576; His code name is God!

Then, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and other companies also signed similar agreements with Microsoft. Since then, all major companies that account for more than 90% of the entire computer industry have cooperated with Microsoft.

Microsoft's stock was suspended from trading as soon as the market opened because of its excessive rise, and this has been the case for more than half a month!

As the largest shareholder of Microsoft, Gates' net worth has doubled several times during this period. From the beginning, the billionaire is making great strides towards the ten billionaire!

The whole world has been swept by the Microsoft wave. People have uninstalled their original operating systems and bought and installed Windows operating systems. Since then, computers are no longer just office tools.

It's the 753 entertainment device that really enters thousands of households. You can watch movies, read books, and chat on it. If you have any questions you don't understand, you can find answers through the Microsoft search engine!

Microsoft's software sales are booming - no, it should be a volcanic growth! Some media even joked: "Microsoft's software sales are growing at a rocket-like speed.

"In just fifteen days, more than 20 software vendors in the Free State have announced bankruptcy or reorganization, but what is strange is that there have been no protest demonstrations by the unemployed on the streets."

"Because they have found a new owner just after they lost their jobs - Microsoft's explosive expansion has accommodated them well. This small company with only a few hundred people before has now become a behemoth with more than 30,000 employees!"

Some media are discussing how far Microsoft's expansion will stop, while other media have focused their attention on the mysterious x, based on Microsoft's current turnover estimates.

By the end of the year, Microsoft's net profit is likely to exceed 5 billion U.S. dollars. The violence in the software industry is evident! After all, as long as the software is developed, it can be copied and sold continuously.

Compared with the early development costs, the later production costs are almost negligible. As a result, the mysterious x will receive at least more than 500 million U.S. dollars in dividends, and this amount is worth a year's turnover of a large company!

Immediately afterwards, cnn created such a (dacd) news topic: "Guess who is x?"

This topic is really eye-catching, and many people have a great interest in it. Everyone uses the chat software that Microsoft has just launched, which has set off a wave of speculation in the online world.

All kinds of speculations are dizzying. Some people say that x does not actually exist, and that he is just a product of Microsoft's news topic;

Some people say that x is God, and only God can develop these epoch-making software; some people say that x is actually an intelligent system produced in the network world.

It does this to promote the development of the human computer industry and create a better living environment for itself.

Of course, these guesses are all wrong, but some guesses are very close to the truth, and even one of the words is the truth!

At first, it was speculated that this x was actually a master hacker.

The reason why he did not want to show up was to maintain his identity as a hacker. This person also gave a very reasonable explanation: "If he is Kevin, would he dare to show up? Now the FI people are still arresting him!"

Perhaps it was what this said that provided inspiration, and another gave this answer: "I think x should be the hacker who successfully invaded the North American Air Defense Command not long ago.

His code name is "God", I think only God has this strength, right?"

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