840: blame!

Su Ming laughed when he heard this, and said to his heart: These two guys actually dared to compete with Taurus. This is definitely a faster pace for wanting to die, but they are both members of the genius army, and it is better to kill.

Su Ming paused after thinking of this, and then asked, "Ghost, since you killed both the hound and the black man, will the violent be of service to us?"

Taurus heard the words and thought for a while, and then he said: "This is hard to say, he is a relatively lax personality, even if he promises to serve us, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to control him.

Su Ming heard the words and thought for a while, and then said: "We don't have to hold him firmly in our hands, as long as he can help when necessary, which is equivalent to a reserve of manpower, so he should agree?

Taurus nodded when he heard the words: "This is no problem. We saved him just now. It's more real to be violent, and he won't refuse.

Luna had just seen the incident clearly, especially the hand-to-hand battle between the golden bull and the hound and the black man, which seemed to be more enjoyable than the previous gunfight.

She didn't know the identity of the two who died, so she just sighed at the skill of Taurus, but the mercenaries were completely different.

Seeing that the top masters were killed by Taurus, and they were killed easily, these people immediately rose from fear to fear of Taurus, and the people in the tavern quickly ran out of accounts.

Even if some people hadn't finished eating, they all paid and left in a hurry.

Upon seeing this, Vivian whispered: "Will these people have the popularity of the genius army?"

Su Ming shook his head when he heard the words: "There shouldn't be. The geniuses adopt an elite policy, and they only need elites.

They will not accept people with insufficient levels, because the more the number, the greater the possibility of leaks. I think the head of the genius legion will not be so stupid. "

Vivian whispered after hearing this: "But didn't they choose me? There are other contacts. We are all ordinary people?"

Su Ming laughed and said, "You girls will marry people selected by the genius army. Shouldn't such a girl look for ordinary people to find celebrities?"

Vivienne immediately dropped her head when she heard this. Although she had a mask on her face, Su Ming had guessed that her cheeks must have turned red into little apples because he had just said the word "marry".

Even if it was replaced by other synonyms, Vivian would blush. This woman is out of help, she would blush for anything she said.

Luna was coming over with a steak at the moment. I saw that she came to Su Ming and put the steak in front of Su Ming respectfully. She knew that Su Ming was the leader of the three. Even if the Taurus is so powerful, he still obeys his orders.

Such a person must excel. Otherwise, how could a killer figure like Taurus obey? She has been here for more than two years, and she naturally knows the rules of order and inferiority.

Su Ming saw her (Qian Nuo Zhao) steak brought up, so she reached out and pushed it to Vivienne. Vivienne looked a little surprised when she saw it. She wanted to return the steak to Su Ming.

Who knows Su Ming waved his hand and said: "Farewell for a long time, okay? You are a girl, so you should eat first-don't talk. Just eat."

Vivienne swallowed what he wanted to say, nodded and started to eat. Luna then delivered two more steaks, and Jin Niu and Su Ming started eating breakfast.

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