisfied! Anchor, let's beg you, can you start the ranking mode? , We want to give "Sister Shuang! Climb the list!"

"Yes, anchor! Could you please turn on the ranking mode first! Let's make the ranking for Brother Shi Yin!"

However, Su Ming was busy with other things and did not notice them.

Even if he noticed, he was only slightly surprised.

After all, I have seen all kinds of talents in the female boxing team before!! Brain fans are even more irrational than them, and they can understand.

At this time, Su Ming was slow to seize the time to collect the black material of Zhan Ge.

Of course, these illicit materials are more than just drizzling things like "Going to nightclubs, smoking, etc." by Brother Zhan Ge.

What Su Ming is looking for is naturally...

At the same time, at the backstage of a live event in Beijing, Zhan Ge, with delicate makeup, stood there with a sad expression on his face.

"Sister Ding, it's so irritating! I have prepared for so long to pay! All kinds of advertisements have been shot out, why the chain is dropped at a critical moment!"

"Who is the anchor called "Have the ability to hit me"? So arrogant? I only know XX, where did this anchor pop out?"

Faced with Zhan Ge's angry inquiry, the agent said quickly.

*Brother Zhan Ge’, don’t be angry. We are also investigating who this person is, and there is no unified result yet...0"

"This person has been spread on the Internet so amazingly, it's a speculation from the media at first glance!"

"What about those fans?" Zhan Ge asked.

Don't worry, "Well, those fans are very smart this time. They didn't cause us a major disaster, but gave us a boost!"

The agent explained everything the fans did.

The previous things are still normal. But after many big fans called for'Zhang Ge's fans to capture Su Ming's live broadcast room, it is a bit too much to look at.

But Zhan Ge was very satisfied with this.

"Yes! They finally played a little role!"

"Last time they exploded people's website and caused a big disaster, they eventually hurt me! Hope this time, they can see a little bit!!"

Otherwise, "I'm really going to be stunned by them!"

The agent nodded quickly.

"Indeed, the negative impact we had last time was very bad!

This time, "We will let you come forward at the right time to give encouragement and confidence to those big fans! Then, those big fans will carry out our spirit!!"

"At that time! The road to comeback will be smooth!

2.3 The two looked at each other and laughed.

They didn't notice that at this moment, "Zhan Ge's cell phone jumped suddenly.

In an instant, the phone returned to its original state, as if the phone was accidentally touched and the screen turned on.

After laughing for a while, Zhan Ge asked seriously.

"Sister Ding, have you suppressed the black material from a few days ago?"

Sister Ding shocked slightly.

The black material a few days ago almost shot his comeback to death.

Fortunately, at that time, the entire network was paying attention to the official attack on the goose factory and gave them time to suppress this matter.

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