834: This is not a gentleman for a woman!

The owner of the tavern is a barely dressed white woman who looks about thirty years old. Upon hearing Su Ming's words, she smiled and turned her head to give orders to the kitchen.

Then she twisted her waist and came to Su Ming. She smiled and said, "Where do the distinguished guests come from? There are such powerful subordinates, I--"

The woman wanted to put her hand on Su Ming's shoulder while she was talking, but she failed because the seven Golden Bulls had already been put on her neck first.

Then Taurus said coldly: "You'd better dispel this idea, otherwise your head will be separated from your body."

The white woman froze, and the expression on her face immediately froze when she heard this, and she recovered after a while. I saw her smiling and saying:

"Man, this doesn't seem like a gentleman to a woman. Can you please--"

When the white woman was talking, she wanted to reach out and remove the seven that were on her neck, but Taurus did not hesitate to cut the dagger into her flesh.

A red blood line immediately appeared on her snow-white neck, and then Taurus' words without a trace of emotion reached her ears:

"In my eyes, there is no difference between a man and a woman, only the difference between the living and the dead!"

The white woman did not dare to move when she heard the words. The two sides froze on the spot. Su Ming sat in the middle. At this moment, he spoke:

Ghost ". Let this lady leave, we have to have breakfast, don't let blood splash on the table."

The three of Su Ming had discussed it a long time ago. After entering the town, they communicated in English, and they also took the nickname between each other. Su Ming's nickname is the boss, and Jin Niu used his previous name when he was a mercenary- -Ghosts.

As for Vivienne, her nickname is fox. This nickname is taken by Su Ming, which mainly means fox charm.

Taurus slowly withdrew his arm when he heard the words, and then sat on the stool. The white woman was relieved at this moment.

She pondered for a moment, and then she said, "I am Luna. I am very glad that the three of you can come to our shop. If you need anything, just ask."

Luna didn't dare to squeeze anymore.

The expression and tone of her speech seemed a little cautious. Su Ming waved her hand when she heard the words: "Thank you Miss Luna for such a warm and thoughtful service. We will call you if we need it.

Luna nodded when she heard the words, turned and walked into the bar, but her eyes would always linger on the three of them. Especially for the short man Su Ming, she seemed very interested.

There were already people picking up corpses in the street outside. Su Ming asked in a low voice, "Ghost, are those people professional corpses?"

Jinniu replied: "No, they are locals. Since this is a mercenary camp, there are often battles. They will collect the bodies of the dead.


Of course, the things on the dead will also be used as remuneration for their labor. This is a rule that was laid down very early, and no one has any opinion on it. "

Su Ming heard the words and looked at the empty tables around, but on the table next door he saw a large amount of U.S. dollars squeezed under the wine bottle, so he whispered;

"That money should be left by the person you killed, and should it belong to the corpse collection team?"

Jinniu shook his head when he heard the words: "This is not the case. The corpse collection team can only take away the things on the corpse.

After all, mercenaries also have companions, and those companions will come to take things away. "

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