I, The Strongest Hacker, Begin By exposing The Female Streamer!

Chapter 328: Du Niang slapped her face at the speed of light! The two fathers are mad! (please compl

Unavailable video?

Not cooperating anymore?

What the hell is this?

Zheng Yingyu looked dazed.

Although he couldn't figure it out, he still wanted to fight for it.

After all, Du Niang is one of the Internet giants no matter what, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

If you have a good relationship with Du Niang, it will be easier to ask them for help in the future.

Such as deleting some posts that are not conducive to your daughter.

"Mr. Liu, what's the situation?"

"The cooperation between Director Li and I have been well discussed. Why didn't we suddenly stop cooperating?"

"Do you think the advertising fee is too high?"

"3.2 million, I don't think it is much!"

"You think, now that Zhan Ge has fallen "five six seven", his resources must be vacated.

"And my daughter, now in the limelight, with so many resources, she will definitely get a big cup of beauty!"

"This is a good opportunity for win-win cooperation!"

Zheng Yingyu talked a lot, and he wanted to try his best to redeem this opportunity.

However, no matter what he said, Mr. Liu ignored him at all.

"I have no time to talk to you about this mess."

"Just one sentence, terminate the cooperation! Take down the video!"

"Your cooperation was reached by Director Li privately with you, without our high-level consent! There is no substantive contract that can be used as evidence!

"So, if you want to post a video, please take away our advertising space!"


As soon as the conversation changed, Mr. Liu said with a solemn expression: "We will bring a lawsuit against you.

"Huh? You want to sue me?

Zheng Yingyu was dumbfounded.

"What's so special, is there any king's law?"

"I and you are cooperating! Cooperating!"

"What about my loss? What about my reputation? How would outsiders think of my daughter?"

After being furious, Zheng Yingyu asked rhetorically.

"Mr. Liu, do you think that damn anchor is playing a trick behind the scenes?"

"Sir, I hope you can understand that the termination of cooperation with you is our high-level unanimous statement! There is nothing to do with the anchor!"

Mr. Liu said unceremoniously.

As for "your loss and your reputation, that is your business."

Jeong Young Woo naturally didn't believe what he said.

He felt that this must be Su Ming behind the scenes.

"By the way, Director Li and I have signed an electronic contract!"

"If you terminate the contract privately, you need to compensate ten times! That is 32 million!"

"Mr. Liu, there is no need to spend 30 million more for this little thing, right? Let's continue to cooperate?"

"what do you think?"

32 million, not too much to say more, but not too much to say less.

However, Mr. Liu will naturally not be intimidated by this little trick of Zheng Yingyu.

"Mr. Zheng, I know everything you say."

"However, Director Li has already been opened by us!"

"So, if you want compensation, go to Director Li! Besides, our company only recognizes the contract in text. As for the electronic draft, I'm sorry, I have never said that!"

"Okay! I'm running out of time with you.

After a slight pause, Mr. Liu said casually.

"If you want to sue, our legal team has time to work with you slowly!"

"Of course, if you don't get off the shelves, our legal team will also have time, and it will consume you slowly!"

After speaking, Mr. Liu directly hung up the phone.

"Hello? Mr. Liu?"

"Mr. Liu?



Zheng Yingyu shouted several times in a row, and only a busy tone responded to him.


"Depend on!"

Zheng Yingyu yelled at him with anger.

"Too much deception! Too much deception! Can capitalists be like this!"


At this time, Zhao Meiru came over with the freshly cooked glutinous rice balls.

Husband "What's wrong?"

"Eat a bowl of glutinous rice balls first."

Zheng Yingyu waved his hand, and said with no anger: "I won't eat!"

"What's so special, Du Niang, the damn President Liu, relies on being a general manager, so he really regards himself as a green onion!"

"If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate! What's the big deal!"

"When my daughter becomes popular in China, they will regret it!"

"Depend on!"

It can be seen that Zheng Yingyu is very angry.

Zhao Meiru stood by, holding the glutinous rice balls in her hands, neither walking nor staying.

"What's special! Just off the shelf! Laozi re-recorded it!"

In the end, he compromised.

After all, Du Niang is a big platform, and he cannot bet on a threat from the general manager.

At the same time, the netizens in Su Ming's live broadcast room were inexplicably excited.

Seeing "No? Let Zhengying Yuqi Zhang, be an anchor? Are you tired of living! I want to be an anchor and make money, and I want to make money from advertising. This is overturned!"

"Hahaha, seeing Du Niang's official 2.3 notice, my mood is inexplicably good!"

"Du Niang slapped her face at the speed of light! Zheng Yingyu probably is still forced. If you say good cooperation, why is it gone!"

"Now it's fine, the advertising fee is gone! Hahaha! This wave, I'm a mother!"

"Brain Remnant fan just hopped, so I can't be happy now! I have a dad with a mouthful, so nice, I'm all comfortable!"

Seeing Du Niang's announcement of light speed slap in the face, all of her fans all at once regretted it.

They don't understand why things have become like this.

Su Ming smiled after seeing it.

Before she started acting, Du Niang directly surrendered!

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