872: interrogation!

Vivian looked at Su Ming with big seductive eyes, and after a while she whispered: "Su Ming, you, were you talking to a girl just now?

After Vivian said this, her face began to flush. It seemed that asking this question made her feel very shy. Fortunately, under the cover of the night, Su Ming did not see her blushing. Su Ming shook her head when she heard this:

"No. I'm talking to my helper, it's not a girl-why are you asking that?"

Su Ming doesn't know how to describe the gender of elves. Now elves are not even humans. How can there be gender? Of course. The elves have positioned themselves as women, but Su Ming feels that this is still open for discussion.

It is an intelligent system, and men and women are just adding a very subtle code to the program. You can change it anytime you want.

Vivienne lowered her head at this moment, and only listened to her whispered: "I, I thought you were a girl when I heard you call the other fairy...

Su Ming got a headache when he saw her appearance, and he thought to himself: This woman is beginning to be shy again. Are you tired? If I sell apples, I will definitely ask you to advertise!

Although Su Ming thought so in his heart, he said in his mouth: "The name is just a code name, Miss Vivienne, never be confused by appearances. This will affect your ability to judge.

Vivian nodded slightly when she heard the words, Taurus couldn't help but smile. Su Ming turned to see Taurus's smile, and said strangely: "Little Taurus, what are you laughing at?"

Taurus heard this and shook his head with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just a very interesting thing suddenly thought of it."

Su Ming hesitated when he heard this: "Really? Do you still laugh for this reason?"

Taurus smiled but didn't say anything. Vivienne lowered her head at the moment and didn't know what she was thinking. Su Ming felt that both of them were a little abnormal, so she turned her head and ignored them.

The interrogation of the SEAL team continued, and Silver Fox looked a little nervous. He was not caught by the opponent, but his situation was extremely dangerous. There was a crack in the rock about 15 meters away from the SEAL interrogation site.

The silver fox was hiding here. Because the crack in the rock was too small, the seal people did not search carefully. They felt that it was impossible to hide people in such a small space.

However, the Silver Fox got inside. He was really forced to do it. When the seals were clearing the scene, he desperately squeezed in, so that he escaped a catastrophe, but he thought about it again, it is estimated that it is not It's that easy.

...For flowers...

Silver Fox held his breath and dared not make a sound, because there was a SEAL standing on the rock above his head, and there was an interrogation voice not far away:

"Are you from KGB?"

"Are you sure you want to remain silent?"

"Well, may God be with you-bang!"

Obviously, this person was shot because he refused to answer the question, followed by the second one:

"Do you want to be like him?"


"I can give you a chance to survive, as long as you answer my questions, I will give you a new life."

"You, what do you want to ask?"

As soon as the voice fell, another voice shouted: "Waski! What do you want to do! You—"


This voice rang out as soon as gunshots sounded. Obviously, this person was killed for obstructing the interrogation. Only the interrogator said, "Your name is Waski?" Again,

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