838: The top figure among the mercenaries!

Upon seeing this violent violent, he immediately stood up and angrily said, "It's you again--what's wrong with Scorpion?"

The white man heard the words and smiled: "Don't worry, she is not dead, but she is not far from death, violent.

You are good at it, why don't you die for so-called freedom?

When the violent heard the words, he laughed and said, "Hound, is there any need to say this?

The thing I dislike the most in "August Nine-Seven" is being threatened. You still don't waste your tongue. If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the skills!"

The white man, the hound, smiled coldly when he heard this:

"Frenzy, you don't need us to shoot at the same time to kill you, because you are also a talent, we give you one last chance!"

Su Ming had been observing the situation a long time ago. He found that the black man standing behind the hound had already held his hand on the handle of the gun.

Taurus immediately understood, only to hear him say: "Two. Don't you want to bring me into the group?

Taurus slowly stood up as he spoke, then turned and stared at the two of them.

Ghost Shadow "We don't want to conflict with you. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you have to intervene and come in, then it will be too late to regret it!"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "Hound. I don't want to insert or come in, but to kill you!

Before the Taurus's voice fell, he lowered his body and one-wayed the hound, and his speed was almost catching up with the cheetah!

The hound and the black man had been alert for a long time. When they saw this, they backed away, and even threw the scorpion in their hands to the ground.

The two retreats were fast enough, and they retreated outside the gate in an instant, and then they quickly took out their pistols and fired at the Taurus "bang-bang".

Taurus is only less than one meter away from them at this moment. It is logically difficult to avoid bullets fired by masters at such a close distance.

But Jin Niu never thought about hiding from bullets. On the contrary, he directly stretched out his hand and pushed the barrel away like Tai Chi.

As a result, the bullet fired by the two of them was empty.

When the two saw this, they separated immediately and came over at a thirty-degree angle.The Taurus sneered when he saw it, and rushed forward to greet him.Then the two sides took out their daggers and started a hand-to-hand fight - as for the guns in their hands.

Has been thrown away by them, within such a short distance.

The range of turning the muzzle will become very large, and the figure of the Taurus will be too fast, so that it will be more difficult for them to hit the Taurus.

Even if you don't get it right, you will accidentally injure your own person, so now it is better to hold a gun than to hold a dagger.At least seven of them can be cut over and can cause damage.

Both of them made the same choice.

However, they did not consider the skill of the Taurus, and it can be said that they have not fully understood the skill of the Taurus. If they knew the true strength of the Taurus, they would not do that if they were killed. 2.3!

As soon as the two parties touched, the hound was injured, and his lower abdomen was stabbed by the seven heads of the golden bull. If it were not for him to hide quickly, I am afraid that it is the result of a broken stomach!

Then the black man was also injured.His right hand holding the dagger was cut open by the golden bull with a big wound, and the red flesh inside immediately turned out, looking very terrifying!

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