I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 310: You are not qualified! The trial begins!

Captain Wan Da, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked, "How long is there?"

"It's almost a few minutes."

"very good!

Captain Wan Da nodded, turned on the headset, and spoke to other colleagues.

"After a while, grab someone directly, don't use ink."

A colleague’s voice came from the headset.

"Captain Wan, I know that the one named Zhan Ge is a very popular top class. Let's take a bunch of people over, can we take him away?"

Seeing someone speak, others also said one after another.

"Yes, Captain Wan, I heard that today is his comeback day, and it was delayed because the anchor started broadcasting. I don't mean to let him go, but to say that with so many fans surrounded, we think To take away a top, the difficulty is still not small."

"Captain Wan, why don't we call some people over? You know, those fans know better. They will be very troublesome when they come up."

"Although obstructing law enforcement, it is necessary to take away and detain. But we can't take all those people back, right?"

"Why don't you contact the local branch and ask them to help and cooperate together?"

Captain Wan Da opened his mouth, and finally said: "Okay, I see!"

"The evidence for this matter is conclusive, with complete personal and material evidence. No one can escape the severe punishment of the law!"

"If Zhan Ge incites those fans to violate the law and discipline, huh! It's not just a matter of violating the traffic law of the celestial dynasty!"

The 20 million fans in the live broadcast room, and the fans and anti-bones do not believe that Zhan Ge will be cold.

The brainless fan is the confidence without the brain, and the anti-skeletal boy is the confidence in the capital power behind Zhan Ge.

Only those netizens who support Su Ming think that they must be focused!

It's just that they don't know when it is scorched and when it is completely scorched.

They had never dreamed that at this moment, they had entered the countdown to the full-fledged Zhan Ge.

During the live broadcast, Su Ming is constantly posting the "ugly things" that Zhan Ge's brainless fans are proud of.

While putting it on, Su Ming explained.

Since "this matter was forced by Zhan Ge and his agent to suppress it, there has been a trend of frenzied anger." "

"Like this. The title of a composition written by a Chinese educator: "A Letter to Zhan Ge"

Immediately, a screenshot jumped out.

["A Letter to Zhan Ge"

Note: You can express your own opinions on the entertainment industry, acting skills, music level, etc., can express encouragement or evaluation of Zhan Ge himself, don't make personal attacks! Probably not bad! 」

For those fans, this kind of thing is normal.

"Is there a problem? There is nothing wrong with it! With so many educators like Zhan Ge, it still means Zhan Ge is excellent!"

"This is a kind of support from our fans for Zhan Ge, which happens to be integrated into the Chinese composition! It should be an excellent educator!"

For these anti-intellectual chaos, all netizens have become numb.

Su Ming didn't even look at it, and talked freely.

"A circle of friends posted by an educator."

The screenshot jumped out: [Chasing stars, don't follow blindly! I spent my own money and bought 500 copies, and I also motivated my students. They bought ten of them, 1,000 in total! Hahahaha~ hum! We support you all, Brother Zhan Ge!''

"and this."

After the conversation, another screenshot jumped out.

[When the kindergarten starts, I will start my internship! Hey, I will introduce Zhan Ge to those flowers! I have to cultivate it from an early age! Hahaha! Zhan Ge will be very happy when he knows it. "

More and more pictures have filled the entire interface, and the pictures that can be exploded by Su Ming are still endless.

[Now that I know the benefits of being an educator, it feels good to be able to fight with my protégé Anri!)

[Disciples, everyone is posting in the circle of friends today, supporting, encouraging, and liking Zhan Ge's dynamics. I can't delete the practice within 24 hours. I will check the miserable situation of the Wanban class at night. I am very satisfied with the operation of the students. !】

[What's his name? Zhan Ge! Who is Zhan Ge? Boyfriend! Very good, a little red flower for one person!]

At the end, Su Ming stopped talking.

But the screenshots that jumped out were like a big rock, pressing on the hearts of those netizens, making them breathless.

Everyone has children. If you encounter such an educator in the future, you will be tempted to become a "brain fan successor". It will be terrifying to think about it.

It is a heinous crime to start training from a young age!

The fact of "female" is like this. "

Su Ming's tone is calm but vigorous.

The person who "exposed the Ge must be focused" was later violently attacked by a number of fans (Li Wangzhao). The result is self-evident. "

"Have Zhan Ge and the people behind him care about each other?"

"They are high above them, and they want to control them behind! If it weren't for this thing to be suppressed, would those mentally disabled people be so crazy? Their abacus is good.

"Of course,

Speaking of this, Su Ming turned around.

"I don't intend to compete with you brain fans. In a word, want to explode my live broadcast room? You are not qualified!"

"It's still the same sentence, the fan's fault, idol resistance! Then I will tell you by the way."

"Today, I am also high above, judge him!"

At this moment, Su Ming, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, with an unusually relaxed tone.

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