I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 325: Double Dad Apologize! Declare War to Su Ming! Public Opinion Strikes Back! Seek Full Or

Under the discussion of countless people, more and more people are full of curiosity about Su Ming.

They are eager to know what kind of person this is!

Why would it detonate the entire network!

Ever since, a large number of netizens poured into Su Ming's live broadcast room.

Under the bombardment of rounds of hot searches, Su Ming's reputation has begun to radiate to the majority of ordinary netizens.

At this moment, Su Ming's live broadcast room.

Seeing the soaring number of fans, Su Ming was slightly shocked, and after a little thought in his mind, he suddenly understood.

Under the impact of these enthusiasm, more and more netizens became eager to know more about the truth, so they came in.

After taking a casual glance, Su Ming stopped bothering.

At this moment, he is busy monitoring the twin sisters' family.

Shuang Dad does things more comprehensively, and many deadly big melons are very secretive.

This brought some difficulties to Su Ming's forensics.

Fortunately, Su Ming's goal has not changed, which is to keep digging deep into this matter.

Through monitoring, Su Ming successfully found some valuable clues.

Following these clues, Su Ming found more valuable clues from the ex-boyfriend of Shuangjie.

With these clues, Su Ming's grasp surged.

This is the powerful ability of a top hacker who is free to come and go in the Internet world. If you want to know something, you can go to the source to understand it!

While Su Ming is constantly exploring, the double dad posted a self-portrait apology video on the Internet!

Not long after the apology video appeared, someone ran to the live broadcast room and said.

"Anchor, double dad apologize!"

"Anchor, did you see the video? Double dad apologized! Oh my god, I don't look like an apology, but it feels like a hot pot!"

"That's it, it's also called an apology? It's at best a clarification video! Moreover, this is to threaten the fishing boats of the world and fight back against the anchor!"

"Double Dad is amazing. After some words, there are no loopholes at all! He is a ruthless person! Look at Double Dad, and then look at ourselves, you will know why some people are getting richer and richer, but we are getting more and more wealthy. Poverty, alas!!

"Brother, what's the situation? We are all watching the content of the apology of the double dad. How did you get to you, and your mind has been sublimated? We all started to study why he is so rich?"

Those netizens had a good discussion, but when this person came out, many people's attention was suddenly distracted.

Everyone can't understand, such an apology video can tell who should be rich and who should be poor?

Is there any reason for this?

"Brother, can you tell me clearly? I studied the content of his apology for a long time, but I didn't find that there was a code to get rich! It was all related to the birth of a child by the twin sisters!"

"The password to get rich? The double dad is not always persuading throughout the article. Sister Shuang stored the essence of her life in a private hospital in a free country! But someone with no conscience secretly took it away with her identity as Shuang Sister. Then a child was brought out through some illegal means, the purpose is to blackmail the twin sisters, defrauding huge wealth and sending it to the anchor! Is this the code to get rich? The risk is a bit high!"

Sure enough, "It's correct on the Internet! The means to make money quickly are written in the laws of the celestial dynasty!"

"Okay, okay, it seems that everyone hasn't noticed it, so let me talk about it. You can watch the double dad's apology video carefully and see what is on the right side of the double dad!"

At the prompt of the other party, everyone clicked on the video and re-studied it.

Su Ming quickly noticed the incident and opened the double dad's apology video to see what he wanted to express.

As soon as the video opened, Dad Shuangshuang wore a baseball cap and sat there slightly arrogantly.

Even if he tried to make himself more peaceful, he immediately destroyed the atmosphere when he spoke.

[Good evening, all netizens, I’m really sorry, because the little girl’s affairs have caused everyone a mess. As her father and agent, I am here to apologize to everyone! I'm sorry. "

With that, the two fathers lowered their heads slightly and expressed their apologies.

It doesn't seem to be sincere at all, it's too sloppy.

Raising his head, Dad continued.

[In addition, I also want to clarify one thing here! This matter is now being exposed by an unscrupulous anchor!''

[Actually, we were shocked when we learned about this a long time ago! My daughter, Bingqingyujie, has a simple life and a clean circle! How could this be?)

Hearing this, Su Ming almost didn't laugh.

Just your daughter, the whole net knows the famous green tea bitch.

Is it clear and clean? The circle is clean?

[After digging deep, I realized that it turned out that my daughter had frozen the essence of her life in a private hospital in the free country before! At a reception, she accidentally said that she leaked her mouth, which gave the criminals a chance :)

Speaking of this, Dad's expression of anger was full of tremors.

It's as if everything is true.

Whenever I think about it, it will make people angry!

I have to say that although he is just the agent of Shuang Sister, his performance is indeed not worse than Shuang Sister!

Sure enough, there are daughters and fathers!

After a short pause, Dad took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then continued.

[They managed to take out those things from that hospital by stealing my daughter’s ID, and later...)

[After Shuang'er learned about it, they didn't say to close their eyes for days and nights! We looked for various solutions, but none of them worked.

[Finally, they (Li Wangzhao) used this to blackmail my daughter! Have pity on my daughter! Our family of three, for months, all survived under thrilling circumstances! 」

Dad's waist gradually bends a lot.

It's as if there is so much pressure.

[In fact, we have been seeking legal aid in a free country!)

[As of now, we have just made some progress, and we must prosecute the criminals! I don't know, the criminals are united with this unscrupulous anchor!''

Afterwards, the double father stopped the waist again and condemned loudly!

[They want to use this method to force us to yield!''

``I want to say something here, although we are small people, we have no say! But we will never give in!''

[I hope all netizens can give us a testimony, we will never succumb to evil forces!).

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