656: What's the use of stolen things?

Su Ming thought of this and asked: "Dai Fei Er, that laboratory seems to be served by ibm, right? Do you think the backward instructor will do computer-related work?"

Diana nodded when she heard the words: "Yes. Yesterday the regional head of the Morgan Consortium also said the same. They are investigating major computer companies-especially Microsoft."

"You may not know. Microsoft has been in the limelight recently, and the stock price has soared dozens of times. According to Microsoft's own statement, they are technically supported by a person code-named x.

"That's why a lot of epoch-making products have been launched, to be honest. This mysterious x is very suspicious of 800. I think this x is likely to be a secret team, and they are working on a certain plan."

Su Ming was dumbfounded when he heard this, and said to his heart: The people from the Morgan Consortium actually targeted Microsoft! Isn't this a deviation?"

"If something happens to Microsoft, can I still get my dividends? By the way, Di Fei Er's imagination is really rich enough, this mysterious Mr. X is just fine.

Don't I just want to make more money, have you put it so seriously?

Su Ming thought of this and said: "Dai Fei Er, will the Morgan Consortium do anything bad against Microsoft?"

Di Fei Er shook her head when she heard the words: "This is not true. They will not act rashly until the truth of the facts is found out. Microsoft is already very famous now. If it is random, it will cause turmoil."

Su Ming was relieved when he heard this, and thought: Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for Microsoft to send someone to do this. They have me as the technical support. Do they still need to steal things from others? Those messy things are stolen. What's the use?

Su Ming thought that there was a scornful smile on her face, and Di Fei Er said strangely: "Su Ming, why are you smiling so weird?"

Su Ming concealed the words: "Late-I thought that I would be able to get the prize money after the game is over. I will be rich by then!"

Di Fei Er believed Su Ming's (dacd) words, and she couldn't help but smile and said, "It's only three million dollars, it's really not a small amount in the celestial dynasty.

Su Ming was stunned when he heard this: "Three million? Didn't you say that the bonus was only one million US dollars?"

Dai Fei'er smiled and said: "At the time I thought you would only participate in math competitions, so I only prepared a one million dollar prize for this subject. Since you choose the three subject leagues, I will naturally provide more prizes! Su Ming , Are you sure to win the first place in the three subjects?"

Su Ming laughed and said, "This is okay, Difeier, thank you for helping me, but is your father willing to pay so much money?"

Di Fei'er smiled after hearing the words: "He will naturally have no objection for such a small amount of money. Don't worry. When the game is over, I will let people announce the reward system."

Su Ming said unexpectedly: "Has the news not been announced yet?"

Dai Fei'er said: "Yes, I'm worried that you won't get the first place, so I will keep this matter secret first, and then I will give the corresponding reward in which subject you have won the first place. This is not good. ?"

Su Ming stared at Dai Fei'er for a while, and then said sincerely: "Di Fei'er, I know you are trying to make my life better. Thank you for your generosity!

Although Su Ming is now a quasi-rich man, he is still very grateful for Di Fei Er's actions and feels warm in his heart.

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