642: Are you going to kill him? Whatever you do! It doesn't matter!

The elevator is still one floor away from here, and the person in black is still ten meters away from Su Ming. It is possible to see that Su Ming and Di Fei Er are not threatening him.

The formation of the people in black slowed down. Su Ming was a little relieved when he saw this. After a while, the elevator finally reached this floor. After a light "ding" sound, the elevator door opened slowly.

The man in black was only five meters away from the two at this moment, and saw the elevator door opening.

He was stunned for a while, and then, like a cheetah, he suddenly rushed towards the two of them!

Su Ming had been watching him all the time. Seeing him rushing over, Su Ming immediately pulled Di Fei'er to the side, and escaped the surprise attack of the man in black without letting it go.

At this time, the elevator door had opened the small half, and Mike and Johnson rushed out with people.

Everyone saw the critical situation and immediately yelled at the man in black. The man in black escaped the fist from Johnson, and then swung a dagger and stabbed him at the heart of Johnson.

When Johnson saw that the situation was not going well, he immediately fell back, and he could have escaped the blow!

The man in black did not entangle Johnson, but saw that he retracted his head and rolled on the spot. This action not only avoided other people's attacks, but also happened to be close. The location of Su Ming.

Su Ming saw the man in black approaching quickly and yelled in fright: "Hurry up and stop him!"

Hearing the words, the man in black snorted and kicked Su Ming to the ground with a sweep of his legs. Then he reached out and grabbed Di Fei'er, who was already inevitable at this moment.

In a panic, her instinctive surname was a flying kick at the man in black.The man in black didn't expect Di Fei to know this, and was unexpectedly kicked in the face by Di Fei'er!

When Di Fei Er saw the black-clothed man being recruited, she remembered that she had practiced self-defense, and she was not too timid, because everything that happened before was too bloody and frightened her.

After staying for a while, she went out of her legs continuously and continued to attack the man in black.

To be honest, Di Fei'er's strength actually did not cause much harm to the man in black, but the man in black experienced the shock wave of the explosion in the first place.

He suffered an internal injury at that time, and then he was shot in the stomach, and the wound is still bleeding. Under such circumstances, he has experienced fierce fighting again, and he has been able to support him so far.

…0 Seeking flowers…

After Di Fei'er kicked him, his head instantly became confused, and Di Fei'er's second kick hit his head again, and the man in black was kicked to the ground, directly pressing on a person. Body.

The man in black noticed that there was someone under him, and immediately turned over and hugged the person tightly. Then he stretched out seven heads on the person's neck, and said sternly, "Don't move! I will kill anyone who moves. he!


When everyone heard this, they showed polarization. Di Fei'er and her bodyguards all stopped, but the security personnel in the laboratory rushed forward regardless of the situation.

Why do people have this kind of differentiation? The answer is simple, because the person in black is not catching someone else, it is Su Ming!

Needless to say, Difeier, her bodyguards also knew that Su Ming had a very good relationship with her, so these people stopped.

But the security personnel didn't understand this. They saw the man in black holding a Dongfang boy as a hostage, and they were very disdainful-you want to kill him? Whatever you do! It doesn't matter!

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