During the live broadcast, Su Ming's quick apology to Du Niang was somewhat unexpected. But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense.

After all, the previous convictions of the platform such as the bib are just there, and no one dares to make a mistake.

Su Ming chuckled and said casually.

"Du Niang's reaction is a bit quick!"

As soon as these words came out, all the netizens laughed.

"Anchor, is it because you are behind your back? It must be like this! Hey, good job! You have to give those people a little color!

This kind of "things can only be saved by the host's presence! Do you still remember the original bib? Hey, it's the same!"

"Looking at the Internet platform, there is such a big face as the anchor, and I really can't find the second one. (Hey.jpg)

"I think, the anchor should not be able to use it. After all, the identity of the anchor is here!"

"Anchor, whether you are behind the scenes or not, we support you! We strongly appeal to the government to completely ban bad artists and seal her for 20 to 30 years. See if she still sings and stops singing!"

Seeing what these people said 30, Su Ming helplessly explained.

"I really didn't, they took the initiative. Even the stubborn fans, I always go for a wave!"

A fluttering sentence fell in the ears of the brains, all eyes flushed.

They rushed to the bib and found Zheng Yingyu's latest developments-apology videos, crazy messages.

"Dad, come forward and refute the rumors!!

Dad, "You have to be strong, as you said in the video, even if there are difficulties and dangers, you can't compromise with the evil forces!"

"Zhan Ge has fallen, and now it's my idol's turn! Tianming, is there still axiom in this world? My idol, should everyone betray their relatives?"

"Dad, come out and tell us that Du Niang's apology statement was privately issued by their staff? It must be like this, and then the staff member will be pulled out and convicted in a while! Maybe, the staff member still The anchor’s brainstorming fan!"

"Anyway, anyway, I still don't believe that Du Niang will go against morality! If this is true, I will protect my head and kick it for you!"

Just when the stupid fans frantically called for Zheng Yingyu to come forward to explain, they suddenly found that the screen jumped suddenly, and then...

The video is gone!


A gray-white dialog box popped up.

[Sorry, the video you are watching does not exist...)

At this time, all the fans are dumbfounded.

They talked frantically under Zheng Yingyu's second bib dynamic.

"Does anyone know why Dad's first bib was deleted?"

"Could it be that anchor? He is too incapable of tolerating, right?"

Inexplicably "cold, feel wronged for dad!"

"Dad, you come out soon, the video was deleted! Someone wants to fix you! You must protect my idol! Oh, it's so uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than your own grievance!

"Yes, I cried! Dad is not easy!"

At the same time, at the bib headquarters, Mr. Zhao smiled instantly when he looked at the official Weibo of Du Niang.

"Mr. Liu of Du Niang, the reaction is not slow!"

"If you take a step slower, the consequences will be hard to say."

Several supervisors around him listened quietly, not daring to speak.

Because, if you interrupt at this time, you are revealing Mr. Zhao's shortness.

Who didn't know, he was the first to apologize publicly in the Su Ming live broadcast room in front of countless netizens?

If he hadn't taken the lead, there wouldn't be so many giants who followed suit and apologized.

As if thinking of Su Ming, Mr. Zhao said casually.

"Do you think that Mr. Liu, Du Niang, will just send an apology statement and it will be over!"

Director Sun of the technical department is more straightforward and straightforward.

"Isn't an apology not enough? I think it should be almost the same! After all, Mr. Liu's identity is also there, and he personally came forward to issue the announcement, which has already given a lot of face."

"It's definitely not enough!

Director Fang of the Public Relations Department smiled and said, "Dr. Sun, you are not doing operations, let alone doing public relations!"

"In public relations, this is called risk emergency public relations! This is the point.

After being there for a while, Director Fang said, "So, just to expel one relevant person in charge, sincerity is obviously not enough!"

"I guess, Mr. Liu should have the next move!"

"Next?" Director Sun was dizzy and said helplessly: "My God, these things are really complicated. It's still interesting to type code every day. You don't need to think about anything, as long as you have good skills."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhao smiled, and then looked at the main channel of Fang: "Yes, I also think that Mr. Liu will still move, it depends on how he handles it.

"It's handled well, big things are reduced to small, small things are reduced, maybe you can be like me, and have a good relationship!"

With that said, Mr. Zhao was slightly proud, as if he had done something amazing.

"If you don't handle it well, even if the anchor doesn't say it, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this Liangzi has settled 567! It will be difficult to fix it in the future!"

Director Sun is the first and two big people. While staring at the dynamic changes of the bib data, he feels weak in his heart: I just want to do technical research in peace, I really don't want to do calculations like this with you, it's too tired!

"Wait! There will be results soon!" Mr. Zhao said calmly.

As soon as Mr. Zhao's voice fell, Director Sun made an amazing discovery.

"Mr. Zhao, there is a situation!

"Situation? What's the situation? Is Du Niang President Liu?"

When there was something else, Mr. Zhao suddenly raised his brows and felt that he had guessed everything, so he hurriedly went over and took a look.

"Quickly, what did Mr. Liu do?"

"It's not Mr. Zhao." Director Sun explained: "When I checked in the background, I found that the data of Zheng Yingyu's account had fluctuated.

"Before you asked us to focus on their accounts, so as soon as I noticed anything, I immediately notified you.

Mr. Zhao was taken aback for a moment.

Not Mr. Liu?

Is it Zhengying?


He asked quickly.

"Fluctuation? What volatility? Quickly talk about it!

Director Sun explained: "That's it, he just deleted the previous apology video!

"Huh? He deleted the apology video?"

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