837: annual salary of ten million dollars!


Fury stopped abruptly when he heard these words. After picking it up for a while, he asked, "Ghost. Are you sure?"

Taurus nodded and said: "Yes, I'm sure!"

When he heard the words, he put away his joking expression and turned his head to stare at Su Ming. After a while, he said seriously: "Boss, you just said that you can help people achieve their goals, right?"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, as long as this goal is reliable or can be achieved by human resources, I can basically achieve it."

Su Ming has paid a lot of money in order to win the madness, he is ready to challenge the questions raised by the madness. A person who can be called a master by Taurus is certainly worthy of him.

Furiously staring at Su Ming with wide eyes, then he said uncertainly: "Can you kill the hound?"

Su Ming was taken aback when he heard this, and then said, "Hound? Is it a dog?"

When he heard the words, he laughed and said, "He is a man, not a dog--but it's almost like a dog. Whoever has the money will do it for him!"

Taurus interjected at this moment: "Furious, what happened to the hounds? Have you conflicted?

When the violent heard this, he sighed and said: "This matter has to be talked about three years ago. You were there at the time. You should know about the sudden disappearance of the hound?

At that time, many people thought that he died while performing the task, but in fact, this guy was bought by someone else!

As for why others want to buy him, this is not very clear-this guy suddenly appeared here last year and asked a few of us to drink together.

We didn't care at the time, so we went to the appointment. Later, at the wine table, he offered a condition, saying that someone would be willing to hire us for a long time with an annual salary of 10 million U.S. dollars. He asked us to think about it.

At that time, Scorpion and Madman and I refused on the spot, you know.

The three of us didn't like being restrained, but the beast and the nigger were moved. Later, the three of us drank and left, but the three of them got together. "

Fury said that it was calm here, but then he looked a little angry, and saw him staring and then said:

Until "Two months ago, these three guys suddenly appeared. Let us join them. The first thing these guys found was Scorpion.

Scorpion disagreed, but they did it directly. Fortunately, Scorpion escaped in the end. However, Scorpion had two shots in his body. If it weren't for the rescue in time, I'm afraid the Scorpion was already dead!"

...For flowers...

When the violent said here, he stretched out his hand and patted the table, and then said: "These guys still want to use the same method to threaten me and the lunatic. I and the lunatic have been prepared for a long time, and I did a fierce fight with them!"

Taurus heard this and interjected: "You two lose, right? A lunatic is the weakest, he's afraid he won't be able to survive."

When the violent heard this, he was shocked and said: "You, how did you know? The madman is indeed dead, but I also killed the beast!"

Jin Niu waved his hand when he heard this: "Two, since you are here, why not come in for a drink!"

"Papa Papa--"

As soon as Taurus' words fell, there was a clapping sound from the gate, and only a hoarse noise was heard saying: "As expected, it is a ghost. You have heard us standing and walking."

The speaker was a white man in his thirties with three parallel scars on his face, which looked very dazzling.

Another lanky black man followed behind him. The black man carried a woman in his hand. The woman was covered in blood and her hair was motionless. She didn't know whether it was alive or dead. again,

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