I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 299: The whole network is eye-catching! An idol who beats a fan! (please complete the order)

The conversation between the two immediately aroused Su Ming's curiosity.

Originally, he planned to start with Zhan Ge's personal belongings such as mobile phones and computers.

With his means, it is very easy to do this.

Even those hacker masters can't see the clue, let alone ordinary people?

That is, when Su Ming ransacked the internal data of Zhan Ge's mobile phone, he accidentally eavesdropped on the conversation between Zhan Ge and Sister Ding.

"Huh? Why didn't I know?"

"Maybe, but I was busy with the whole goose factory and updating the plug-in, so I didn't notice it."

Su Ming changed his mind and reacted.

"It's really sleepy, someone will give pillows! I want to see what the black material is, it is so mysterious."

Ever since, he was listening quietly while collecting data.

At this time, Sister Ding continued: "At that time, I was frightened with cold sweat on my back."

"In the 722 incident, your reputation has been greatly affected at 30! Before the comeback, we organized a new song conference and successfully attracted a large number of fans! Their eyes have returned to us!"

"I don't know that big fan would do this! Almost, almost.

Zhan Ge waved his hand aside, a little afraid.

"I will ask you to contact those big fans privately, so that they can stir up the heat! How do you know...

"That woman is really stupid! As an adult, I'm going to be pissed off by her."

"If it weren't for the fact that she was a big fan and spent a lot of money, she also called her protégé to buy my album together!"

"This matter, I said nothing will let her go!"

"Nothing is going on right now, this is best...

Listening to the ambiguous chat between the two, Su Ming got some valuable clues more or less.

Afterwards, he directly led out the other party's wx chat records.

As a large number of private chat messages were exported, the corners of Su Ming's mouth rose slightly.

Snake and hit seven inches, your seven inches is too much, right.

Could it be that this is the legend: as long as I have many weaknesses, you will not see my weaknesses!

Finally, the time has come.

Those platform bigwigs who silently followed Su Ming's live broadcast room also quickly put aside the things in their hands and set their sights on the live broadcast room one by one.

At the bib headquarters, Mr. Zhao is already full of personnel from the operation department and the technical department.

Mr. Zhao has already thought about it, no matter what Su Ming bursts out, let the people in the operation department collect the hot spots and write them into articles at the first time! Then the people in the technology department will be directly airborne and searched!

This is not the heat, it's called... standing in line!

Not only that, even at the headquarters of the Military Aircraft Department, at the request of the General Administration, Ding Mu also followed Su Ming's live broadcast throughout the entire process.

Regardless of those celebrities or fans.

She doesn't care.

As a member of the Military Aircraft Department, she cares about national security issues!

And behind the anti-bone boy, there is a high possibility that there is a risk of endangering national security!

Therefore, she must pay attention to the whole process! Can not let go of any important clues.

Captain Fan has already collected more detailed evidence on Sun Hai and Yang Cuo.

Now, the facts of their crimes against Noah are well known. However, these evidences are all the facts of Noah's past crimes, and they don't know much about the latest ones!

Noahzi and Zhu Dapi have always been in one-line contact, and he has never told Sun Hai or Yang that he is doing confidential things like working for the free country!

The evidence is still lacking, so Captain Fan did not rush to do it.

Captain Fan called Brother Zhao.

Old Zhao "Do you have any valuable clues over there?"

"Not yet! The other party has a mysterious contact, we are trying to find!"

Brother Zhao explained.

"However, the other party's anti-investigation awareness is very strong! It can be seen that the other party is a veteran!"

"Unable to determine the identity of the other party for the time being!"

"Need... to start?"

There was a moment of silence, and Captain Fan said, "Don't worry for now! You can't get rid of it.

"Continue to monitor him first! The anchor has officially started broadcasting, wait and see, maybe anchor 550 will give us extra surprises!"

"Yes, I understand!

After hanging up the phone, Captain Fan contacted Ding Mu at the headquarters and reported the progress of the matter.

As time passed, Su Ming also suspended his business.

"Okay! Time is up."

"Tell me about today's theme. Originally, I just planned to clean up the anti-skeletal boy."

"I don't know, hey, some brain fans jumped up first.

That’s it. "Let’s start with you! Those anti-skeletal boys first lean back a little, line up, and take your time."

After a slight pause, Su Ming continued to speak calmly.

"I know that those brain-dead fans feel that they don't care about anything! It doesn't matter if their whole family explodes, as long as they win the rights and interests of the idol is enough."

"Then I can only tell you that from now on, your idols are abandoned!

"The fault of the fans, the idols will pay the bill! So, those fans who are clamoring in my live broadcast room, none of your idols can escape!"

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