883: Turn your face and don't recognize people? Do you have the guts?

Su Ming laughed and said, "You can turn your face and deny you when you go back, but I hope you think about it clearly. If you really do this, what will happen to your family?"

Sloth said sharply: "Don't mess around! This matter has nothing to do with them!"

Su Ming said in a solemn voice: "Of course I know that they are innocent, so I will tell you that. Otherwise, I can arrest them and threaten you. The conditions of the "9/27" are still very good. Generous--

I can give you an annual salary of five million U.S. dollars, which is many times more than what you earn in the army, right?

In this way your family can live a good life, they will be very happy, and your life value can be realized, why not do it?"

Su Ming only mentioned Srod's family slightly, and this guy was very excited, obviously. He should be a caring person, this is where his weakness lies.

Su Ming is naturally going to make a big fuss about this. On the one hand, he made a small threat, and on the other hand, he paid a lot of money and painted a very beautiful future for Srod.

With both hard and soft, he didn't believe that Srod would remain unshakable.

Sure enough, Sroder was silent for a while and then said: "The SEALs are not so easy to withdraw, let's talk about it.

My men are all dead. If I go back alone, what do you think the military will think?"

When Sloder said this, he had already acquiesced to Su Ming's words. Su Ming said in a solemn voice: "This is easy to handle. After you go back, you can tell your superiors that you have encountered an ambush.

The Northern Bear people set up a trap for you to drill, and you took the people to fight back desperately, and you did what you entrusted to blow up the fighter plane, and then you retreated while fighting.

In order to cover you, the subordinates passed the news back, and they all died in battle. Isn't this a feasible rhetoric?

As for how you should withdraw from the SEALs, this one is even simpler.

You can say that because the death psychology of the people under them has been greatly traumatized, and they are no longer suitable for any position in the military, hasn't the free country's military always been people-oriented?

Believe that they will not embarrass a person like you. "

Slode was silent for a while, and then said: "There is a flaw in this. Why do the military believe that the Northern Bear nation set a trap?

Our action this time is extremely confidential, except for a limited number of people, no one else knows what we are here for...0

Even the Batan who helped us don’t know. Since the news has not been leaked, why should the military believe my claim?"

Su Ming smiled after hearing the words, "You guys came here by helicopter, right?"

Sloth was taken aback when he heard this, and then he hesitated: "How did you know?"

Su Ming then laughed and said, "It is not difficult to guess this. If you are flying from Batan, then the helicopter will not be able to fly back without refueling.

In this way, someone must provide you with fuel. Can you tell me who this person is?"

Slode is not stupid, he immediately understood what Su Ming meant: 2.3 "Do you want to start from this person?

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, do you know what his name is?"

After hearing the words, Sloth pondered for a moment, and finally said: "It is a woman who provides us with oil. I don't know what her name is."

Su Ming then asked, "Is there anything special about her? For example, her looks?"

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