853: Kill their boss!

Vivian also echoed: "Yes, the tribe in Qianguo is the most powerful. If they join forces to hunt us, our situation will be very dangerous. Su Ming, what should we do now?"

Su Ming thought about it, and then he smiled: "Remember Scorpion's request? She asked me to help her kill the leader of the Said tribe. We can make a fuss in this respect."

When Jin heard this, "Nine One Zero" explained: "How to make a fuss?"

Su Ming said with a smile: "We took action to kill their boss, and then spread the news that people from other tribes murdered their tribe chiefs, so what do you think the Said tribe would be like? reaction?"

When Vivian heard the words, his eyes lit up and said: "In this way they will seek revenge everywhere, and we will be able to escape in the chaos!"

Taurus also felt that this method was feasible after hearing this. But then he thought of the key points, and saw him hesitate to say: "Then how do you want to kill their leader?"

Su Ming smiled mysteriously after hearing the words: "Have you forgotten the incident of out-of-control fighter planes and missiles?"

Taurus suddenly realized this: "Well, this is much more reliable. Even if you kill someone, it won't cause us any loss."

Vivian curiously asked: "What's the matter with the out-of-control fighter planes and missiles?"

Su Ming laughed and said: "You will understand this soon. Let's continue on our way now. First choose the landing place of the fighter plane. Then we will implement the relevant plan.

The three got up and drove on the road. Before dark, they finally found the plain area mentioned by Jinniu. Su Ming looked at the terrain and found that it was really flat, and there were traces of artificial repairs in some places, so he curiously said, "Jinniu. Here is this. Has it been used before?"

Jinniu nodded when he heard the words: "In the past, when the Northern Bears invaded Kogan, this place was transformed into a backup airport. We only need to remove the scattered rocks on it.

The sky was not completely dark yet, and the three of them rushed to clear the runway for the plane to land. Then they stopped to rest, and Su Ming was lying on the ground with fatigue. He panted and said, "I'm all stinky and sweaty. If only I could have a bathing place.

Taurus heard the words and said: "There is a water source one kilometer away. You can go there if you want to take a bath.

Su Ming cheered up upon hearing the words: "Okay, let's go camping there tonight.

Early the next morning, Su Ming woke up from his sleep. Su Ming originally thought he was the first one to wake up. Who knows that Jin Niu and Vivian were earlier than him. Jin Niu is now on guard from a distance. As for Weiwei Ann, she washes clothes by the river.

Su Ming rubbed his eyes and stretched out, then walked to Vivienne and said, "Vivienne, you are so diligent."

Vivienne smiled upon hearing the words: "I get up very early every day and I am used to it."

Su Ming saw that she was washing her shirt, so she grabbed it and said, "I should wash my clothes by myself. You can wash your own."

Vivian whispered after hearing the words: "It's not a problem, let me wash it in 2.3...

When Vivian spoke, she reached out and took the clothes back from Su Ming. Su Ming had to give up when she saw the situation. When Vivian washed the clothes and dried them, the three people gathered for breakfast, and then the three lay down. rest.

According to Su Ming's plan, the action will only start tonight, so the day and day can be used to recharge energy.

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