I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 307: The anchor report! The official Thunder shot! (please complete the order)

On the other side, the Traffic Management Bureau of the East District of Beijing City.

Captain Wan Da, who was on the night shift, had just checked the two nearby streets and returned to his office.

Take a sip of water and feel comfortable all over.

He planned to rest for a while and then go to the other two streets.

However, before he realized the heat in his seat, the office door was knocked.

Yo Yo "You, Captain Wan Da, it's a bit urgent."

"Come in."

A female team member walked in and said solemnly: "We just received a report email.

"Report mail?

Captain Wan Da came to be interested.

Since the rapid development of the Internet, various reporting channels have also expanded.

Many people will be on the sound, they, let them deal with some undetected violations of law and discipline.

After all, traffic controllers cannot stay on the road 24 hours a day. And with so many roads, there are not enough people.

At this time, reports by ordinary people are particularly important.

Reporting others to violate the law and discipline is to save people!

Imagine reporting in time, official intervention, detention, and education! In this way, the other party will have awe of the law and will not dare to violate it next time.

And without timely detention and education, the other party will feel impunity, and he will dare to commit the crime next time! At that time, it is hard to say whether an accident will happen to the other party or a passerby.

Even if you commit a crime, you are joking with your own life!

"Now the people's legal awareness is getting stronger and stronger, which is very good."

Captain Wan Da was very satisfied with this behavior.

He is not afraid of being busy, he is afraid that someone will not abide by the law.

Say "Look, which netizen reported it?"

"Follow the instructions above, if the report is confirmed, the reporter will be rewarded!"

The face of the female team member did not relax at all, but became more serious.

"Captain Wan Da, this time is a hot potato.

"Hot potato? What do you mean? The other party has no background?"

The female player nodded.


Captain Wan Da slapped his palm on the table, making a violent noise.

When the people outside heard it, they all shrank their heads in fright.

"You! What's wrong with background?"

"No matter how big the background is, can it still be bigger than the laws of the heavenly dynasty?"

Captain Wan Da righteously said.

"Behind us is the country! As long as we determine that the offense is under our jurisdiction, no matter who he is!"

"The only thing is Yang Ju, Laozi also catches it!"

Speaking, Captain Wan Da directly received the information from the opponent.

A few pictures, and a USB flash drive.

Rolling his eyes casually, Captain Wan's face sank slightly.

Then I inserted the U disk into the computer and checked it.

"Captain Wan Da, he is a top-rate fresh meat! This matter is not easy to handle.

"You fart! What's not easy to do? Whether it's fresh meat or bacon! The laws of the empire are bigger than the sky!"

"Um... The female team member hesitated and said: "It looks like it should be two months ago, I'm afraid it will be difficult to confirm. "

"Ah." Captain Wan Da sneered: "Look for a colleague in the Appraisal Division to appraise it!"

"Watching the video, 90% are drinking! As long as the identification is positive, what if two months have passed? The murderer has been running for more than ten years, is it not arrested? Impossible!"

"Check the identity of Zhan Ge's friend, then check the identity of this woman, and bring it back for interrogation at that time!"

The female team member pointed to the document on the table of Captain Wan Da and reminded: "Captain Wan Da, the information of those two people is also in this document."

Captain Wan Da was stunned for a while, and muttered: "So complete?"

He immediately took it out and took a look. As expected, the identity information and home addresses of the two people, including the places they frequented, were recorded.

After reading it, Captain Wan Da sighed with emotion.

"This class of netizens, there are some awesome pens! It greatly reduces the difficulty of our forensics!"

…0 Seeking flowers…

"This wave of reports, love! Must love!"

Captain Wan Da was very pleased, and the female captain blurted out: "Captain Wan Da, in fact, this is the report email sent by the anchor who called me to be able to hit me." "

The joy on Captain Wan's face gradually solidified.


"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Quickly, notify the first and second teams and dispatch them immediately. Follow the address on the report email to bring the man and the woman back and ask about the situation."

"Notify the third team and get ready immediately. I personally take them to find this man named Zhan Ge!"


The female captain walked out quickly.

After a while, traffic control vehicles drove out outside the General Administration of Traffic Control.

No one knows all this. Neither the netizens in the live broadcast room nor the stupid fans, including Zhan Ge himself, don't know.

At this time, the live broadcast room was playing a voice that made Zhan Ge and Ding sister's scalp numb.

[The 722 incident, your reputation, their eyes, have returned to us!''

[I asked you to contact those big fans privately, making their woman feel dizzy

[Nothing is going on right now, this is the best

This voice is surprisingly what Zhan Ge and Ding sister talked privately before.

They can swear that the conversation will never be heard by a third person.

But now, it will actually sound from Su Ming's live broadcast room.

If the information that Su Ming exposed before may be someone else secretly broke the information to him, then there is no way to explain this matter!

The two looked at each other with pale faces, and they dared not take a breath.

At this moment, they were cold all over.

Invisible fear filled their hearts.

After a long while, Zhan Ge said, "Tour! I would have known that I would not let those big fans call on fans and engage in that anchor!" Again,

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