836: He is very capable!

Su Ming thought for a while after hearing the words, and then asked: "How much income do they have each month in general?

Jinniu replied after hearing the words: "Generally speaking, people like them only take up to three tasks per month, and their income is not well defined.

After all, the remuneration of the task will vary according to the difficulty. On average, it is probably less than one million US dollars a month. "

Su Ming was surprised when he heard this: "So cheap?"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "That's why I will leave here and go to the black market to pick up."

As soon as Taurus finished saying this, a hearty laugh came from the door: Ghost "897, you really are still alive! You haven't appeared in the past two years, and some people thought you were dead.

Let me just say, how could a person like you die easily!"

Taurus heard this voice and whispered to Su Ming: "This is one of the six people. He is called violent and he is a hard-going desire."

Su Ming raised his eyes and looked at violently, and found that this person was very tall, and all the muscles on his body were about to tear his clothes.

Furiously strode to this table, he sat down without Su Ming's consent, and then he yelled to Luna, "Bring me a three-point steak! Just one layer is enough."

After ordering the meal, he turned his head and stared at the Taurus, and then laughed boldly: "You are still the virtuous, always covering your face with a mask - these two dress up the same as you, are they your companions?"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "This is my boss, this is the boss's personal secretary.

When Kuobi heard this, he was immediately stunned. He looked at Su Ming, a short stature, with wide eyes, then turned his head and looked at Taurus, and then he said:

"No, you actually have a boss? Is this possible?"

Taurus heard the words and turned his head to look at the violent, then nodded: "He is my boss, there is no doubt about this, if you don't mind."

When Kuang heard this, he showed an even more incredible expression:

"Is this still (dacd) the ghost I knew? Not only did I become a subordinate to someone, but also wanted to pull me into the gang-ghost, what happened after you disappeared?"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "You don't need to know this, you just need to know that the boss I'm following is definitely not an ordinary person."

When he heard this, he turned his head and stared at Su Ming.After looking at it for a long time, he said:

"I don't see anything special about him. Is he very capable? Or is he a very rich person?"

Su Ming smiled slightly when he heard the words: "I am not good at all. Although I have some money, I still have a big gap with the rich."

After hearing the words, he was curious and asked: "Then why can you let the movie be your subordinate?"

Su Ming smiled and said, "Because I can help him achieve his goal, as long as it is not particularly unreliable, I can do it!"

After hearing the words, the violent asked with some uncertainty: "Really? Are you a god?"

Su Ming turned around when he heard the words: "I am not a god-at least not yet, but the things I have may not even be gods."

When he heard these words, Kuang laughed and said, "Hahahaha! This kid is so funny! His voice is terrifying!"

Taurus heard the words and said: "He didn't speak big words. In my opinion, he is the future god. The fate of many people will be in his hands!"

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