841: It's a bastard if you don't take advantage of it!

The steak portion is still quite sufficient, of course, the price is not cheap, Su Ming ate more than 20 dollars a steak in the free country.

Here it has become more than two hundred dollars, the price has doubled ten times, but the taste is nothing special, but considering that it is a dry country.

It’s pretty good with steak, so he didn’t say anything.

After the three of them finished their steaks, Su Ming took out U.S. dollars to pay the bill, but Luna smiled and shook her head and said: "There is no charge for this meal. If the three think it's okay, I hope to continue visiting next time."

Su Ming said in a puzzled way: "I think others have given money, why don't we need 897 to pay the bill?"

Luna smiled after hearing this, "Because you are visiting this shop for the first time, as long as you are mercenaries, the first time you eat here is free. Of course, you still have to charge for drinks. Since you don't drink, naturally You don’t have to pay."

Su Ming understood this, and saw him utter an "Oh", and then asked Jin Niu and Vivian: "Are you full?"

Vivienne and Taurus both nodded, Su Ming smiled when they saw it, "I'm still a little hungry, since I don't need money, I'd better fill my stomach--boss, another steak (dacd), this shouldn't be accepted. Money?"

Luna was immediately dumbfounded when she heard this, Su Ming clearly wanted to take advantage of it, but since she had already spoken her words, she would naturally not lose the chain. After a moment, she smiled and said:

"Of course this is okay. You sit down for a while, and I will let the chef cook it for you-another fully cooked steak!"

Su Ming sat down naturally when he heard the words, but Jin Niu and Vivian seemed a little hesitant. Su Ming saw this and said, "What's the matter with you? Sit down quickly."

Taurus and Vivian just sat down, and then they listened to Vivian and said: "Boss, is it a bit wrong for you to do this? We don't miss this amount of money.

Su Ming turned his head and looked at Jinniu when he heard this, and said, "You think so too?"

Jin Niu nodded and didn't speak. Su Ming smiled when he saw it, "I am so embarrassed that people are obviously taking advantage of it?

Besides, if there is any advantage, it is a bastard. If I can save it, I will save some. If I eat lunch together, won't I save lunch money?"

Vivian whispered after hearing this, "But... but what would others think?"

Su Ming laughed and said, "How tired it is to care about other people's opinions. People have to live for themselves, so what do they care about others' opinions?

How much have I been bullied when I was picking up rags? If you say that, I would not pick up rags and starve to death. "

Vivian was speechless when she heard this, and Taurus fell into silence. Su Ming paused, and then continued: "You have to be clear about this-whatever you do with me.

Or how to do it, it is not shameful, because it is impossible for people who don't want to be ashamed to have a better life than us, do you understand?"

The two nodded when they heard that they were all taught, and Su Ming then smiled and said, "That's right--"

Just after Su Ming said this, a loud voice came from the door: "You killed those two people just now?"

This voice was full of inquiries, and it didn't sound very friendly, Taurus spoke without looking back after hearing the words:

"Killing them does not require the three of us to work together-they are dead in my hands. Do you have an opinion?"

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