641: Killing is like cutting vegetables!

Su Ming said loudly as he ran, "That guy can't stop it! The security staff is almost dead! If we don't run again, it will be our turn next!"

Di Fei Er was taken aback when she heard this, and then asked a little incredulously: "This, how is this possible! There are more than forty people!!

Su Ming said loudly: "That guy is a monster at all! He kills people like cutting vegetables! It's useless to resist such a small amount of people!

When Di Fei'er heard the words, she remembered the ghostly figure of the man in black, and she couldn't say a word in a daze. Su Ming hugged her and ran forward, and the two soon came to the elevator entrance.

Su Ming looked at the 800 floor display of the elevator and found that the elevator was descending, and there was still fifteen floors from here.

Di Fei saw her son Su Ming panting, so she said: "Su Ming, you put me down, I can stand firm.

The running just now has consumed most of Su Ming's strength. Hearing this, he took the opportunity to put Di Fei'er down. Di Fei'er stood by the wall and looked at the passage behind him with a worried expression.

The gunshots became sparser and sparser, and after a while, there was no more sound, Di Fei'er shivered, and thought in her heart: Are all the security personnel dead?

(dacd) Su Ming was panting heavily. The sudden stop of the gunfire made him nervous immediately. He turned his head and stared at the passage tightly, his face was full of horror.

After a while, the figure of the man in black appeared at the corner of the corridor, and saw that he was holding two bloody daggers in both hands, and slowly walked over to the two of them. Su Ming was a little strange when he saw it:

Why didn't this guy hold a gun? You killed so many people, and they were afraid that the guns in their hands would fall all over the floor, so you just pick one and use it?

How did he know that all the bullets in those guns were all gone?

It's better to hold a gun without bullets than a fire stick. I have to say that Su Ming's way of thinking is really strange. At this time, he still thinks about this.

Di Fei'er said in horror at this moment: "Su Ming, what should we do?"

Su Ming turned his head and glanced at the elevator floor display when he heard the words, then stood in front of Di Fei'er, slid her Adam's apple and said: "Dai, Dai, Di Fei'er, young lady...Don't you, don't be afraid... .I'm here...

"I, we try to delay the time, the elevator is descending, it is estimated that the support staff will arrive soon.

Although Su Ming's tone sounded ridiculous, Di Fei Er did not show a slight smile. On the contrary, her eyes flashed with inexplicable colors.

Su Ming leaned close in front of her, Di Fei Er could clearly feel that his body was trembling, which indicated that Su Ming was already terrified to the extreme.

But even so, Su Ming still has the courage to resist the threat of death for her. This cowardly courage is truly commendable.

The corner of the corridor was only more than 30 meters away from the elevator entrance. The man in black walked quickly, and the bullet hole in his stomach was bleeding out.

Su Ming soon noticed that his footsteps were a little vain, so he prayed in his heart; fall! Fall down quickly!

However, his prayers did not have any effect. Although the man in black was seriously injured, he still insisted on moving forward.

Seeing the other party getting closer, Su Ming couldn't help but feel anxious. He turned to look at the elevator floor display, and then prayed again in his heart: Go slow! Can you go slower!

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