I had a good idea, and I had a wave of Su Ming. There was a wave of popularity, and the next day he made a strong comeback!

This set of combined punches is definitely the most popular in the entire network.

Anything like "Sister Sister, Make Jun a Smile", etc., all have to wait in line!

When he comes back, he will be the hot search first and the hotspot first, and resources will be tilted at that time!

It's just getting rich!

It's a pity that everything counts, but Zhan Ge didn't count it. Su Ming is no ordinary person! The usual routines and methods of the other party do not work with Su Ming.

This is a typical example of shooting yourself in the foot.

Sister Ding sighed helplessly: "Hey, it's too late to say anything now!"

"Sister Ding, you must save me." "Five Six Seven" Zhan Ge was completely panicked.

"This anchor is terrible! I... I admit that I was scared by him.

"Now let's lower our stance, is there any chance?"

Facing Zhan Ge's inquiry, Sister Ding shook her head.

"No chance. He has been exposed on the whole network."

"If you don't send those fans to explode his live broadcast room! When those fans are showing signs of this, it may not be possible to stop them in time."

Zhan Ge anxiously walked back and forth in place.

"It's over!"

"It's exposed, everything is exposed!"

"I'm done.

"On the day of my comeback, I don't know when it will be delayed again.

Even now, he didn't realize his mistake. Rather, I was thinking that I could not come back in time and would lose countless money, fame, and resources.

As for the big fan, the protégé of the big fan, and the next-door student who was yelled at by the big fan and almost got depression, he was not in his consideration at all.

Like me, chase my star, is your choice! Blame me?

You are an adult, you just listen to what I say? I let you eat, do you eat?

So, it's just a matter of my ass.

As an agent, Sister Ding did not feel that there was anything wrong with Zhan Ge's words.

The thoughts in her mind turned sharply, and eventually she decided to ask the top of the company for help.

However, what made her even more anxious was that her phone was called and no one answered!

Several in a row, none of them answered!

If you can't find the boss, just find the vice president.

Regrettably, no one answered the vice president's phone.

Seeing Sister Ding panicked, Zhan Ge's heart tightened, "Sister Ding, what's the matter?"

"No...nothing, I have a little trouble.

Sister Ding put down the phone and forced herself to calm down.

For a full minute, she took deep breaths all over there.

Finally, she jumped out two words.


"Huh? Apology?"

"Yes! The last item of emergency public relations, apology! No matter who is right or wrong, apologize on the collar in a sincere tone!"

Sister Ding calmed down, with infinite inspiration flashing in her mind.

"Is this useful? It's not a trivial matter! Just an apology? I used to show up at the right time. Now so early, will I feel a guilty conscience."

Zhan Ge didn't believe it.

"Trust me!" Sister Ding said firmly: "I have more experience in this matter than you."

"First apologize in the scarf! Then, I will ask the makeup artist to put on crying makeup for you, find someone to write you a manuscript, and record an apology video for you."

Sister Ding looked at Zhan Ge, and exclaimed solemnly.

"Zhan Ge, remember, the core of this matter lies with you! It also lies with the fans!"

"You must be sincere enough to squeeze a few more tears.

"Anyway, it's just one thing, if you get the heart of the people, everything else is easy. As long as the fans are still standing on our side, we will win half!"

Zhan Ge looked at Sister Ding a little strangely, quite puzzled.

Sister Ding did not intend to say explicitly that if the fans abandon you, it is even more unlikely that the bosses will come forward to help you! Only if the fans are strong and don't fall, the boss will help you if he sees that you have great value.

Sister Ding patted Zhan Ge on the shoulder, "Don't think too much, do as I say."

"I can't cry, I'll find someone to buy you an onion!

In order to occupy this cash cow, Ding sister can be said to be exhausted.

But she didn't know that Captain Wan from the Traffic Management Bureau of the East District of Beijing City was already on his way.

It takes less than ten minutes to arrive here.

Su Ming gave them Zhan Ge's detailed address, and they didn't need to spend time to investigate slowly.

After the dialogue was played, Su Ming did not speak, and no one knew what he was up to. He could only hear the keyboard tapping in the live broadcast room.

"I don't believe it! Zhan Ge can't do this!"

"The Three Views of Zhan Ge are very upright! He was born to face the sun, how could it be like this! It is absolutely impossible, I don't believe it! I don't believe it if you kill me!"

Anchor "Why do you want to fix my idol! I was scared to cry by you, 2.3 now are you satisfied?"

"Sisters, there will be no trouble with Zhan Ge! We must believe in Zhan Ge!"

"Yes, Zhan Ge is such a positive and optimistic person, has never had a black fan, I believe him!

Faced with these doubts and remarks full of brain damage, those netizens are boring.

Scolding a fan is also a tiring job.

Finally, Su Ming spoke.

"Okay, I sent the evidence to the Tianchao Telecasting Administration and the Tianchao Education Administration."

"Brain fans and bad artists, no one can escape.

"As for the explosion of people, what are you doing now? The Code of Heaven: Inciting cyber violence, this is a no small crime."

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