I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 309: The whole network is exposed! The upper level pays attention! Severe punishment is not

Now, all netizens were dumbfounded.

Su Ming actually directly sent a report email to the Tianchao Telebroadcasting Administration and the Tianchao Education Administration.

In this way, it's hard not to pay attention to it.

Soon, those netizens reacted.

"The anchor deserves to be the anchor, report it directly online, knowing that something is easy to happen below."

"Hey, that's right! This incident was exposed before and was soon suppressed. It can be seen that reporting is the right way!"

"I just came over from the hot search for the bib, and the Zhan Ge incident is about to dominate the hot search! I heard that he was preparing to come back before, and he wanted to make a hot search and make a wave of popularity! Now, I don't know this wave of popularity, is he satisfied? (Cover your mouth and laugh.jpg)

"I don't know if he is satisfied, but I am satisfied anyway. (狗头保命.jpg) This kind of person should be exposed on the whole network!

"Brain fans, cry, cry, it's not a crime! Come on, you are working hard, send Zang Ge to the bars earlier. (Oli to .jpg)

At the same time, the Beijing and Tianchao Telecasting Administration.


Chengju is packing up things in the office.

There have been a lot of things recently, so he often works overtime until 7 or 8 o'clock.

Now things are almost done, so he plans to get off work.

He walked to the door of Gang, and his secretary also appeared outside the door at the same time.

The two almost bumped into each other.

Old Liu "What's the matter? It's frizzy, it's not like you."

I didn't blame the situation, but asked differently.

"It's a game, something went wrong."

"What's the matter?"

Secretary Liu glanced at the corridor, and he understood the situation in an instant, and said in a hurry.

"Come in and talk.

After closing the door, Secretary Liu quickly repeated the content of the anonymous report email he received.

After speaking, he handed over the document printed on his hand.

"It's a game, everything is inside.

Listening to Secretary Liu's account, there was a trace of anger on Cheng Ju's face.

Take over the file and see the end from the beginning.

He slammed his palm on the table, making a loud bang.


These "artists, too lawless!"

"It seems that our method is too gentle! It makes them think that we are a little loud and a little rainy! The new regulations of the Tian Dynasty artists that just came out last time, they should also try their swords!"

In fact, this normal situation will alarm the superior situation?

Will not!

Even if the incident was so troubled on the Internet, in the end several responsible persons sat together to discuss and determine the nature of the situation. After that, the whole network will be notified.

The reason why Secretary Liu personally reported the matter to the Bureau is because the reporter was not an ordinary person.

The identity of the whistleblower is different, which determines the degree of concern.

Cheng was so angry that he also saw the last line of the small words that Secretary Liu left in the document: The anchor reported, real hammer!

It's not easy for a person to sit in this seat.

The anchor that Secretary Liu can point out in person, the whole network can't find the second one.

Now that you know who is behind the scenes, you will know how to express your stance.

"Secretary Liu, you will be busy for a while."

Secretary Liu had a real understanding, and said: "I understand it is a game."

"Go ahead, do it well! The new regulations of the tian dynasty artists must be strictly enforced!"


Secretary Liu hurriedly dealt with it here, and on the other side, the General Administration of Education of the Tian Dynasty.

After receiving the report email, the Chinese Education Administration also started to take action.

The money bureau, who had returned home, didn't plan to come out in person after receiving the call.

Later, the deputy bureau of Chu told him on the phone that this matter involved the anchor." The anchor was staring at the back!

Now, the money bureau couldn't sit still, and rushed back without stopping.

As soon as they entered the meeting room, everyone was already there waiting.

The Qian Bureau looked at the Deputy Bureau of Chu on the side and asked, "Is this matter clear?"

"Money Bureau, checked it out."

The deputy bureau of Chu picked up the information on the table, handed it to the bureau of money, and explained.

We "just called the local education branch, and it is true."

"Very good! Now that it's confirmed, it's easy!"

The money bureau didn't sit there either, and after flipping through the information in his hand, he said in a serious tone.

"The educators involved need to be dealt with seriously! According to the laws and regulations of the Chinese dynasty, we will severely punish them!"

"Local sub-bureaus, the accountability that should be held accountable, the accountability that should be accountable!"

"There are schools...

The tone was slightly -567 times, and the front of the game turned and said.

"By the way, there is that student! I heard that I almost got depression, let the local good students deal with it, understand?"


The final round clapped his hands and urged: "Hurry up!

All of a sudden, the Tianchao Telecasting Administration and the Tianchao Education Administration all acted.

The two teams of the Traffic Control Bureau have successfully found Zhan Ge's friends and the beauty of Zhan Ge in two bars according to the address provided by Su Ming!

After finding it, it was naturally a question.

At first, the two wanted to be sloppy. But under the full evidence, the two finally confessed.

They admitted that Zhan Ge indeed drunk and drove that day!

She even pulled out a video from the album of her in the Zhan Ge car.

In the video, Zhan Ge personally admitted that he was drunk driving, and no one would be able to find the device.

Since then, there has been ironclad evidence.

When the news reached Captain Wan Da, his face sank like water.

"These people are really bold!"

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