640: This person is the devil! Must be the devil!

You must know that he didn't shoot randomly, but shot those who were shooting with the surname, and he could be so precise in high-speed sports. This person is simply a killer!

Di Fei'er had only one thought in her heart: This person is a devil! It must be a devil!

Su Ming lay on the ground and watched in horror at the ghostly murder performance of the man in black. Seeing the people around him fall one by one, his whole body began to tremble.

At this moment, this small space has become a hell on earth, and the security personnel who were hit by the men in black fell to the ground in a disorderly manner.

The blood gurgled down the wound, and the bright red of the blood stimulated Su Ming's optic nerves, giving him a sense of fear that death was approaching step by step!


Di Fei'er covered her mouth and retched. Su Ming reacted when she saw it, and immediately pulled Di Fei'er to the corner of the corridor, and then he stroked Di Fei'er's back and stammed: "Dai, Concubine, don't open your mouth, cover your nose with your sleeves to breathe,

Di Fei'er nodded when she heard the words, wrapped her nostrils with her sleeves, and then said in horror: "Su Ming, let's get out of here now!"

Su Ming had this intention. The black man's enchanting killing technique almost scared his soul. Hearing this, he immediately wanted to drag Di Fei'er to escape. Unexpectedly, he struggled a few times and he was shocked. Did not stand up.

Di Fei'er is not much better than him. She has never seen a dead person. Today, seeing so many corpses, her legs have turned into cotton under the fear, not to mention standing up, even crawling hard. All.

Su Ming took a lot of work to barely stand firm, and then he wanted to help Di Fei'er up, but at this moment, the gunshots in the corridor suddenly became much thinner.

Immediately afterwards, the security personnel uttered a scream of horror, and then there was a "knocking" sound, and then a "plop" sound!

Su Ming was stunned for a while, and then poked his head out trembling and looked over, he was stunned when he saw it!

The man in black had all shot out of bullets. I don't know when he rushed into the crowd. Maybe it was because he was too close when he rushed into the crowd. He had been shot in the body.

Even so, he still wielded two daggers and quickly shuttled through the crowd, it seems that the wound on his body has no effect on him at all!

As long as he passes by someone's side, the next moment the person will wrap his neck and make a "knocking" sound. After a while, the person will "plop" and fall to the ground, and blood will fall from his neck at this moment. Squirt out!

The movements of the man in black are very strange. He clearly looks like he is rushing forward, but in an instant he will suddenly change direction.

Although the security personnel all have guns in their hands, because the crowd is a bit dense, everyone does not dare to shoot randomly.

Even if some people took the opportunity to shoot, they were all empty in the unconventional trajectory of the man in black!

Su Ming watched it for less than ten seconds, and several people with their necks (money ones) fell down!

Di Fei'er saw him standing stupidly, so she stretched out her hand and pulled his sleeves nervously: "Su Ming, what did you see?"

Su Ming came back to his senses at this moment, and didn't know where his strength came from. He didn't say a word, and he ran forward when he reached out and picked up Concubine, and his running speed was not slow.

Difeier saw the horrified expression on Su Ming's face and stammered: "Su Ming, what do you see?"

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