I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 306: Seeing you guys are upset, I am very happy!! Please order!

Mr. Zhao, who has been watching the live broadcast room, hurriedly yelled to the supervisor under his hand.

"This wave is hot!"

"Quick! Hold on to the hot spots!"

"Director Li quickly write a soft article according to what the anchor said! The content must be in line with what the anchor wants to express!"

"Director Sun, immediately let the technical department prepare and send it directly to the hot search!"

Director Li of the Operations Department said cautiously: "Mr. Zhao, are we too sloppy?"

"This matter hasn't been written yet! In case the car rolls over at that time, let's...

"It is said that behind that Zhan Ge is a big capital."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhao suddenly looked unhappy.

"Xiao Li, it's not me who said you.

"You are still too young after all."

"Will the anchor talk about a live broadcast of 20 million people? Certainly not!"


As soon as the conversation changed, Mr. Zhao continued: "Did you see that the anchor was talking about it?"

Director Li thought, it made sense.

I was sloppy!

Just as she was about to take action, Director Sun of the third group of the technical department said quickly.

"Mr. Zhao, I saw something similar before, but this incident was suppressed later. Fortunately, I still saved it at the time."

Mr. Zhao's eyes lit up and he asked, "Really?"

567 "That's true! I flipped through the phone."

After a while, Director Sun turned to this video in the album.

Immediately, he handed it to Mr. Zhao.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao, I was still thinking about this at the time.

"Later, I saw that someone was pressing, so I put out the idea."

"Since the anchor is clear, then we are not afraid.

After reading it, Mr. Zhao nodded in satisfaction.

The content of the video is very close to the one released by Su Ming, and it should have been edited.

"You did a good job of this."

"Let's be the incarnation of justice!"

Immediately, Mr. Zhao looked at Master Li's pipeline: "What are you still doing in a daze."

"There is also the drunk driving before Zhan Ge, I did it together! Stop the ink, hurry up!"


Zhan Ge and Sister Ding panicked in the internal office of the Sports Plaza in the East District of the Beijing City.

This incident was exposed.

If the relevant departments take some time to investigate, they will be able to find out that they are the culprits behind it.

It was going to make a comeback today.

I don’t know that bad things happen one after another, and they can’t stop.

This is a comeback!

"Sister Ding, what should I do, how could this happen? This incident is clearly suppressed!"

Sister Ding also lost her sense.

"I... I don't know either!"

"I used a lot of force to suppress this thing! I don't know why this happened!"

At this moment, she saw a push message on the phone.

It is the hot search news pushed by the bib.

[Shocked; well-known fresh meat drunk driving? Indifferent legal consciousness!]

Soon, another post.

[The rice circle culture has entered the classroom, the tragedy of society!)

When I clicked it on, it was full of curses.

"Good guy, I'll call you good guy! I saw Gang Zhang drunk driving and saw this one again. In order to pay idols, these people have disregarded professional ethics?"

"Niubi! This is the legendary training from an early age? I don't know if you guys laugh, anyway, I can't laugh! This matter is very serious!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Zhan Ge! Who am I talking about? The last time countless stubborn fans burst out and caused countless writers to seal their pens, it caused a lot of trouble! Unexpectedly, he jumped out to be a demon again! He was also drunk driving, so courageous. Fat!

"It's your right to chase stars, but doing so is too much! Strongly demand that the official punish you!"

"I heard two days ago that he is coming back today? How can an artist with a previous record allow him to come back? If he comes back, other artists can't imitate it again and again? The social harm is too great!"

Before, "I saw similar news before, and then I couldn't see it! It seems that they are working behind the scenes! This time is good, exposed, and beautiful!"

Looking at these comments, Sister Ding sweated coldly on her forehead.

She realized that something big was about to happen!

At this time, it can't be suppressed anymore.

"I, I'll get in touch." Sister Ding was shaking with her mobile phone.


At the same time, the netizens in the live broadcast room were silent.

This incident is indeed out of the ordinary!

This educator, under the command of Sister Ge and Ding, turned into a hungry wolf!

Even a screen name that is not a student of her class must intervene.

Is this still a human?

No, this is a beast!

They were also shocked by this person's shameless and beastly deeds, and fans of Zhan Ge jumped out.

"I've heard about this before, and it's clear that someone is trying to mess with my brother Zhan Ge! I don't understand it. Why do we have to use this educator's fault to chase the stars?"

"Yeah! Why don't you think about it, since there are so many people who like Zhan Ge, doesn't it mean Zhan Ge is excellent? What is star chasing? Is it like chasing a star? If this goes on, how can educators dare to control the students? ."

"I support this educator! This disciple sees that he often reads filthy websites, his heart has changed! Otherwise, why would he take such a net name-Zhan Ge must be focused! She is right, we must dig deeper The reason for this kind of screen name depends on what you have contacted."

"I think, this person is also 23! Although she is a fan of Zhan Ge, she is an adult first! Does an adult understand? How many times Zhan Ge has appealed to chase stars rationally, and how many times Zhan Ge has called I can't drink everything in the rice circle, she can't listen to it!

"I think she has a problem! Anyway, it's no problem with Zhange! It doesn't matter whether she is a fan of Zhange or not! It's her problem!"

This wave of brainless speeches immediately made countless netizens laugh.

"Are your brains showing up! I didn't hear the anchor say that this incident was the main agent of Zhan Ge and his agent behind?"

"This wave of brain-dead fans is contradictory! You first parry, let's watch the show first, and spray you later.

"That's it? Washed up? It's the same with the students of the foreign class, and it's obvious to my students!"

"She asked her students to spend money on Zhan Ge's surroundings and albums! She asked her parents if she had no money, just to put Zhan Ge on the charts! To be honest, she spends her own money, no matter how much she spends, I don't care! But She poisons the next generation like this, I am very angry! If my child encounters this kind of educator in the future, I will be a punch!"

"I am very curious that this kind of thing has not been exposed! Presumably, Zhan Ge and his team have put a lot of effort behind them! I am also an educator, and I can't do this kind of thing anyway. It's not human doing it!"

Su Ming said at the right time.

"Originally, this was a big deal."

"It happened to catch up with the goose factory incident, which gave Zhan Ge and the team behind him an opportunity to suppress this incident."

Fans have questioned, saying that this matter is impossible, Zhan Ge is innocent, excellent, and the three views are very upright.

Su Ming didn't care what they thought, and said with a sneer.

"I don't treat you as human beings, so your doubts are irrelevant to me."

"Seeing you are upset, I feel very comfortable."

After the conversation, Su Ming lightly presses on the keyboard.

Another voice that shocked countless people's jaw dropped was exposed.

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