880: Your Excellency is too arrogant!

Taurus once said that SEALs with more than ten people would pose a threat to him, so naturally there is no fear of less than ten.

After Taurus spoke, he stood up and walked slowly towards the place where the six people were hiding. When Srod heard what Taurus said, he yelled a little bit uncomfortably: "Your Excellency is too arrogant!"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "I can give you a fair chance to fight, as long as you can escape from my hand, I will let you go!"

Sloth was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked: "Is this true?"

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense, I can guarantee your safety, of course,

Slode Runyan thought nervously whether Taurus was lying. After a while, he did not speak. Taurus waited a little impatiently, so he continued:

"You have no choice. You can't run away anyway. I only give you 30 seconds to consider. Once 30 seconds have passed, you will lose your last chance!"

Slode didn't believe Taurus's words were true, but now they are indeed in a desperate situation, there are not many bullets left, and they can't stand a round of consumption. He was silent for a moment, and then said to the other five people:

"You hide here first, I will try to see if he is lying, remember-if I stand up and get shot to death, you will resist to the end!"

After saying this, he wanted to stand up, but a person beside him grabbed him and said, "Sir, let me go!"

It was Georgia, the captain of the first team, who had all died in action, thinking of those good friends who had trained together in the past have all turned into corpses.

He felt extremely sad and angry, no matter what, he wanted to do his part to avenge the players.

Georgia stood up after speaking, and saw him walking towards the Taurus without any fear. While walking, he asked, "I wonder how you would like to sign?"

Taurus saw him come out alone, and said with disdain: "Why are you alone, your companion?"

Georgia sneered after hearing the words: "I am enough to kill you!"

Taurus smiled after hearing the words: "Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you. You can use any equipment on your body."

Georgia continued to sneer after hearing the words: "This is what you said!

After saying this, he quickly took out his pistol and shot at the golden bull, only to hear the continuous sound of gunfire.

In Georgia's impression, the Taurus will be sifted, but the reality is far from his imagination!

Taurus was ten meters away from him. He just started to draw a spear, and Taurus rushed towards him, just when his pistol was pulled out.

The Taurus dashed a distance of five meters. When he raised the gun, the Taurus dashed a distance of three meters again when he pulled the trigger.

Taurus has stretched out his hand to push the barrel away, and as a result, all the bullets shot by Georgia (Nozhao) missed!

Georgia backed back again and again, hoping to take the distance and aim again, but how could Taurus give him this opportunity? I saw Taurus stretch out his hand like lightning and grasp Georgia's wrist.

Then as soon as he exerted force, Georgia's wrist heard a "yesterday" crisp sound, Georgia felt a sudden pain, and could not help but let out a scream.

But just halfway through his scream, he suddenly felt a cold in his neck, and he couldn't make a sound anymore!

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