873: Free countrymen are not credible!

Seeing "Are you there, those who don’t cooperate, we will let him return to God’s embrace, Waski, you can listen to him, so you will die. You can also cooperate with us, so that you can live, whichever you choose A sort of?"

Another voice sneered when he heard this: "The people of the free country are not worthy of trust, it is already commonplace for them to go back and forth--"


The gunfire sounded "Nine One Zero" again, and the speaker was robbed and killed again. Su Ming on the top of the hill looked at the person in charge of the interrogation so fiercely that he couldn't help but whispered: "It's like this. The psychological line of defense will definitely collapse."

Jinniu said with disdain: "This method has no technical content at all."

At this moment, Vivian thought of the scene of being interrogated by Su Ming and Jin Niu, she couldn't help but shivered, and said in a low voice: "You really have a good way of interrogating others.

Su Ming smiled and said, "That's the culture of the celestial dynasty for thousands of years. The interrogators are naturally more professional than these free countrymen-by the way, how do you think these free countrymen got here?"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "The fastest and most convenient way is to fly by plane. Did they land by air?"

Vivian whispered after hearing the words: "If it is an airborne, how can they go back? But the situation in Yuguo has not been calm.

Even if they are the SEALs, it is difficult to escape when they encounter local armed forces. I think they may have arrived here by helicopter, so that they can sneak in quickly and retreat quickly. "

Taurus thought about it after hearing the words. Then he asked: "If it's a helicopter, I'm afraid there is not enough fuel, right?

Su Ming laughed at the words: "Since the Northern Bears can operate here, the Freedoms are naturally not a problem. There are spies to provide them with logistical support. I don't think fuel is a problem."

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "If this is the case, I think the probability of helicopters will be a little bit higher."

Su Ming was silent for a moment, and then said: "After we get rid of these people, we will go to find their helicopter, and then we will go to Northern Bear Country by helicopter. This will save a lot of time."

Taurus and Vivian nodded in agreement, and then the three of them stopped talking, and waited for Scorpion and Rage to bring people over.

The interrogation of the free countrymen continues.

Commander Slode was about to break through Waski’s last psychological line of defense, but at this moment, a SEAL suddenly walked up to him and whispered in his ear: “Sir, our satellite phones are all lost. Signal, this thing is not normal."

Slod immediately took out his satellite phone and tried it. Sure enough, he found that the satellite phone had no effect. He stood there thinking for a while, and then issued an order: Bring "This guy, kill all the rest!"

The SEALs immediately executed their orders when they heard this. In an instant, the sound of gunshots was endless, and the northern bears who were injured by the shot were all killed. Slod asked when he saw this: "The bomb is installed. Are you there yet?"

The subordinate replied: "It has been installed and can be detonated at any time!"

Slode said with a wave of his hand: "The first and second squads opened the way in front, and the fifth and sixth squads were covering behind. Everyone stayed alert and marched! When we get to a safe distance, we will detonate the bomb!"

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