835: Only new talents will find death by themselves!

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words, then reached out and took the dollar bills under the bottle. After counting, he laughed and said, "I actually have more than 20,000 dollars. The wolf’s people are almost dead, and they don’t have that kind of carefree come over to get money."

Taurus heard this and said noncommittal: "In the past, there were more than 30 wild wolves. I don’t know if they have increased in the past few years. I killed 18 of them just now. If they are the same size as before, I’m afraid there will be left. Not much.

Su Ming put the dollars in the backpack, and then asked, "You seemed to say that you know the boss of the wolf, how did you meet?"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "I have performed tasks together before. It's not very familiar. I just stayed together for two days."

Vivian interrupted at the moment: "Ghost, the wolf won't come back to avenge us?"

Taurus sneered unremittingly after hearing this: "If his brain is not broken, he would never do this. Ghosts are not vegetarian in this place.

Some old mercenaries know my name, only such new talents will find death by themselves "Female!

The nature of the mercenaries' work determines that their personnel alternate very quickly. Maybe the people who were drinking together yesterday died in the mission today. Generally speaking, the old people in the mercenaries are really powerful.

They can live for a long time not because of good luck, because the battlefield cannot always rely on luck, but on strength, so old mercenaries are generally not provoked, which is an open secret in the mercenary world.

Vivienne was a little relieved when she heard this, Su Ming said after hearing this: "So the wolf is a smart person?"

Jin Niu said in a low voice: ``He can be regarded as an old man, he naturally knows how to choose, he will not do things that come to me for revenge for these idiots. .Hey-hey!"

Su Ming curiously asked: "Ghost, how long have you been in the mercenary world? Have you ever met a very powerful character?"

Jinniu heard the words and said solemnly: "I have been a mercenary for five years, and I know a lot of people. As for the very powerful people, there are so many five or six."

Su Ming's eyes lit up when he heard this, "How powerful are these people? I mean how do they compare to you?"

Taurus heard the words and thought for a while, and then said: "People like me are already among the top existence of mercenaries, and their reputation is similar to mine.

Generally, such people will not directly fight each other, and everyone has concerns. After all, it is not easy to get to this point, let's talk about it.

If there is a conflict between mercenaries, it will basically be an endless situation. How can people like us fight against each other?

So I don’t know their specific skills very well, if I really want to distinguish between them...

I'm sure to kill six of them. Even if they go together, I can kill them all, but I will pay a certain price. "

Su Ming nodded when she heard this, Vivian said in a puzzled way: "Boss, what are you asking (Qian Nuo Zhao) for?"

Su Ming said solemnly after hearing the words: "The genius army has hired mercenaries as thugs. I naturally also want to consider forming my own armed forces-Ghost, how likely do you think they are to win over these people?"

Taurus groaned after hearing the words, and then said: "These people are mercenaries. As long as they pay, they will help you.

Generally speaking, they will collect money based on the difficulty of the task, but if you want to hire them for a long time, it's hard to say. "

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