881: Free country special fighters are desperate!

Georgia stretched his hand to cover his neck. Then he looked down at the other deformed wrist, and a large amount of blood flowed down his neck.

Soon, his extremely unbelievable eyes lost their luster, and then there was a "plop", and Georgia fell face down to the ground without any sound!

This result was within the expectations of Su Ming, Scorpion, and Fury, but the others who saw it were extremely shocked. They had never seen such a fast person.

Georgia's action of drawing a gun is almost to the extreme, from the time he draws the gun to the time the bullet is fired, it definitely does not exceed two seconds, but the Taurus is faster than him!

Especially at the last moment, many people seemed to see something flashing in the moonlight, and then the battle was over. They didn't even see what it was!

It was only in 927 that Sloth saw the whole process through the cracks in the stone. He was shocked, then sorrowful, and finally desperate. Georgia's skill was absolutely powerful.

But in the face of such an opponent, he could not pose a substantive threat to the opponent at all, which made Slote feel ashamed.

Taurus killed Georgia, like doing a very trivial thing, just listen to him solemnly say: "I think it is better for the rest of you to come together, otherwise you will only die one by one."

If single-handedly, these SEALs are not as good as scorpions and others (dacd). Their strength lies in teamwork, especially teamwork equipped with high-tech equipment.

Once they lose the team, a single person will definitely not be the opponent of a person at the level of Scorpion, let alone a person like Taurus.

One by one is indeed dying. If you want to seize the opportunity, you can only go together! Sloder thought of this and said to the other four people: "Let's go together!"

After saying this, the five people stood up together. They held weapons in their hands and walked slowly towards the golden bull, which was almost the same as going to the death penalty field.

Su Ming had already arrived at the moment. He was very careful and did not show his head. Instead, he hid behind a rock. He only heard him whisper to Taurus, "Leave the commander and see if he can buy it over. He is a talent. , It will be very helpful to us."

Taurus nodded when he heard the words: "Okay.

The five SEALs quickly walked in front of Taurus, and Taurus said solemnly: "You can use any weapon. You can survive as long as you kill me."

The five people glanced at each other, and then listened to Slode in a very faint voice: "Everyone waits to disperse, and then shoots. He can only deal with one person at a time, and it is impossible to kill us at the same time."

The other four nodded when they heard the words. Everyone turned their heads to look at Taurus. The atmosphere on the scene instantly became tense. After a while, Sloder yelled: "Attack!

The five people dispersed immediately.

At the same time, they all raised their guns and shot. This method was really effective. At least it made the Taurus feel stressed. The Taurus squatted down like lightning, and then rolled over. The bullets chased his body and hit the ground. , The picture looks very critical.

The Taurus rolled twice, and while rolling, his right hand touched his waist, and then several metal tubes appeared in his palm. Immediately after he rolled over and volleyed into the air, the metal tube in his right hand threw out like lightning!

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