I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 311 Kick to the iron plate! Zhan Ge apologizes! The whole network taunts! (seeking full orde

As Su Ming broke out one by one, Mr. Zhao laughed from ear to ear.

"Good fellow, the anchor is a ruthless person!"

"This kind of thing that has been suppressed a long time ago has all exploded!"

"The same goes for these stupid fans, who can't be the anchor? Isn't this digging their own graves for their idols?"

"Now, the capital behind Zhan Ge is about to cry!"

Mr. Zhao talked to himself while instructing.

"Director Li, your department must act fast! You can't let other platforms take the lead!"

Director Li on the side hurriedly said: "President Zhao, don't worry, I let our department work overtime collectively, and fight till dawn!

"very good!"

Nodded, Mr. Zhao looked at Director Sun of the Technical Department and urged.

"Director Sun, so are you, hurry up and push hot search, don't stop!"

Director Sun is also unambiguous: "Please rest assured, Mr. Zhao."

"We have been pushing! As long as the person in charge of Li sends copywriting, it will be searched every minute! It is absolutely unambiguous."

"How is the flow now?"

In the face of Mr. Zhao’s inquiry, Master Sun channeled: “The number of people who are online in the bib is increasing, and the number of people who are online in real time has reached 20 million, and it is still increasing.


"A little longer time, the event will ferment for a while, it can impact forty million!"

"The number of people online today has exceeded 120 million!"

For this data, Mr. Zhao is very satisfied.

He is confident that under his own wave of operations, the number of people online can exceed 200 million today!

It's not far from the heyday of the bib.

"How many new users are there?

"Almost three million has been added! Among them, the number of users who have not logged in for a long time, downloaded or logged in to the bib again, has also reached five million.

"Good guy, add 3 million new users and harvest 5 million old users. This data is very good!"

Mr. Zhao smiled all over his face.

This wave followed Su Ming to eat meat and soup, and the blood won't lose money.

"Continue to vigorously promote! We have newly opened up the poor death you 2.0' plug-in channel, and also increase our efforts to promote it!"


Although the response of the bib was fast, the response of other platforms was not slow. Everyone is rushing to grab this wave of hot search topics.

CU Shock Department: Shocked: A certain Sanguan Chaozheng fresh meat, privately, it turned out to be like this.

Something: (dacd) Star chasing is an artistic activity. It is a sad thing to forget one's professional ethics! Especially, some artists are still using their backs! Related departments, it's time to look up.

For a while, netizens on all major platforms were bombarded with news related to Zhan Ge.

"Fuck it, isn't it! I don't usually see it, he is like this!

"What's special! Even the internal conversations have been exposed. It seems that this Zhan Ge is really a human face and animal heart."

"Hid it so deep, secretly let the fans do this!"

"Therefore, some people are really crazy when they are on fire. All the things are suppressed. I don't know if I kicked the iron plate. This is interesting. It all made him upside down!"

"That's it, did you publicize a comeback a while ago? Or go back and reflect on it, and be a good person.

Ever since, more and more small partners who know the inside come forward to speak out.

"Have you known about Zhan Ge's donation incident? Make a donation!"

"You didn't know what happened last time...

Under the waves of countless netizens, those brain-dead fans felt that their power was so pale for the first time.

If there is only one person, those brain-dead fans are all grown-ups. She should be responsible for her actions. This is the reason she is alone, and has nothing to do with idols! The remarks "should not pull idols into the water" sounded a little bit more vigorous.

There are too many relevant practitioners who can be exposed by Su Ming.

It's my fault alone.

How about ten people?

How about a hundred people?

How about a thousand people?

You know, behind these people, they represent countless students!

One year after another, too much.

Behind those students are more families.

Although there are countless reasons for the stubborn fan, why are the composition of the college entrance examination and the three views of Kao Zhange so positive? Why are so many people supporting the English reading comprehension of the college entrance examination and the song of Kao Zhange?

Finally, someone discovered that the official media had spoken out.

Tianchao Daily: As a professional person, especially educators facing the vast number of young people, you should not bring your own star-chasing behavior into your career. Regardless of the reason, this is basic professional ethics!

Xin Tian Chao Bao: The education of children is related to the future of the motherland, and students should not become a tool for star chasing!

Tianchao History Research Institute: [Liyan: The cultivation of youth values ​​is related to the future of the nation. Today, the Internet frequently broke out that some people were in the classroom, leading the whole class to cheer videos for a certain artist, which caused great controversy. Looking back at history, when the dynasty was in its heyday, most of the literary and artistic works were Jun Tian Guang Le, and the decline all began with the sound of sluggishness. Openly guiding students in the classroom to cheer for entertainers, reflecting the fact that education is even more of a prosperous class of police! Especially, there are related entertainers behind.

The official attitude naturally represents the above attitude.

The audience in the live broadcast room all cheered excitedly when they saw these news.

Everyone can see that in this wave, Su Ming has won.

Even the official media have spoken out, is it still far from the official end?

Not far away!

Not only that, those Internet platforms have reposted and pushed hot searches.

The waves are higher than the waves!

And Zhan Ge finally couldn't stand it anymore. While waiting for Sister Ding to bring him good news, he issued an apology according to what Sister Ding said.

[Apologize to the fans: I hope everyone puts their work and life first, do their responsibilities and obligations, and abide by professional norms and the bottom line of the industry. I don’t need to support it. "

After issuing the apology, he shut down the bib comment mechanism.

Just for you to see, you are not allowed to comment.

However, the devil's height is one foot high and one foot high.

Just when Zhan Ge felt contented, Su Ming noticed and immediately sneered in his heart.

"Apologize, just apologize properly. After apologizing, don't give a comment. How can there be such a good thing?"

He was directly in the backstage of the bib and turned on the comment function of Zhan Ge's official bib.

Countless fans swarmed in.

A message that was pushed up was unusually dazzling.

[Ah, Bobo, this is a stubborn fan that has been abandoned! A stubborn fan: Ah, so we are all clowns! Ducking the tail to survive, abandoning the car to protect the handsome, forgive my lack of language, anyway, it is just one sentence: Ruthless Hara!].

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