655: They have mercenaries in their hands!

The middle-aged man clenched his teeth without saying a word. After the wound was stitched up, he took out the medicine bottle from his pocket and smeared the white powder on the wound. Then he took out the gauze from his mouth and tightly wrapped the wound.

After doing all this, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. He had just rested for a while, and footsteps faintly heard in the distance. Hearing the movement, the middle-aged man immediately cleared everything on the scene.

Then he ran forward pointing to his stomach, and soon his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Early the next morning, Su Ming woke up with two panda eyes. He tossed and turned and didn't sleep well last night. This was mainly because he was afraid that the man in black would come back to avenge himself.

Su Ming lifted the quilt, yawned, then rubbed his red eyes and muttered to himself: "Oh, I hope that guy doesn't come back again.

After saying this, he rolled over and got out of bed. After breakfast, Su Ming and Di Fei'er went out in the car together. The two of them were going to the game today. It was too ostentatious and inappropriate, so they didn't go by helicopter.

Even so, the fleet of dozens of cars is particularly eye-catching. After getting on the car, Su Ming asked: "Daily Concubine, are you sure you want to bring so many people there" angry?"

Di Fei'er rubbed her temples when she heard the words, "I can do anything, this is all arranged by my father. He heard about what happened yesterday, so he asked Mike to mobilize a large number of people to protect me, so that he was still worried, and said Let me go by in an armored car!

Su Ming was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and after a while he asked: "Armored vehicles? Does your house have this?"

Diana nodded when she heard the words: "I have several arms companies in my house. It is not unusual to have this. There are two armored vehicles and one tank in the underground parking garage of the villa.

Su Ming was even more surprised when he heard this, only to hear him then ask: "I mean how can these things be privately owned?"

After hearing the words, Di Fei Er said naturally: "That is for the average person. Which of the large consortiums in the free country does not have any armed forces? It is like the Morgan consortium."

"They still have mercenaries in their hands!-I am very worried about that ninja now. The Morgan Consortium sent mercenaries yesterday. This time they have suffered a great loss and they will definitely not let it go.

Su Ming was overjoyed when he heard this, and saw him excitedly: "The people from the Morgan Consortium have sent someone to hunt down that guy?"

Di Fei'er shook her head when she heard the words: "It's not to hunt down, but to catch that guy. They want to track down the murderer behind the scenes. Let the other party know what it costs to offend the Morgan Consortium.

Su Ming curiously asked, "How do you think they will retaliate when they find the murderer?"

After hearing the words, Di Fei'er thought for a while, and then said: "It is estimated that the other party will be miserable. Although it may not be dead, it is estimated that you will not want to get out of the prison for the rest of your life.

Su Ming then asked: "Daily Concubine, if your family encounters this kind of thing, what would you do?"

Di Fei'er said directly: "In this incident, our Mellon consortium also suffered a certain loss (of money). My father has sent someone to investigate. If the other party is targeting our home, I think. ..

"The result of the treatment may be similar to that of the Morgan Consortium."

Su Ming let out a "cheap" when he heard the words. He thought to himself that he didn't know what data was stored in that hard disk, if he could know the content of the data.

You can infer the general identity of the other party, but unfortunately, I was afraid of patronizing yesterday and didn't check the contents.

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