911: This is style!

Although one billion dollars is a lot, it is far from enough to buy the scientific research equipment listed on the list. According to Su Ming's lowest estimate, these equipment can only be purchased at five billion dollars.

Hearing Suykhov's words like this at the moment, Su Ming thought that this guy felt that the money was insufficient, so he paused and said, "If it is too small, I will add another 200 million dollars!"

Suikhov was completely dumbfounded when he heard this, and it took a long time before he nodded and said: "Then...

The verbal purchase agreement was reached. Su Ming saved a lot of money. Naturally, he was very happy. He smiled and said, "This is a hard work for you. To express my gratitude to you, I will pay you 3 million. U.S. dollars as compensation.

Suykhov received such a huge income and immediately nodded and bowed his waist: "Thank you, boss, it's getting late, let me invite you to the best hotel in Moss City for a meal!"

At 12:30 noon, Suykhov and Su Ming walked into the Kartirina Hotel, which is the most advanced hotel in Moss City and even the entire Northern Bear Country.

The receptions here are usually high-ranking officials and dignitaries, Suikhov is now a hot character,

When he revealed his identity, the manager of the hotel immediately went into battle to provide personal services to several people. This is a middle-aged woman in her thirties.

She walked up to Suykhov with a smile, and said: "Mr. Suykhov, there is a private room upstairs, how many people should go to the private room to eat?"

Suykhov is still very stylish in front of outsiders. When he heard this, he nodded slightly and said with an expression on his face: "Well, let's go to the private room.

A group of people walked into the private room, and the manager immediately took the menu and said diligently: "Sir, you can order whatever you want. I will treat you to this meal today.

Suykhov waved his hand when he heard the words: "No need to do this, I have to pay for the meal myself."

After saying this, he handed the menu to Su Ming, and then said: "You go out first, and we will call you after we order."

When the manager went out, Suykhov said to Su Ming: "Boss, you can order whatever you want to eat. Don't be polite.

Where did Su Ming know the dishes of Northern Bear Country, after looking at it for a while, he returned the menu to Suykhov and said, "You should order it. I am not familiar with the food here.

Suykhov thought for a moment after hearing the words, and then said: "Then let's order some special dishes."

Twenty minutes later, the waiter at the hotel began to serve dishes. Su Ming and others could not help but move their index fingers when they saw a large amount of meat.

Suykhov's phone rang, he got on the phone with a little puzzlement, and then asked, "Karlov, are you looking for me?"

Karlov's voice was a little anxious: "Supervisor, the Sukhoi Research Institute has been surrounded by researchers. They heard that they were selling scientific research equipment, and they seemed very angry. Look?"

Suykhov was stunned when he heard this. Su Ming asked when he saw this: "What happened (no promise)?"

Sukhov said what Karlov had said, Su Ming thought for a while before hearing the words, and then said: "How many people are there in Sukhoi Research?"

Suikhoff thought for a while, and then said: "About 15,000 people, boss, why are you asking about this?"

Su Ming laughed and said, "Actually, I had expected that these people would not agree to it. Although you have a lot of power, it is not suitable to suppress these people."

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