I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 326: Du Niang apologizes! It's our fault! [Please complete the order]

The last words of Double Dad were sonorous and powerful, showing his determination and courage that he would never bow to the evil forces.

If it weren't for the ad spot on his right that was too eye-catching, Su Ming would have taken it seriously.

"This old boy is also true.

"Such a serious statement makes me feel like a criminal!"

If it weren't for "The Du Niang advertising spot on your right, I almost believed in your evil!"

After thinking about it, Su Ming thought about it.

"There is a way to bite back! Since you are so unscrupulous to discredit, then let's be a bit cruel!"

Immediately, Su Ming began to act.

The netizens in the live broadcast room, after a careful inspection, suddenly found clues.

"Good fellow, good fellow, I really think that Laozi is here to apologize, but I didn't expect it to charge advertising fees while it was hot!"

"Hahaha, you deserve to be a running dog of the capital. It's hard not to make a fortune! If it weren't for everyone's reminder, I hadn't noticed it!"

"Du Niang is also true, what's the situation? She actually reached an advertising space cooperation with the other party! Now even an apology, I have to add 567 ads? So how much water is this apology? ?"

Upstairs, "You are wrong. This is not a statement of apology! This is clearly a statement of counterattack and declaration of war! Double Dad is demonstrating like an anchor!"

"That's right! First come to confuse the audience, and then plan to catch the fish in troubled waters and let the fishing boat attack the anchor! Unfortunately, he has a lot of calculations, and he is the wrong person! If you change someone, you may panic. He is unlucky!"

"Listen, the identity document was stolen, and then the man went to the private hospital of the Free State to take away the things from the twin sisters, and then he came to plant and frame, blackmail! I dare not write such a novel!"

"So, anyone who has a bit of brain knows it, it's too fake! Those brain fans don't know anything, I guess they are adding faster than anyone else! Hey!"

"Let me see how to add a stubborn fan? A stubborn fan, come to add one, let the master be upset! See how brainless you are!"

Sure enough, Shuang Jie's silly fans jumped out one by one and said excitedly.

"Idol's father is my father! Will my father harm my daughter? Obviously not, so I believe what my father said! Anyway, I just support my father!"

"Yeah, it's too hard to be a father! It's obviously someone who framed the twin sisters, and my father has to come out and apologize! This anchor is too conscientious, and he can do anything for money!"

"What's wrong with advertising! What's wrong with earning advertising fees? It's me, I'm happy! I was in a bad mood, and I was scammed by someone to swindle money. If I didn't earn any advertising fees, how could I tell you about fraud? !"

"I support my dad and fight to the end. I must never surrender like this evil anchor! Go to the official report! Let everyone know that scammers can't die!"

Under the call of these brain-dead fans, they seemed to flood into the double dad's account and post support.

"Dad, we love you! Come on, fight the lawless to the end!"

"Dad, don't be afraid, we are also supporting you! For our idols and for you, you must be strong! We will express our demands to the authorities and severely punish criminals!"

The cries were higher than the waves.

The double dad looked at him with a smile.

This wave of fishing reels is wonderful!

Three eagles with one arrow, not only washed his daughter clean, but also took the opportunity to make a splash! When he made his debut, he would be fine!

Moreover, I also earned an advertising fee by the way!

This wave is a big profit!

After Mr. Zhao saw it, he didn't hesitate to push the hot search.

"This wave is digging one's own grave!"

"It is estimated that he still feels that he has earned it! He laughed at me!"

After the double dad's apology video was on the hot search, there was a heated discussion and scolding war.

No (dacd) is only about the hypocrisy of the double dad, and even Du Niang scolded it.

After all, brain residue fans have no brains, but it does not mean that the majority of netizens have no brains!

After they think about it, they can naturally see who is talking nonsense.

At this moment, the headquarters of Du Niang in Beijing.

Mr. Liu looked in a hurry, rushing all the way into the building from the outside.

"Which bastard!

"What's the matter, it's not killing me!"

"Let Director Sun from the Operations Department, Director Li from the Public Relations Department, and Director Zhao from the Technical Department, come to my office!"

While talking, he rushed into the elevator.

The front desk looked at Mr. Liu, who was in a hurry, and was at a loss.

After they contacted the relevant person in charge, they whispered in private.

"What's wrong with Mr. Liu? It feels like something has happened!"

"Looking at Mr. Liu's appearance, things are very big!"

"Oh, don't care about it! As long as it has nothing to do with us!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

In General Liu's office, several supervisors ran over in a hurry.

"Mr. Liu, what happened?"

"Mr. Liu, you are not off work, why are you here again."

Mr. Liu slammed the document in his hand on the table, making a "bang".

Then his tone was serious.

"Which bastard did it! Say!"

The three of them picked up the file with dumbfounded expressions and looked at it. It was the screenshot of the Du Niang ad in the video of the apology.

The three of you look at me, I look at you, and finally Director Li of the Public Relations Department said.

"Mr. Liu, I did it!"

"You, you, you want to piss me off!"

Mr. Liu said with an angry face.

"Do you know who their opponent is? The anchor! The anchor who came and went without a trace, fighting the East!"

Director Li said cautiously, "Is it such an exaggeration..."

"What are you talking about! Look, how many platforms dare to fight him? Even the official supports him behind the scenes!"

Mr. Liu said helplessly.

"If it wasn't for me to hit this hot search halfway, I would really be killed by you!"

"Ah...what should I do? Mr. Liu, I... I didn't mean it!" Director Li was also anxious at this time. He found him and said he wanted to cooperate, so I'm sorry Mr. Liu, I was wrong!"

"Depend on!"

"Can you use your brain when you do things!"

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Liu said, "I'll take care of this. You can go back and rest for a few days.

In the end, Du Niang officially came forward to express his stance.

[For what everyone is concerned about, we have placed an advertisement in an apology video. ]

[For this, I am very sad and deeply apologetic!]

[We have already expelled the relevant person in charge!

[Here, we express our deep apologies! I'm sorry!”

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