882: Serve me from now on!

"Hush - hush - hush -" three times Menheng came, the other three died immediately fell to the ground, each stuck in a metal pipe on their forehead!

The remaining two people continued to shoot madly, Taurus dodged the bullet in an extremely strange way, and one of them was interrogated by lightning.

A cold light flashed under the moonlight, and the person immediately fell down with his neck hanging on his neck. In the end, Srod was left alone.

His expression looked very surprised. He had never seen such an exaggerated murder method. If he was not holding on, he would immediately turn his head and run away.

"Bang, bang, bang, dazzling, dazzling". Unfortunately, at this time, the bullets in his gun were also out. Srod threw the gun away, took out his dagger and shouted, "Come on! Come on!"

Taurus stood still watching him quietly, unmoved.

When Sloth stopped yelling, Su Ming stood up from behind the stone, and walked to him Scorpion and Fury and said: "Take someone to the southeast to find the fox. Then wait for my call."

Scorpion and Rao nodded when they heard this, and then the two led their men and left. When they were far away, Su Ming suddenly took out a pistol and shot Srod.

After the "bang" gun shot, Slode's dagger fell to the ground. Slode originally thought he would be injured, but after checking it, he found that he was unharmed.

By now, Sloth had no hope of surviving anymore. He didn't pick up the seven poems when they fell on the ground. Su Ming saw his face as gray, so he smiled and said, "Are you from the SEALs?"

Sloth was silent when he heard the words, and Su Ming was not angry. He just listened to him and said: "I know what your mood is now, but all this is inevitable. I can now-give you a way to survive.

If you still want to live, please speak up. If you lose interest in life, then my bullet will run through your head. The choice is yours.

Slode originally thought he would die, but he didn't expect Su Ming to say such a thing. He stayed for a while before he said: "You, are you willing to let me go back?

Of course Slode didn’t want to die. He was just thirty-three years old this year, and his life is still long. Su Ming was not surprised at all. He put down his pistol and said in a deep voice: "I can let you go back, but You have to promise me one condition."

…0 Seeking flowers…

Sloth said nervously: "What conditions?"

Su Ming smiled and said: "This is not difficult for you-I ask you to leave the SEALs after you go back and serve me instead!

Sloth froze for a moment, then hesitated: "To serve you?"

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "I need you to help me train the manpower. It's best to train them to be like your players. This requirement is not too much, right?

Slold was silent for a moment after hearing the words, and then said: "You killed my men and asked me to do things for you. Do you think I would do this?"

Su Ming said without comment: "I know you feel very uncomfortable, and this change is indeed a bit big, but you don't need to blame yourself for it.

People have to look forward. The past is over. Why can't you let it go?

In this way, I can give you half a year to consider carefully. If you are unwilling to serve me after half a year, I will let him end your life. "

Su Ming pointed at the Taurus while speaking, Slode turned his head and glanced at the two of them, and then said, "Do you believe me that way? Are you afraid that I will seek refuge in the army?"

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