852: An epoch-making fighter!

"I know you are very smart, but how can it be possible to create an epoch-making fighter based on the strength of one person alone."

This is the first time Vivian retorted Su Ming. Su Ming curled his lips and said: "Didn't I tell you not to treat me in the eyes of ordinary people? Did you forget?"

Vivienne smiled slightly, looked at Su Ming with big charming eyes, and said, "Okay, even if you can do this, what do you want a fighter for? Do you want to use it for war?"

Su Ming was stunned when he heard this. After thinking about it, he said, "I can sell it. An F15 can be sold for 500 million US dollars on the black market. How can I say that my fighter can sell for eight billion dollars? ?Ok..

Other things can also be sold, which is more profitable than starting a company, and I can quickly reach an agreement between Di Fei Er and me...

Vivienne turned her big seductive eyes and stared at Su Ming when she heard the words. After a while, she said, "Is Di Fei Er a girl? Who is she?"

Su Ming smiled and said, "She is my first good friend, and we have a good relationship-do you know how my Mercedes-Benz came? She gave it to me, how? She is very interesting, right? !"

Vivienne paused when she heard the words, and then said: "It's really interesting, but she gave you such an expensive thing, isn't it a bit too late?"

Su Ming didn't take it seriously: "How do you people know how good my relationship is with her? As long as I speak, don't say a Mercedes-Benz, even if it is a private jet, she will give it away without hesitation. Give me!"

Su Ming was somewhat proud, but he didn't speak big words. Judging from Di Fei'er's attitude towards him, it is not impossible to send him a plane.

Vivienne seemed weird when she heard this. She didn't expect her friends to be so generous. She blinked her big eyes and said: "You are so lucky to have such a generous good friend."

Su Ming said with a smile: "Ms. Vivian, in fact, good friends cannot be measured by money. Money can only be used as an embellishment at best. What really depends on is the sincere friendship between the two."

As soon as Su Ming said this, the sound of a golden bull rang behind him.

The sound of Taurus appeared suddenly, and Su Ming and Vivian were taken aback. Su Ming slapped his heart and said, "Taurus, why did you catch us so quickly?"

…0 Seeking flowers…

Jin Niu heard the words and threw the things he was holding on the ground, and then said: "It doesn't take much effort to get the group of people. This is Silver Fox's little finger. It is the price he paid for betraying us!"

Su Ming looked at the little finger on the ground and couldn't help but laughed: "Haha! Now the silver fox has become nine-finger silver, let's see if he can do such unethical things!


Vivienne was a little worried and said, "Will he cancel this sale because of this?"

Su Ming said with disdain: "How could he do this? Forgive him for not having the guts."

Taurus sat down and drank some water, and then said: "The person we killed last night was the son of a tribe leader, and his family united with various tribes in the southwest to track us down.

And also offered a reward of one million dollars for our heads, so we should be careful next. "

Su Ming complained: "It's really unlucky. You can meet the son of a tribe leader who just grabs a car. Why did we encounter this kind of thing?"

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