575: That mysterious hacker is terrible!

Microsoft has already prepared enough equipment for this, but given the fact that there are too many people, they have to take turns as a last resort. Each person can only experience it for up to five minutes, and then change to the next one.

Gates looked at the people in high spirits, and he was naturally extremely satisfied. He had just received news from his assistant that Microsoft's stock price had risen so rapidly that trading had been suspended.

However, according to the current situation, even if it reopens tomorrow, Microsoft's stock price will definitely be suspended again.

No way, the three software released now have proved the potential of Microsoft, even if it has now more than tripled, but Microsoft's stock price is still too low.

Gates returned to the lounge and poured a cup of coffee, and then he walked to the French windows overlooking the bustling Manha City business district, which is the financial center of the entire free country and the entire world.

More than 80% of the world's top 500 companies have set up offices here, and a huge ibm billboard is erected on the building opposite the Empire State Building.

Gates looked at the ibm logo and felt like a world away.

Not long ago, the two sides interrupted the cooperative relationship because of their differences. At that time, Gates felt that Microsoft's future was going to be dark.

But in less than a month, when he faced ibm again, he didn't feel anything terrible about this giant in the computer world.

Gates feels that the future of the computer industry will be in the hands of Microsoft! You can buy computers of many brands, but the operating system you use can only be Microsoft's!

Then he thought of the mysterious x in his heart. Needless to say, the shock that this x brought to him is that the other party has a creativity beyond imagination.

And there is the strength to make these ideas a reality, such a person is simply the god of the computer world!

Just as Gates was thinking about this, his assistant pushed open the door and walked in, only to hear her say to Gates:

"Boss, just now bm, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Apple, Compaq, Dell and other companies called. They want to discuss cooperation matters with you. Do you think "anger?"

Gates smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then said: "I see, you can arrange the meeting time.

The assistant nodded and walked out. Only Gates was left in the room. He drank the coffee in the cup in one breath, and then said in high spirits:

"The computer industry will usher in earth-shaking changes. All this is just the beginning!"

Although Microsoft's global press conference has ended, the influence of this press conference continues to ferment. Some industry veterans have given extremely high evaluations to the three software suddenly launched by Microsoft.

It is generally believed that Microsoft will firmly occupy the position of the absolute leader in the software industry for a long time, and even the entire computer manufacturer will have to live by the face of Microsoft.

This statement was quickly confirmed. Less than four hours before the end of the press conference, bm issued a joint statement with Microsoft that all bmpc businesses will use the Microsoft (Zhao Lihao) operating system.

At present, the two sides are also holding talks on the desktop computer business, and I believe that results will come out soon.

Followed by Compaq, as one of the leading manufacturers in the pc industry, Compaq will naturally not turn a blind eye to this conference.

Following ibm, Compaq has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Microsoft at the fastest speed. In the future, all computers produced by Compaq, regardless of desktop and PC, will use Microsoft Windows operating system.

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